Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 347 Domineering rhyme, no explanation

Chapter 347 Domineering Qianyun, No Explanation (2)
After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she continued to bow her head and eat.

The three people in the box were stunned for a long time.

After recovering, Guo Shuyong picked up the wine glass placed in front of him, "Little sister, I respect you with this glass, and apologize for my suspicion just now."

Seeing that Guo Shuyong wanted to drink, Ruan Hongqiang hurriedly stopped him, "Old Guo, didn't you just say you can't drink?"

"It's okay, it's okay, now my leg doesn't hurt anymore, it's okay to drink a little, the main thing is to be happy, happy!" Guo Shuyong happily drank up the glass of wine.

Feng Qianyun is also embarrassed to ignore Guo Shuyong, he is an old professor, she is good at this, but he is good at his own professional issues.

Feng Qianyun picked up the teacup, "I stopped drinking when I was young, and replaced wine with tea."

Feng Qianyun drank the tea in the cup in one gulp.

"Okay, okay," Guo Shuyong said "Hello" twice, which shows that he is really happy, "Your name is Feng Qianyun, right? I wonder if Feng is interested in bacteriology?"

Guo Shuyong swept away his initial doubts and reluctance, and asked Feng Qianyun enthusiastically.

"Yes." If Feng Qianyun was not interested in Guo Shuyong's research, she would not have agreed to Xie Fanghua and Ruan Hongqiang's attendance today.

"Well, there will be more courses in freshmen and sophomores. If you have time, you can do research with me and enjoy the same treatment as your graduate seniors. Do you think it's okay?" Guo Shuyong asked Feng Qianyun After throwing out an olive branch, there are benefits for doing research with the tutor, which is the treatment Guo Shuyong said.

"Okay." Feng Qianyun agreed. She prefers doing research rather than taking classes. God knows how much she hates those courses in the university. You said she is rushing to study medicine. Why is she so good at high mathematics?It’s not that the knowledge that is taught in textbooks is useless, it’s just that if you meet a teacher who follows the script, you might as well live in the library by yourself!

Guo Shuyong was very happy to get Feng Qianyun's consent, and asked Feng Qianyun some other questions, but left Xie Fanghua and Ruan Hongqiang in the cold.

A waiter outside the door was carrying dishes and was about to enter the insurance where Feng Qianyun and the others were, when he saw a man who looked a little wretched looking at the door, the waiter stepped forward, "Sir, may I serve you for anything?" Is it?"

Intuition told the waiter that this man is not a good person, at least judging by his clothes, he felt that he was a very sloppy person, not like a customer who would come and go to a hotel like theirs, but the good professionalism made the waiter ask him very politely .

Seeing the waiter approaching, Huang Gui immediately lowered his head, lowered his hat, and left in a hurry.

Seeing the man leaving in a hurry, the waiter felt that the man was very strange, but since nothing happened, it was not his turn to intervene as a little waiter, so he went into the box with the dishes.

After Huang Gui came out of the hotel, he did not leave. He squatted in an inconspicuous place outside the hotel, leaning against a big tree by the street, and smoked one after another. Rhyme came out of it.

Because Guo Shuyong had something to do in the afternoon, he drove back first. Feng Qianyun bid farewell to Xie Fanghua and Ruan Hongqiang at the door.

"Yunyun, why don't we take you back to school?" Xie Fanghua said.

Feng Qianyun refused, "No need, it's not that far away from the school, I just walk back by myself, it's just a walk after dinner."

"Alright then, be careful on the way back." Xie Fanghua told Feng Qianyun.

"Don't worry, Yunyun is fine, Yunyun is not an ordinary girl." Ruan Hongqiang felt that his wife was worrying too much.

"What do you know, man? No matter how you look at Yunyun, you are still a child. You must treat Yunyun like a girl." Xie Fanghua glared at her husband Ruan Hongqiang.

"Okay, okay, can't I be wrong?" Ruan Hongqiang thought he just said a word, why his wife glared at him, "Then Yunyun, let's say goodbye here, we will come back later when I have time I'll ask you out again when I'm in the provincial capital."

"Well, okay." Feng Qianyun bid farewell to the two of them, and then walked towards the school.

At noon, there are not many people on the street. This area is a university town, and the main customers of the stores here are college students. Usually there are more people in the evening, but there are not many people now. After all, everyone has to go to class.

As Feng Qianyun walked, she felt someone sneaking behind her.

Still a master at the peak of the Xuan rank, Feng Qianyun frowned slightly, thinking to herself, why did she mess with someone again after only a few days since she came to the sound field to go to school?

Feng Qianyun thought about it, so she deliberately walked into a remote alley. Feng Qianyun didn't want the other party to follow her to school, so she should just come after her, and don't want to hurt the people around her.

Huang Gui followed Feng Qianyun all the way behind Feng Qianyun. After walking for a while, he saw Feng Qianyun go around the alley. He thought that Feng Qianyun wanted to take a shortcut to go back to school. Chou couldn't find a chance to attack Feng Qianyun, but this stinky girl brought the opportunity to him by herself.

After Huang Gui entered the alley, he followed Feng Qianyun forward, and the person who followed Feng Qianyun disappeared.

What's the matter, it doesn't make sense that you can lose it?From the alley to the Z University, this is the only way to go!

Huang Gui depressedly took off the hat he was wearing, and ran his hands through his hair, which made his already disheveled hair even more messy.

When Huang Gui was feeling annoyed, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Huang Gui was taken aback, and instinctively jumped back two steps.

Taking a closer look, it was Feng Qianyun who he wanted to follow.

Huang Gui thought to himself, why did she suddenly appear in front of him?And he didn't notice her approach?

Huang Gui thought, probably because he was patronizing and depressed just now, and ignored it, otherwise how could he not have noticed it at all.

Feng Qianyun looked at Huang Gui, this man looked wretched, which made people feel very uncomfortable, his hair was messy, and he didn't know how many days he hadn't taken care of it, he probably hadn't been to the barber shop for a while, the clothes on his body It is also wrinkled. It must not have been ironed after washing. The complexion is very yellow. The typical kidney is not good and the dryness is not good.

"What is the reason for following? For money or for sex?" Feng Qianyun asked seriously. She has money, but she has no cash. She carries a cross-body bag on her body, and the cash in it adds up to 260. A lot of money, this is because she went to the ATM to withdraw the money in cash because she was going out for dinner.

Seeing Feng Qianyun from the front, Huang Gui felt that this person was much prettier than the one in the photo, what a fucking pity it is for such a beautiful beauty, if she is kept in captivity, she doesn't know what it means to be under her body What kind of taste, Huang Gui thought wretchedly, and his eyes became even more wretched.

(End of this chapter)

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