Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 322 Goodbye in the provincial capital

Chapter 322 Goodbye in the provincial capital
The day of September is the time for new students to start school.

In the provincial capital of province Z, the university town is very lively with people coming and going, because the freshmen's registration makes the weather even hotter.

In a coffee shop next to the university town, there is a beautiful gentleman who is drinking coffee elegantly. He wears a pure white high-end shirt, black suit pants, fine and stylish short hair, and his delicate skin seems to be fine suet jade. The neckline reveals a part of the collarbone, which is indescribably sexy, the hand holding the coffee cup is slender and powerful, and the gold Rolex watch on the wrist is obviously valuable.

All of this made him the most dazzling part of the entire coffee shop.

All the female college students who came and went cast amazed glances at that person. It was the first time I saw such a beautiful boy. This is not autumn, it is clearly spring.

As a result, the business of the coffee shop is twice as good as usual.

Many girls were looking at the man, and wanted to go up and ask him if he had a girlfriend, and leave a phone number or something by the way.

It's just that the man's eyes seemed to stay on the magazine in front of him, his elegant posture, that beautiful figure was so sacred and inviolable.

Just when the girls were hesitating and wondering whether they should go up to strike up a conversation, a girl rushed in. The girl was wearing two rustic whips, a pair of thick black-rimmed glasses, and a street clothes. Carrying a messy old schoolbag.

However, this girl ran up to that beautiful man, and chatted with him so familiarly that she broke many glasses lenses.

"God, Mr. Han, you actually cut your long hair short!" Shang Xiaoye stared straight at Han Mojue's hair. It turned out that Han Mojue's hair was half-length, almost reaching the position of his shoulders. It's more enchanting, and now it's even more handsome when it's cut short, although he has always been the spokesperson of the country.

Han Mojue smiled. In fact, he didn't want to cut it, but he had to work next, so he cut his hair short to look more in line with his profession.

"By the way, hasn't Yunyun arrived yet? I haven't seen her for more than two months, and I miss her!" Shang Xiaoye said resentfully.

Because Feng Qianyun was recommended, she didn't even take the college entrance examination, so she went back to City H to accompany her mother, and by the way concentrated on teaching Lu Dafeng and Yi Che medical skills.

Shang Xiaoye has been working as a tutor to subsidize the family for more than two months. The process has been smooth, at least she has saved her first year's tuition.

With her excellent grades, Shang Xiaoye also got into Z University, and she is also one of the top financial majors in Z University.

"I haven't seen her for two months."

"That's right, why have you been there for more than two months? Why don't you go to City H with Yunyun, and meet her mother by the way." Undoubtedly, in Shang Xiaoye's eyes, Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun It's a couple.As for the man Lie Que, Shang Xiaoye has no impression of him, only met him a few times, he is mysterious, shouldn't a woman choose a man who is reliable?Those who can only be seen from a distance but not played with are more suitable to be idols. This idol and living together are two different things.

"Go find yourself a job," Han Mojue smiled mysteriously, and then teased Shang Xiaoye, "Where's your Ouyang Zhimin? Why didn't you come here with you?"

As for Ouyang Zhimin, he surprised everyone. He thought that this second generation ancestor must have spent a sum of money to go to a junior college. Who knew that his last semester of senior year was like a man who had not touched a book for several years. He even began to chew on the book, and when the results of the college entrance examination came out, he even got a second book on his tail. These two books are far from famous universities, but they are still a decent undergraduate university.

Not only the teachers at the school surprised Ouyang Zhimin, even Ouyang Zhimin's father Dong Lixi and stepmother Ouyang Jiajia were also shocked. Because of Ouyang Zhimin's exam, his parents' attitude towards him was slightly better, because Ouyang Zhimin Jiajia is quite old and still has no children. Maybe Ouyang Zhimin will be the only son of the two of them in this life.

So during the more than two months of summer vacation, Dong Lixi and Ouyang Jiajia arranged for Ouyang Zhimin to go to their company for an internship, and gave him a chance to exercise. Who knew that Ouyang Zhimin was not playful at all during the internship, and worked seriously Well, some old people in the company are still full of praise for Ouyang Zhimin.

Speaking of Cao Cao, when Cao Cao arrived, Ouyang Zhimin hurried in, and rushed over as soon as he saw Shang Xiaoye.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't find a parking place just now!" Ouyang Zhimin hurriedly apologized to Han Mojue and Shang Xiaoye.

If Han Mojue's haircut was considered a change, Ouyang Zhimin changed his look from head to toe, or how can we say that love is great.

"Huh, just like you, you still study at a teacher's school, be careful to make your students laugh at you in the future!" Shang Xiaoye complained mercilessly to Ouyang Zhimin.

