Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 215 Aww, take charge

Chapter 215 Aww, take charge (1)
His best partner's breasts must be spectacular, otherwise, if it doesn't meet his aesthetics, he will belong to the Appearance Association!
The little daughter-in-law is not satisfied with such an important one for him.

Other than the little daughter-in-law... Han Mojue thought for a long time, but he really couldn't find such a template.

"Haven't you ever fantasized about it before? Do you need to think about it for so long?" Feng Qianyun looked at Han Mojue who had been thinking for a long time, and couldn't help interrupting him.

"Ahem... Am I that kind of man? Who can fantasize about such things every day!" Han Mojue refused to admit that the shadow of Feng Qianyun suddenly appeared in his mind just now, "Well, little daughter-in-law, instead of giving I'm worried, why don't you care about your breasts, girls, it's better to have bigger breasts!"

"My breasts? Don't worry, they will grow up, the time has not come yet, but you, do you need aphrodisiac medicine, I have a prescription with good effect here!" Feng Qianyun took a special look at Han Mojue's Lower body.

Her naked eyes made Han Mojue want to find a quilt to wrap himself tightly, and block her gaze.

"No need! Not at all!" Han Mojue thought that he didn't need to do such unnecessary things, "Hmph, I'm fine!"

"Really don't want it? The effect is very good. I plan to wait for Qiaoxi Village to get it done. After preparing a pharmaceutical factory, the first thing to be produced is this aphrodisiac medicine." Feng Qianyun really has this It is planned, some medicines are destined to be hot sellers, such as breast enhancement medicines and aphrodisiac medicines that are really safe and effective.

You say that the production of cold medicine will weaken or fail directly due to the continuous updating of influenza viruses, but this kind of medicine is an eternal need of human beings.

"Are you serious? If you are serious, I will naturally support you to the end. I believe in your ability and your judgment." Han Mojue is not joking now. When it comes to business, he still Has a serious side.

"I have some finished products in my hand. How about you go to the nightclub with me today and ask someone to try it out?" Although Feng Qianyun knew the recipe, she hadn't practiced it. It wasn't that she didn't want to practice it, but she really didn't have the opportunity to practice it. Is it okay to use aphrodisiac medicine for her?

"Okay, I'll go with you." Han Mojue couldn't let Feng Qianyun go to nightclubs alone.Although she is only 13 years old, if she goes to school normally, she is now in the sixth grade or the first grade of junior high school, but there are so many perverts now, who can guarantee that no one will want to attack her.

What's more, he also needs to work part-time as her driver.

If Han Mojue expected that he himself would be the one to test the medicine in the end, even if he knew there was danger ahead waiting for Feng Qianyun, he would not go there!
Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue entered a nightclub. At night, when the nightclub was bustling, it was a good place for people of all kinds to hunt for sex, and a place where one-night stands were common.

There are people between the ages of 48 and [-], and the range is very wide.

Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue didn't come here to hunt for beauty, nor did they come to find a one-night stand, so they didn't stay downstairs for a long time, but went directly to the second floor. From the second floor to the fourth floor were all guest rooms. The fourth floor is a VIP room, and the rest are ordinary rooms. Generally, those who have a VIP room often come here to find a one-night stand.

And the ones in other rooms appear occasionally.

Just as Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue were about to go upstairs, they were stopped by someone. Han Mojue gave 300 yuan to the person who stopped them. The person looked at Feng Qianyun who was walking with Han Mojue, and handed the Giving Han Mojue a room card for an ordinary room, probably because he was used to seeing all kinds of people, so he didn't have any doubts about the young Feng Qianyun.

Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun went upstairs, instead of entering the room directly, they looked around because they wanted someone to test the medicine.

Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue wandered around the corridor, and basically determined which rooms had people, which rooms had no people, and which rooms had already started to stage hot scenes...

Then, the two went to their own room.

One side of the room is a large floor-to-ceiling window, and two people can climb out of the floor-to-ceiling window on their own side and climb out of other people's rooms without too much effort.

The two were hanging outside someone else's room. Inside, a man and a woman were kissing passionately, dragging each other's clothes while kissing.

It was one thing for Han Mojue to expect to see these things, but it was quite another when this scene actually happened before his eyes.

There are two blushes on his face, and his beautiful face is quite attractive.

"Little daughter-in-law, close your eyes quickly!" Han Mojue thought that such a scene should not be seen by Feng Qianyun, it would spoil her.

"Why, don't you watch how I inject the medicine later?" Feng Qianyun retorted, although she would also feel a little embarrassed, after all, it's one thing to see this kind of thing on TV, and another time to see it with her own eyes and there was a man beside him at this time.

"No, you must close your eyes, and leave it to me when you inject the medicine!" Han Mojue thought, no matter what, he should not let Feng Qianyun watch it anymore, he must firmly defend it. Her reputation!

Feng Qianyun thought about it, okay, then let him come, Feng Qianyun took the medicine to Han Mojue, and at the same time saw his flushed cheeks, "Are you sure you can? Your face Very red."

"That's because it's too hot outside! It has nothing to do with seeing those two people in the room. I'm already a battle-hardened man, why would I blush for such a thing!" Han Mojue beat him to death He didn't admit that he was actually shy, he held the pill that Feng Qianyun gave him, and planned to throw the pill into the mouth of the busy man in the room. Although the distance was a bit far, Han Mojue thought he would still OK.

However, he watched for a long time, the man has been kissing the woman in his arms, even if he can aim, he can't throw it into his mouth, his mouth is blocked!
Han Mojue blushed more and more as he watched, and he had to watch again, otherwise how would he know when the time came, if he missed it, the two people inside would go to the next stage, and he was even more reluctant to see it!
Han Mojue bit the bullet, holding the medicine in his hand, gesticulating, planning to strike at any time.

He waited for so long that he was sweating.

Feng Qianyun waited for a long time but Han Mojue didn't make a move. She seemed a little strange looking at him, so she approached him, wanting to see if he was sick, "Han Mojue..."

Feng Qianyun had just called a name, and Han Mojue, who was tense up, was startled by Feng Qianyun, and then...the medicine in his hand was not thrown into the room, but into his own mouth!
(End of this chapter)

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