Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 345 What happened

Chapter 345 What happened (7)
"Don't worry, after getting rid of that little bitch this time, once she dies, whether she has inherited the blood or not, there will be no drama to sing about. It is absolutely impossible for Feng Yilin to come back!"

"Okay, you can drive. I'll look for you later. I'll wait for you to give me good news."

Ouyang Shiyin really went out as Du Qingyan said, but instead of going to the university where Feng Qianyun was, he asked his assistant to book a high-speed rail ticket for him and went to find Feng Yilin.

Feng Qianyun didn't deliberately hide his mother's information, Ouyang Shiyin wanted to find it, of course he could find Feng Yilin's place soon.

Ouyang Shiyin had arrived at the Yucun Pharmacy in City H at this time.

The small shop looks very simple, and it is not located in a commercial area, or it is opened downstairs in a residential area.

Ouyang Shiyin stepped into the pharmacy in Yucun.

Feng Yilin was helping in the shop, when she sensed someone coming in, she didn't raise her head, she just asked, "Excuse me sir, is there anything I can help you with?"

Ouyang Shiyin paused. Although he didn't see Feng Yilin's face, he heard Feng Yilin's brisk voice. After leaving him, she seems to be doing well!This realization made Ouyang Shiyin very unhappy.

Feng Yilin raised her head after receiving no response from the other party for a long time.

I didn't expect that the couple would meet again in this way.

The two looked at each other, Ouyang Shiyin waited for Feng Yilin's reaction.

She has not changed, she is still so beautiful, and still so fragile, as if a gust of wind can blow her down.It was as if a single force could crush her.

"Sir, do you need anything?" Feng Yilin asked again. When she said this for the first time, she didn't know it was Ouyang Shiyin, so it was not surprising that she asked Ouyang Shiyin, but Now, she already knew that it was Ouyang Shiyin, but she still asked Ouyang Shiyin in such a strange and polite tone!
Ouyang Shiyin's heart was inexplicably annoyed.

He stepped forward, grabbed Feng Yilin's arm, approached Feng Yilin, and pressed Feng Yilin's body onto the medicine cabinet behind him.

"What did you call me?" Ouyang Shiyin exuded a dangerous aura all over his body.

"Mister, please let me go." Feng Yilin was unexpectedly calm, without the slightest wave on her calm face.

The calmer she was, the more annoyed Ouyang Shiyin became, how could she be so calm!

Even though he personally drove this woman away, he believed in his heart that Feng Yilin, who cared so much about him, would never forget her for the rest of her life!
But now?
Ouyang Shiyin didn't believe it when Feng Qianyun said that her mother already had someone else she liked, but at this moment, Feng Yilin's reaction told him that her heart had changed!

Ouyang Shiyin held down Feng Yilin and kissed Feng Yilin's lips forcefully, as if wanting to vent his anger, he bit Feng Yilin's lips fiercely.

Feng Yilin pushed Ouyang Shiyin hard, every part of her body was resisting Ouyang Shiyin.

Feng Yilin's resistance aroused Ouyang Shiyin's greater dissatisfaction.

He kissed deeper and deeper, and even tore Feng Yilin's clothes, trying to find some feeling deep in memory from Feng Yilin's body.

Feng Yilin's strength is naturally not as strong as Ouyang Shiyin's, but no matter how weak her strength is, Feng Yilin still has to resist, she doesn't want this man to touch her, she doesn't want it!

At this time, Lu Guoxing just came out from the back room, saw the scene in front of him, rushed up and grabbed Ouyang Shiyin's clothes, and punched Ouyang Shiyin in the face.

Ouyang Shi was in pain, and his sanity came back a little.

After getting Ouyang Shiyin away, Lu Guoxing went to check on Feng Yilin, "How are you doing?"

Feng Yilin shook her head, "I'm fine."

No tears, no crying, Feng Yilin was very calm, as if everything meant nothing to her.

Ouyang Shiyin saw the interaction between Feng Yilin and Lu Guoxing in his eyes, and his heart became more and more uncomfortable. He sneered, "Feng Yilin, you should not be so self-willed and depraved, and find such a man?"

Ouyang Shiyin was extremely uncomfortable in his heart, and turned into such a sarcasm as soon as he uttered it.