That's right, the second school that Ouyang Zhimin studied was a normal university, and Ouyang Zhimin studied Chinese!Chinese Department, there is no such thing!Isn't that more exciting than the head of an anti-gay organization announcing that he's coming out?This surprise is no less than the transformation of a woman who scratched her head and posed for public favor into an intellectual woman.

Can you imagine a school boy with colorful hair, tattered jeans, earrings, and sloppy schoolboys who used to be wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a dark suit, holding textbooks and giving lectures to his classmates? Chinese teacher?
But I have to admit that Ouyang Zhimin's background is quite good, and he is quite handsome in such a dress, he is a sunny boy.

"By the way, where is Boss Yunyun? Hasn't she arrived yet? Didn't we agree that our foursome will gather here today? In order to meet her today, I even put on my cologne before going out today, so that I can be [-]% beautiful Let her give me a good compliment." Ouyang Zhimin said beautifully, although with Han Mojue, he is much inferior, but he does not compare with this kind of man with good innate genes, he compares himself with his past self Is the head office all right?

"Yunyun said it was ten o'clock, and it's only 09:30 now. She won't be late, so let's wait." Han Mojue continued to drink coffee elegantly and read magazines.

The other people rushing to Han Mojue vomited, regretting not going up to strike up a conversation earlier, there are so many people now, how can they strike up a conversation!

Also, where did that rustic woman come from, why should she sit with two handsome men?It seems to be quite familiar, no, I must hook up with that girl later!
When the high-speed train came into the station, a young girl got up and took off her suitcase from above. The girl was wearing sunglasses and her dress was simple. The slim jeans and a white shirt that was also slim fit perfectly outlined the With her upturned buttocks and full breasts, although she is not tall, she is well-proportioned, a typical oriental beauty, although she is still a little younger.

This girl is Feng Qianyun.

"Shall I help you?" The man sitting next to Feng Qianyun saw that Feng Qianyun was a little girl, so he went to help her carry the heavy suitcase.

"Thank you." Feng Qianyun nodded slightly. In fact, she didn't need his help... Forget it, I won't explain.

"Are you alone?" The man asked again after taking down the suitcase and handing it to Feng Qianyun.


"Come to the provincial capital to study in junior high school?"

"It's for school, but it's not junior high school."

"What about high school?" But she didn't look that old.

"Not at all."

"Elementary school?" That means the development is too good.

Why did he guess everything, but he didn't guess the correct answer?

Feng Qianyun smiled faintly, "University." After leaving two words, Feng Qianyun took her suitcase and strode out of the high-speed train carriage.

Feng Qianyun looked at the time, it was 09:30, and he should be able to catch up by calling directly.

Just as Feng Qianyun came out of the station, suddenly a middle-aged man rushed towards her, grabbed her wrist, and took her hand to take her away.

"I have found you! You thief, you stole my car and thought you would be fine if you came to the provincial capital?" The man yelled loudly while pulling Feng Qianyun away. She looked angry, as if Feng Qianyun had really stolen his car.

Of course, Feng Qianyun had never seen this middle-aged man before.

"Who are you, sir?" Feng Qianyun asked calmly.

"Stop pretending, it's you who stole my car, and I'll take you to the police station right now!" the man yelled, about to take Feng Qianyun away.

The people around looked at what happened to Feng Qianyun, including the security guards here, but no one stepped forward.

Feng Qianyun curled her lips into a smile, and she finally understood that this man is a human trafficker, seeing that she was alone, so he came up to pull her, the words he yelled made others misunderstand that she was a car thief, and that man The man came to arrest her and take her to the police station. Naturally, no one would bother with this matter. Once she left the crowd, she, a little girl, could only be slaughtered by this man.

"You said you know me, so tell me what's my name?" Feng Qianyun was neither in a hurry to break free from the man, nor in a hurry to defend herself, but just dragged the man so that he could not take her away successfully, Feng Qianyun Qian Yun didn't want a man to take her away, of course a man couldn't take her away.

"You bitch, don't play tricks. You tricked me into sleeping with me. While I was asleep, you stole my car keys and drove the car away. You bitch will recognize me even if I turn into ashes!" Seeing that Feng Qianyun was so calm, the man was also shocked. In order to cover up, the man cursed Feng Qianyun louder, taking the opportunity to avoid Feng Qianyun's question.

"There are similarities in this world, but ID cards can't fool people. Tell me, what's my name, and by the way, tell me what month and date your car was lost, did you call the police, and did you register?" Feng Qian Yun Yun said unhurriedly, with a confident smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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