Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 204 Caught a fly

Chapter 204 Caught a fly (2)
The elders were quite surprised when they saw Feng Qianyun's actions just now. They were not there yesterday, and they have never seen Feng Qianyun using that move. They just thought that what Feng Qianyun used today was a normal move. .

But even that move was enough to surprise them.

This girl... the last time I saw her fighting Baili Bing, she had no choice but to escape, but now it seems that there is a big gap.

Is it really a master of outsiders?Even the teacher who came to teach her was subdued by her!
Everyone was very surprised by Feng Qianyun's performance today.

Cao Zihui thought, sure enough, this girl is not simple, it seems that dealing with her is more troublesome than imagined.

Originally, he thought that the situation was almost done, and the princelings were in full swing now, and the destruction of the Black Dragon Gang was just around the corner, and it was time to close the net.

But the appearance of this girl has become an anomaly, and such an anomaly may change the whole situation.

The solution is to get rid of this girl as soon as possible, and strangle her to death in the cradle before she grows up!
"You won, but let's take a rest first." Feng Xueyi's eyes took a special look at Feng Qianyun's two feet, the ankles were obviously swollen.

Feng Qianyun sat on the seat beside the training ground for a while, and not long after she sat down, Long Yutian came over with an ice bag.

He walked up to Feng Qianyun, squatted down, and helped her take off her shoes. He saw that not only Feng Qianyun's ankle was severely swollen, but her entire calf was also swollen.

The two days of overloaded training was a great challenge for Feng Qianyun. Even if Feng Qianyun had a body stronger than normal, she might not be able to withstand such a toss.

Long Yutian put ice on her, "Do you want to rest for a day?"

Long Yutian himself came here in this way, so he knew what kind of training Feng Qianyun had endured, and he was younger than Feng Qianyun at that time.

But to be honest, he didn't learn as fast as Feng Qianyun.

At that time, he learned Kung Fu from Feng Xueyi's father from his father's family. As expected of father and son, they train people with the same degree of rigor.

"No need." Feng Qianyun felt a little awkward watching Long Yutian apply ice to herself. Usually, the concentration of Long Da monster is for his work. It is rare to see him so focused on other people. local.

"Don't be brave, the training in the next few days will only be more severe, and you won't have a chance to breathe." Long Yutian reminded Feng Qianyun.

"You also grew up under this kind of training?" Feng Qianyun knew that since these trainings were aimed at her, the "Miss of the Long Family", Long Yutian must have experienced it too.

Long Yutian nodded, "In order to cultivate more resolute offspring, the children of the Long family must go through this process." Especially boys, they have to grow up in harsh training since they were young, and they must have the ability to protect themselves.

Not far away, Feng Xueyi also held a cloth bag with ice cubes in his hand, watching Long Yutian apply ice compresses to Feng Qianyun from afar, and then looked at the ice cubes in his hand, a little self-deprecating.

At the end of Feng Qianyun's training, the elders who came to watch the situation of "Miss" had already left a lot. Long Yutian left early in the morning because he had something to deal with.

The others also left, but there was one person who didn't leave right away. Cao Zihui bypassed the CCTV of Long's Mansion and followed Feng Qianyun into the room.

Cao Zihui is a veteran of two generations, and the number of times he has entered and exited the Long family mansion is countless. If he intends to avoid the security system in the house, then the security system will not be able to do anything to him.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening, Feng Qianyun returned to the room.

Feng Qianyun walked to the bed, where Lie Que was lying.

"The bath water has been set for you, go in and soak for a while." Lie Que said to Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun laughed, "You are really getting more and more virtuous!"

"Go, there's a fly outside, I'll help you get rid of it." Lieqie smiled faintly.

Feng Qianyun narrowed her eyes, who would follow her?
Now Long Yutian is not here, because there are only her and Long Yutian living here. Although there are many people guarding the outside of the house, there is no one in the house. Aunt Wang who cooks for his mother is usually only downstairs. The kitchen and living room are active, and few people come upstairs.

No one else is allowed to come and go freely in the Long family mansion, except for her and Long Yutian, only the veterans present today can come and go freely.

"It seems that there will be an unexpected harvest today." Feng Qianyun smiled wickedly.

"Go in, I'm here." Lie Que also had a faint smile on his lips.

Here I am - is a reassuring word.

Feng Qianyun packed up her clothes and planned to go to the bathroom.

Lie Que suddenly called out, "Ghost, come here."

So the ghost on Feng Qianyun's ear ran down, in fact, Guigui wished to be with Lie Que.

"Brother Lie Que, what did you call me for?" Guigui ran towards Lie Que in a desperate manner.

"I need your help with something." Lie Que said.

These words made Guigui amused, "Yeah, Guigui will definitely help Brother Lie Que!"

Poor ghost, I didn't know that someone called him down because he didn't want him to go in and watch a woman take a bath!
Cao Zihui thinks that his cultivation base is deep, and Long Yutian is not a big trouble, so he can take advantage of this time to deal with Feng Qianyun, a half-bad guy.

So what if it's a good seedling, anyone can destroy it before it grows enough to withstand the wind and rain!

Cao Zihui sneered, but he didn't know that his actions had already been discovered by a man in the room.

Of course Cao Zihui would not go through the main entrance, he went around outside Feng Qianyun's room, intending to enter Feng Qianyun's room from the balcony.

Everything went smoothly, Cao Zihui entered Feng Qianyun's room from the balcony, the room was empty, Cao Zihui was wondering, when he saw a child come out from under the bed.

Seeing Cao Zihui, Guigui smiled and ran to him.

"Grandpa, why did you come in here? Did you come to play with me?" No matter how you look at it from any angle, Guigui is an innocent and cute child, so small that he couldn't be younger.

Such a small child can barely walk, right?
Cao Zihui wondered why there was a little boy in Feng Qianyun's room.

"Who are you?" Probably because what he did was not glorious, Cao Zihui's vigilance became very high, and he deliberately backed away, keeping a distance from Guigui.

(End of this chapter)

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