Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 337 Is she an orthodox bloodline descendant?

Chapter 337 Is she an orthodox bloodline descendant? (4)
"What's the matter, it sounds like you're jealous of me. Is it because your godfather is too ugly, or not very good, didn't satisfy you, made you dissatisfied and your temper became bad? I can tell you, this It’s a disease and needs to be cured!” If it’s a physical disease, you should go to a general doctor; if it’s a mental disease, you should go to a psychiatrist.

"You..." What Ye Shanshan dislikes the most is people talking about her and her godfather. "Hmph, I wasn't as lecherous when I was your age."

After being hit by Feng Qianyun's words, Ye Shanshan used her age as an issue.

This is a typical laugh at a hundred steps at fifty steps. Is there any difference in essence between doing this and doing things at the age of 13?

What's more, she, the person who does this kind of thing, really did it, and Feng Qianyun is doing well. Now that Feng Qianyun's assets are enough for her to support a few handsome faces, she still needs to be Is someone else taking care of it?
Feng Qianyun shook her head, this woman's cheap appearance is really not attractive.

Not interested in arguing with this kind of woman, Feng Qianyun planned to go upstairs to give herself some peace and quiet. After Ouyang Zhimin and Han Mojue finished their work, they still had important tasks to complete!
This woman had better stop in moderation, otherwise she doesn't guarantee that she won't do something that makes this woman heartbroken, it's absolutely cool.

Feng Qianyun didn't plan to pay attention to Ye Shanshan anymore, but Ye Shanshan was endless, she would tell others about Feng Qianyun whenever she met.

It is said that at noon today, a rich and handsome uncle drove a Ferrari and appeared at the school gate. Feng Qianyun was overjoyed when he saw it, so he rushed to the handsome uncle and strongly begged for a relationship. Not very happy, because Feng Qianyun thought Feng Qianyun was too young, and then Feng Qianyun said that she was very skilled, so she took the initiative to ask the uncle to inspect the goods, and then took the uncle into the car and went to the hotel outside to test it...

I have to say that classmate Ye Shanshan's imagination is so strong, if she doesn't become a screenwriter, how many good-looking works will be lost in the film and television industry?

It is her masterpiece that Ganqing Fengqianyun is baptized by strange eyes as soon as she enters the door.

After Feng Qianyun walked to the stairs, she stopped, turned her head, and said to Ye Shanshan who was downstairs: "By the way, classmate Ye, there is a letter from you at the door, it's from the gynecology hospital, urging you to find a time to go to the hospital for a follow-up visit." Take a moment, otherwise the venereal disease you are carrying may recur at any time."

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she walked into her room gracefully.

venereal disease?

Everyone stared at Ye Shanshan with very alienated eyes, and then hurried away.

Ye Shanshan threw the mobile phone in her hand on the sofa, and was so angry that this stinking girl actually said that she had a venereal disease!

After Feng Qianyun returned to the room, she began to pack her things. She had to bring her camera, and she was still counting on it to take pictures later. She took two pills to stop bleeding. They could be used for first aid in case someone was injured. As for this... it was given by Wu Xiaohan. Hers seems to be poisonous, so take it with you, there is one more way to deal with bad people.

Feng Qianyun was arranging things when she heard a knock on the door. The knock on the door could not be Shang Xiaoye's. Shang Xiaoye knocked on the door carefully and very politely. Such a violent knock on the door, And at this point in time, it could only be Ye Shanshan who was annoyed by her just now.

The door was unlocked, and Ye Shanshan came in uninvited. As soon as she opened the door, she walked into Feng Qianyun's room by herself.

"Keep your mouth clean for me, who has STDs, stop slandering people." Ye Shanshan came to ask Feng Qianyun what she said before leaving.

As far as her mouth is not clean, Ye Shanshan is probably even worse.

After Ye Shanshan finished speaking, she didn't get Feng Qianyun's rebuttal, but she saw Feng Qianyun stretched out a hand and bent one of her fingers.

"What are you doing? Are you out of your mind? Or did you let the man play it badly?"

Feng Qianyun bent one finger down again.

It turned out that Feng Qianyun was counting, and the two bent fingers represented the two curse words that Ye Shanshan cursed.

"You're dumb, talk!" The more Feng Qianyun remained silent, the angrier Ye Shanshan became, "Who is that man who took you away today? What's his name? Is there any contact information for him? As long as you put His contact information told me, I will no longer tell others what happened at noon today."

Ye Shanshan saw Ouyang Shiyin at noon today, and she was attracted by this handsome and rich middle-aged man with just one glance. Such a man is more attractive than young boys, and more importantly, he is rich , richer than the coal mine boss she is looking for now.

When Ye Shanshan saw Ouyang Shiyin taking Feng Qianyun away, she was so jealous, why would Feng Qianyun go to bed with a fat pig while Feng Qianyun was looking for someone who was rich and good-looking?This made Ye Shanshan, who was already displeased with Feng Qianyun, even more displeased with Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun folded her third finger.

She only gave Ye Shanshan three chances, and if she used them up, don't blame her for making a move.

Feng Qianyun stepped forward and grabbed Ye Shanshan's clothes with one hand.

"What are you doing?" Ye Shanshan exclaimed, a little frightened by Feng Qianyun's actions.

"Tear—" Feng Qianyun tore off Ye Shanshan's clothes.

"Ah—" Ye Shanshan, whose clothes were torn, screamed, but this was just the beginning, followed by the sound of clothes being torn apart.

Feng Qianyun finished tearing off Ye Shanshan's top and her skirt, leaving her with only her bra and her cutie.

Feng Qianyun's next move almost scared two of Ye Shanshan's three souls out.

Feng Qianyun grabbed Ye Shanshan's shoulders and headed towards the window, then dragged her and jumped down.

This is the second floor, although jumping down will not kill people, but it will inevitably break bones or something, but jumping from such a height is basically no problem after the cultivation level has reached the middle level of Xuan, so Feng Qianyun took Ye Shanshan together There is no problem in jumping off.

Ye Shanshan hadn't come back to her soul yet, and she was carried out by Feng Qianyun, all the way to the main road inside the school.

When Ye Shanshan came to her senses, she was already on the school road with people coming and going, but Feng Qianyun went back upstairs early in the morning and disappeared.People who came and went pointed at her and whispered in their mouths.

Ye Shanshan was so ashamed that she rushed back to the dormitory.

When rushing in, he happened to collide with Hua Zihao.

Hua Zihao bounced away in disgust, and even patted his clothes, as if Ye Shanshan was dirty.

"Fucking cheap! In broad daylight, you owe X!" Hua Zihao was almost disgusted by Ye Shanshan.

(End of this chapter)

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