Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 314 Leave it to me

Chapter 314 Leave it to me (1)
Han Zhengtao was feeling emotional, who knew that Han Mojue came back with Feng Qianyun again.

"Dad, lend us a night's sleep tonight."

It was getting dark outside, and the little daughter-in-law had been running around for a whole day. People needed to rest, and he didn't want her to be so tired.

And it's not enough for him and his little wife to get it done, they still have to wait for news from other people.

"Isn't your room tidy for you?" Han Zhengtao felt sweet as hell when he heard the long-lost "Dad".

"That's my room, and where is my little wife's?"

"You've called yourself a little daughter-in-law, so of course I'll share a room with you." Han Zhengtao asked his servant to bring him today's latest newspaper, and sat on the sofa to read the newspaper leisurely.

"Little daughter-in-law is a little daughter-in-law, don't think too much, she's not your daughter-in-law!"

"What's the difference? Does my son have another wife?"

"Nothing else!" Han Mojue immediately denied it, but after thinking about it, he felt wrong, "Damn old man, don't take me into a ditch!"

"I know you're embarrassed, don't worry, there are plenty of rooms at home, and you can accommodate as many wives as you bring. But aren't you in a hurry to convince the other two? Is it okay to stay for one night?"

"We still have companions, and they are responsible for persuading the other two." Although I was a little worried about Long Yutian and Wu Xiaohan's team, at least give them some time, otherwise they would look down on them.

"Hehe, the brat has more friends now." This is a good thing, Han Zhengtao hopes that Han Mojue will make a lot of life-and-death friends.

"It's long-winded, have you reached menopause? Or are you dissatisfied with your desires, do you want me to help you find some girls?"

"You son of a bitch, don't follow me. If you have the ability, you can marry me and show me."

Well, Han Mojue has no skills... Marriage is too far away... I don't even know where the other half is...

Feng Qianyun could tell that the father and son had the same virtue!
Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue rested at Han's house for one night, and they went out at dawn the next day. Han Zhengtao sent a driver and his special car to see them off.

In the special car assigned to them by Han Zhengtao.

"Little daughter-in-law, look, they haven't sent us a text message yet. It seems that we are the first one to complete the task!" Han Mojue said with awe.

Before Han Mojue could get enough, Feng Qianyun replied slowly, "If some people confess earlier, we can save this trip."

Han Zhengtao is your father, or a father who loves you, can this not be easy?

Han Mojue was wounded, so he shut up and didn't speak. Didn't he communicate with the old man?Besides, he kept it from her for so long, he was afraid that she would dislike him if he said it!Well, he knew she must have disliked him, woo woo woo...

"Then little daughter-in-law, shall we take care of them now?" There is plenty of time now, and it is also possible to take care of them.

"We don't need to worry about Lie Que and Xia Wufeng. If those two people can't handle it, then we should give up. I'm more worried about Long Yutian and Wu Xiaohan. Although their strength is not bad, in M In terms of the city, they are all first-class masters, but this is Yanjing, there are many masters whose strength is far beyond our imagination hidden here, and what they have to face is a lieutenant general. It's the same as your father, it's probably enough."

Faced with this situation, it depends on whether Long Yutian can outsmart them. If not, it will be a trouble. It has been a day, and I don't know what kind of actions they have taken.

"I met Uncle Ouyang a few times when I was a child, but I didn't have a good impression of him. He was not kind to the younger generation, and I heard that his private life was quite corrupt. Some people reported that he was corrupt before, but then nothing happened. But he is quite capable, not to mention a lot of achievements, and his own strength is also quite good. If he is an opponent, he will be a very difficult person." Han Mojue probably only knows this, "I should have known it earlier. Ask the old man more."

Generally speaking, Ouyang Pu is a great hero with a series of minor problems. Even if such a person is involved in something in the military department, it is estimated that his superiors will turn a blind eye.

It sounds like this Ouyang Pu is not a person who can reason with Long Yutian and the others. Feng Qianyun thought that since Ouyang Pu and Han Zhengtao belonged to the "three-person association", to put it bluntly, they were people on the same boat, so Asked Han Mojue, "Han Meiren, your father didn't do anything bad, did he?"

"Nonsense, of course not. That's my father. Can I let him spend money?"

Listen to this, why are you so dragging?

Well, she admitted that he has the capital to pull this off.

So now they have decided where they are going next, go to Ouyang Pu to see how Long Yutian and the others are doing.

"Mr. Driver, please send us to Lieutenant General Ouyang Pu." Feng Qianyun said to the driver driving in front, because it was Han Zhengtao's special driver, and he was also a soldier, with a serious expression on his face. The kind of person who obeys completely.

The car hadn't reached the place where Ouyang Pu lived, something happened a long way away.

"Little daughter-in-law, what's the situation over there?" Han Mojue saw through the car window that black and purple smoke filled the direction of Ouyang Pu's house.

"It seems that we came a little late, something happened, it should be poisonous gas." Feng Qianyun judged calmly.

"Poison gas? Where did the poison gas come from? Even Uncle Ouyang Pu is not allowed to use poison gas?" This is an ordinary residential area, more precisely, a wealthy area. The use of poison gas in this kind of place is expressly prohibited Things, even lieutenant generals in the army have no such authority.

"It's not Ouyang Pu, it's Wu Xiaohan." Feng Qianyun said, "Wu Xiaohan is from the poisonous Wu family. Her right hand is a poisonous hand. She usually wears a special glove to prevent the poison on her hand from hurting others. Her That right hand can release all kinds of poisons according to her own wishes. Practicing poisonous kung fu is the ancestral profession of their poisonous hand, the Wu family, but using the poison on such a large scale even caused the poisonous smoke to fill the air. It seems that the situation is really serious.”

Feng Qianyun knows that although Wu Xiaohan looks headstrong, she is actually very delicate in her thoughts, and she can distinguish between the serious and the serious at critical moments, and she will not joke about her own life and Long Yutian's, so it must have happened at Ouyang Pu's house. something happened.

"Can our car drive directly to Ouyang Pu's house?" Feng Qianyun asked the brother soldier who was driving.

(End of this chapter)

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