Feng Yilin tidied up her clothes, then met Ouyang Shiyin's eyes, "Sir, there are many kinds of men in this world, some of them have beautiful appearance and extraordinary family background, but he is not necessarily It is suitable for me. Although some men do not have good looks or extraordinary wealth, they have a sincere heart and are people who will live honestly with others. Some people like the former and some like the latter. There is no such thing as The difference between good and bad is just a matter of heart."

This kind of Feng Yilin is unfamiliar to Ouyang Shiyin. He always thought that he was her god and everything to her, and she had always told him so and practiced it in this way.

Now, the woman who was only tired of being in his arms and acting sweetly to him suddenly grew thorns, and those thorns were all growing towards him!
Ouyang Shiyin couldn't tell what kind of mood he was in at this moment.

He only knew that he didn't want to see the strange look in Feng Yilin's eyes when he looked at him again, so he turned around and left Yucun drugstore angrily.

As soon as Ouyang Shiyin left, Feng Yilin lowered her head to check her hand. Just now Ouyang Shiyin pressed her hard, and her arm dislocated when she was struggling, so she had to find Lu Lao to press it for her.

"You, are you okay?" Lu Guoxing didn't know what was going on in front of him, so he asked Feng Yilin awkwardly.

Feng Yilin smiled and shook her head at him, then went into the house to find Lu Lao.

Lu Guoxing knocked on his head vigorously, a little annoyed at his stupidity and clumsiness.

Feng Qianyun skipped class again, and skipped high math class. Anyway, Han Mojue wouldn't call her if she didn't come, so she didn't have to worry about her attendance.

But this time Feng Qianyun's escape from class was aboveboard, because she left with the famous tutor of Z University.

This old professor has a good relationship with Xie Fanghua. When Feng Qianyun was still in M ​​City, Xie Fanghua and Ruan Hongqiang contacted Feng Qianyun, and hoped that after Feng Qianyun entered the university, the tutor would personally lead him she.

To put it bluntly, it is to establish a good relationship with the university tutor in advance to prepare for the future research!

However, Xie Fanghua and Ruan Hongqiang introduced Feng Qianyun to the old professor because they really felt that Feng Qianyun had such abilities, and also felt that the old professor was someone who could let Feng Qianyun learn something.

For this matter, Xie Fanghua and Ruan Hongqiang went to the provincial capital to personally recommend Feng Qianyun and the old professor.

The name of the old professor is Guo Shuyong, he is 55 years old this year. He is an old professor at Z University. He has senior qualifications and excellent academic skills. He has published many papers in academic journals and has several books of his own. character.

Xie Huafang and Ruan Hongqiang arranged the dinner, and the group sat down.

Guo Shuyong looked at Feng Qianyun. If it wasn't because he knew Xie Fanghua very well and knew what kind of person Xie Fanghua was, he would have stood up and left now. After a long time, why is she such a little girl?

It's not that Guo Shuyong looks down on Feng Qianyun's age, it's just that Feng Qianyun doesn't feel like a person who concentrates on research.

When Guo Shuyong was looking at Feng Qianyun, Feng Qianyun was also looking at Guo Shuyong. This old professor wore thick glasses and looked very serious all over his body. He was a typical one who wore a white coat. A researcher who spends his days doing research in the laboratory.

"Mr. Guo, this is the classmate Feng Qianyun I mentioned to you earlier. Although she is young, she is a very talented child. She has already done a lot of research in Chinese medicine. Now she is at Z University. , hoping to develop in Western medicine.” Xie Fanghua introduced Feng Qianyun to Guo Shuyong.

"Oh?" Guo Shuyong snorted, skeptical of Xie Fanghua's words.It's no wonder that Guo Shuyong doubted Xie Fanghua's words. After all, if someone else was sitting here today and heard Xie Fanghua introduce a little girl who said she had profound knowledge in Chinese medicine, they would not believe it just like Guo Shuyong.

"Uh..." Xie Fanghua was a little embarrassed. Indeed, it was really difficult to convince them of Feng Qianyun's ability when they saw Feng Qianyun for the first time.

"Xiao Xie, I'm not talking about you. It's commendable to have a little skill, but... this, this..." Guo Shuyong shook his head, "Your words are a bit exaggerated, aren't you?"

"No, Yunyun is a really capable girl, Mr. Guo, you will find out if you spend more time with Yunyun in the future." Xie Fanghua said with certainty.

Xie Fanghua's affirmative tone made Guo Shuyong a little shaken, and then he thought, he is not a stubborn old man, Xie Fanghua has promised again and again, he can't just not trust others at all.

(End of this chapter)

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