Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 340 What happened

Chapter 340 What happened (1)
Yan Sihang thought that the other person would definitely not survive, who would have thought that Feng Qianyun would appear in such an emergency!
He hasn't had time to find her yet!She ran out by herself!Still in such a situation!

How did the little mouse he wanted to catch appear here?Yan Sihang has doubts in his heart, but now is not the time for doubts, there are more important things to deal with first.

Qian Dawei, who was rescued by Yan Sihang, was frightened to death by the huge falling robot arm. He was still trembling at the moment, and Sun Liwen, who was rescued by Feng Qianyun over there, was not much better.

Seeing that no one was dead, Hao Naiqian didn't know from which corner a girl with frightening skills ran out, and immediately ran away. He was about to run away when someone kicked his knee hard. When he staggered, he fell to the ground, fell on his stomach, and almost knocked his nose crooked.

Hao Naiqian tried hard to raise his head, but saw a small face.

"Boss Hao, what are you running for?" Feng Qianyun looked at Hao Naiqian with a smile, and wanted to run, but asked her if she agreed?

Hao Naiqian saw that he was caught by someone and couldn't run away, so he quickly found an excuse for his behavior, "Well... I, I'm afraid, the mechanical hand suddenly fell off, I'm afraid, I'm scared run!"

"Oh? Really? That's really no wonder. If such a cumbersome mechanical hand falls, it can smash people into meatloaf. Boss Hao, are you right?"

"Yes, that's right, little girl, you are really sensible!" Hao Naiqian repeatedly said yes, whether he can save his life this time depends on whether he is smart enough.

At this time, Yan Sihang came over, and when he came, his tall figure cast a shadow, covering the light in front of Hao Naiqian's eyes.

Yan Sihang had a serious face, the lines on his face were extremely tense, and he didn't know what he was thinking at this moment, "Can Boss Hao explain this sudden accident?"

"Well, I really don't know that, and I don't know why this one suddenly fell off. It's okay, you're all fine, God bless, God bless!" Hao Naiqian said pretendingly.

Yan Sihang would not believe Hao Naiqian's nonsense, and Feng Qianyun would not believe it even more.

"Let's wait for you to explain these things to the police, whether it's about the manipulator or the raw materials over there." Yan Sihang pointed to the inventory that was smashed open by the falling manipulator and said to Hao Naiqian, that's enough to explain something problem.

"This, this..." Hao Naiqian wanted to find a reason to justify himself, but he couldn't find one. What should he do?
Hao Naiqian was not willing to be caught without a fight, so he took out the saber he carried with him, pointed the tip at Feng Qianyun and Yan Sihang, "You are not allowed to move around, or I will stab you to death!"

That saber was shining brightly, very sharp and full of danger, Hao Naiqian was counting on his dagger.

What a powerful dagger, um, very threatening!

Hao Naiqian looked at the two of them fiercely, "Get out of the way, or I will stab you, and if you die, you will ask for it!"

Do you know you are afraid?Hurry up and make way for him!

Hao Naiqian was planning to take the opportunity to escape, and then fled the provincial capital overnight and fled abroad.

Feng Qianyun stretched out her foot and lightly kicked Hao Naiqian's hand, and the saber that Hao Naiqian used to save his life flew away from his hand.

Uh... Hao Naiqian swallowed his saliva, looking at Feng Qianyun's unretracted foot, his eyeballs were about to fall out.

Feng Qianyun reached out and pinched Hao Naiqian's chin, forced him to open his mouth, and stuffed a medicine into his mouth. It was poison, it couldn't kill people, it was used to torture people, it could make people feel like there were countless The ant was afraid and was biting his bones. It was painful and itchy, very uncomfortable, and it was really a good torture.

"What did you give me?" Before Hao Naiqian could react, the pill was swallowed into his stomach. His intuition told him that it would not be a good thing, so he reached out and grabbed his throat , wanting to snap out the pill that he just swallowed.

The pill had already entered his stomach, and it was almost digested and absorbed right now, and it should react in a few minutes, so how could it be deducted?
Sure enough, within a few minutes, Hao Naiqian felt uncomfortable all over his body. He began to roll on the ground, stretching out his hands to scratch himself, sometimes scratching his face, and sometimes scratching his body. The pain and itching forced him to wail continuously. speak out.

"Ah... ah... ah..." He wanted to ask Feng Qianyun for help, and looked at Feng Qianyun with pleading eyes, his expression was extremely painful, and he wanted to speak, but his thoughts were occupied by the pain, and he couldn't even say a word If he couldn't come out, he could only continue screaming "ahhhh".

Seeing this, Yan Sihang grabbed Feng Qianyun's arm and asked her, "What are you doing?"

"Didn't you see it? I fed him poison." Feng Qianyun looked at Yan Sihang's anger that came out of nowhere, and thought, you have seen it all, so why ask more.

"He did something wrong, so he should be handed over to the police. How can you use poison on him? Do you know that what you do is illegal?" Yan Sihang said to Feng Qianyun coldly.

"Really?" Feng Qianyun shrugged indifferently, with a look of scorn, "Then you, as the most powerful witness in this case, remember to testify in court then!"

"Hmph, don't worry, I will definitely arrest you and go back, I just worry about not finding evidence to arrest you!" Yan Sihang's voice was cold, and there was anger in his voice.

Facing Yan Sihang's anger, Feng Qianyun was extremely calm, with the same smile on her face, "Before you arrest me, I still have some things to deal with with this man, can you let go of your hand?"

"Do you think I'll believe you? If I let you go, you'll just run away, right?" Yan Sihang didn't believe that Feng Qianyun would obediently let her go.

"Don't worry, I won't run away if I say I won't run away. If you want to hold on, keep on holding on. Be careful with your hand strength. If you find obvious scars later on, I can ask the forensic doctor to examine my injuries. When the time comes, I will sue you for violence against me!"

Of course Feng Qianyun won't be caught without a fight, but she doesn't intend to run away either. The poison she gave Hao Naiqian has a certain onset time, and it will be fine when the effect of the medicine wears off. Forget it.

They want to send Hao Naiqian for examination, take CT, MRI, or blood test, it doesn't matter, as long as those instruments can test it out!

Feng Qianyun ignored Yan Sihang's hand holding her, bent down and said to Hao Naiqian who was still rolling on the ground, "What's wrong? Does this medicine make you feel bad?"

(End of this chapter)

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