Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 334 Is she an orthodox bloodline descendant?

Chapter 334 Is she an orthodox bloodline descendant? (1)
Feng Qianyun rubbed her poor forehead, "Okay, okay, I get it, I won't doubt your ability next time, you are an invincible King Kong, even if you are 80 or [-] years old, you can still do it ten times a night, okay?"

"Boom!" Feng Qianyun's forehead was traumatized again.

"I've already praised you, but you still bully me?" Feng Qianyun said with some dissatisfaction.

"It's too exaggerated."

"You're asking too much." She praised her ten times a night and she's still not satisfied. Do you want twenty times?That way the body will be broken!

"Little girl, don't think about such nasty things anymore. I'll save this kind of thing for you to think about when you grow up." Lie Que stipulated.

"That's not okay, my brain is not very obedient, it wants to think, I can't stop it. Also, you kissed and hugged me, and you made me purer, so fake!" Feng Qianyun complained. , Who was it that kissed and hugged her when she was a little girl?

"I'm an exception."

"Why are you an exception?" Why?

"I said."

Feng Qianyun thought, you are too domineering, you are the one who dictates everything! "I'm going out tomorrow night to do some errands, and I'm not sure when I'll be back."

"Do you want to do something bad?" Lie Que really understood Feng Qianyun, and he said it right.

"I'm going to a pharmaceutical factory to shoot something, secretly."

"Do you need my help?"

"No, don't you have anything else to do recently?"

"Yes, but it's not in a hurry. A boss has the right to give himself a vacation, and he also has the right to push all his work to other people."

Your boss is in front of you, it's a little comfortable!

Dong Lixi was taken away from the school by an ambulance. No matter how you look at it from any angle, Dong Lixi was beaten by someone.

Even the people from the hospital helped him to call the police. Who would have thought that after the police came, Dong Lixi insisted that he had fallen and injured himself, and never mentioned anything about Feng Qianyun.

Dong Lixi could only suffer from being dumb this time, because he couldn't afford to mess with that girl.

It just so happened that he lived in the same hospital with his wife Ouyang Jiajia who was still hospitalized because of a miscarriage. Ouyang Jiajia's miscarriage shocked the Ouyang family who hadn't contacted them twice throughout the year.

Because of the old lady's personal arrival, Ouyang Shiyin and Du Qingyan also followed.

Now they are not in Ouyang Jiajia's ward but in Dong Lixi's.

Although the people of the Ouyang family are very dissatisfied with Dong Lixi, Dong Lixi is the son-in-law of their Ouyang family no matter what, and now that he is injured like this, and they happen to be here, they have to ask more or less, just as a show .

"What the hell did you do? How could someone beat you like this? You don't even believe it!" Du Qingyan said proudly with her arms folded.

Du Qingyan is sixteen or seventeen years younger than Ouyang Shiyin, and is only in her 20s now. Although she gave birth to a son for Ouyang's family less than a year ago, her figure has recovered very well, and now she is wearing the clothes she wore before giving birth again. Sexy clothes, nothing like motherhood.

"What's going on?" After pondering for a while, Ouyang Shiyin also opened his mouth. This man is Feng Qianyun's father. Yes, who has been in a high position all year round, he is a kind of leader when he speaks.

Dong Lixi looked at Ouyang Shiyin, hesitating whether to tell him about Feng Qianyun. After all, the girl who had been expelled from the Ouyang family carried the blood of the Ouyang family. It would be a big loss, right?
Ouyang Shiyin could see Dong Lixi's hesitation to speak, "Just tell me what you want, you and Jiajia have been married for almost ten years, your business is our Ouyang family's business."

It's been ten years, and no matter how much you oppose it, it's a foregone conclusion.

"Brother, is it true that the blood of the Ouyang family is only passed on to men and not to women?" Dong Lixi hesitated for a long time, and chose a starting point.

"That's right." Ouyang Shiyin replied with certainty, "In the past dynasties, only men inherited. Why do you ask this? It's not something you can ask about."

His surname is Dong, not Ouyang.

"Is there nothing in case?" Dong Lixi was sure that Feng Qianyun possessed such ability.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Ouyang Shiyin didn't think that Dong Lixi only asked this question.

"I saw Yunyun yesterday..." Dong Lixi said.

Hearing Dong Lixi mentioning Feng Qianyun, Ouyang Shiyin frowned, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart, "So what?" He asked indifferently, even if he had already left home, it was you My daughter, how much should I care about it?
"She has Tiangang vitality on her body." Dong Lixi continued.

"What did you say?" This time Ouyang Shiyin's brows were frowned even tighter, and it became a Sichuan character.

"I saw her use the healing ability with my own eyes. Although others don't know how she did it, I know that it is indeed the ability of the Ouyang family." Dong Lixi said everything he knew.

"This..." Ouyang Shiyin has known Dong Lixi for nearly ten years, and he knows that Dong Lixi is not a person who can talk nonsense, so he must have a basis for saying so.

The Ouyang family's ability is passed on to men but not to women. It stands to reason that Qian Yun shouldn't appear on her body... However, it seems that accidents are not impossible. There has never been a female inheritance.

Ouyang Shiyin was shocked and confused.

If this matter is true, if Qian Yun really inherits this ability, it will be no small matter.

Beside Ouyang Shiyin, Du Qingyan's face changed when she heard this.

What?The loser born by that woman also inherited the vitality of Tiangang?This is not acceptable, Du Qingyan knew that if it was true, it would directly threaten her and her son's status in Ouyang's family.

At the beginning, she relied on herself, the son who had the opportunity to inherit the blood of the Ouyang family, to make Ouyang Shiyin make up his mind to drive away Feng Yilin and her daughter, and let her enter the Ouyang family openly and become the only mistress of the Ouyang family. of.

If that girl also has the blood of this inheritance, then things will change!

To Du Qingyan, this news was quite explosive!

Ouyang Shiyin turned around and left Dong Lixi's ward. He needed more information. He had to confirm whether his daughter had really inherited the blood of Ouyang's family. If it was true, then he couldn't let this child live outside .

(End of this chapter)

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