Chapter 358
When Feng Qianyun came to Han Mojue's residence, a happy scene appeared in front of her. The originally empty house became lively because of the arrival of Feng Yilin, Lu Dafeng, and Lu Guoxing.

As soon as Feng Qianyun entered the door, she smelled the smell of food, "Mom, did you cook a lot of food again? Do you want to fatten me up?"

"You are growing up now, why don't you eat more? The kitchen at Xiao Han's house is very good, and Xiao Han knows good food." Feng Yilin is very satisfied with Han Mojue's attention to life. There are so many men nowadays. He is sloppy and eats casually. It is rare to find a man like Han Mojue who can take care of life and understand life.

Feng Qianyun glanced at the home-cooked stir-fry with French steak and foie gras on the table, what is this?Merger of China and the West?

"Mom, why are there both Chinese food and Western food?"

"I made these dishes. The steak and foie gras were specially prepared by Xiaohan for you. He said that you studied hard, so he specially made them for you." Feng Yilin said with a smile. Listening to this tone, she said to Han Mo Jue is full of praise!

Feng Qianyun moved closer to Han Mojue, "Brother Mojue, you don't have to surrender my mother, do you?"

Han Mojue smiled gently, bowed his head and replied: "This is my charm, you know? Only you, a heartless girl, can't see my goodness!"

"Hey, hey, why did you get involved with me?"

"Hey, come and taste it, see if my cooking is delicious, and give me some advice." Han Mojue took a fork and gave Feng Qianyun a taste of the foie gras.

Feng Qianyun smacked and tasted it, and praised Han Mojue, "I can't see that your cooking skills are not bad."

"That's necessary. I live alone, so I can't go out to restaurants every day. Besides, a lot of things outside are not clean, such as gutter oil. You can't eat it. It's best to buy some food and cook it yourself."

"Hey, listen, this man is so homely!" Lu Dafeng planned to bury Han Mojue to the end today, "Son, do you see that, this is a model of a good man!"

Feng Qianyun couldn't help but glared at Han Mojue, and continued to whisper to Han Mojue, "Brother Mojue, you are really capable, and now your kung fu has become a model of a good man."

Han Mojue replied, "The example of a good man I am is not created for you. Your mother is here. Do you still go out at night?"

"Go out, but you stay here, I'll go alone."

"No, I'm going too."

"Brother Mo Jue, I feel more at ease if you stay here."

"In a while, your father won't know that your mother was brought here by me."

"Don't underestimate my father's ability, don't underestimate Ouyang Group, it's more than just an enterprise." What's more complicated is the Ouyang family behind it. The strength of a family with a century-old heritage is beyond ordinary people's imagination. "Besides , Although the place I'm going tonight is challenging, it's not dangerous, so you don't need to worry about me."

"Okay, then I'll stay. Be careful yourself. If you encounter trouble, remember to call me. If it doesn't work, you can also call Ouyang Zhimin. That kid's skills to solve a few little ones should be There's no problem." Han Mojue actually wanted to beat himself up, why did he become such a mother-in-law, just like an old woman.

"Well, if I know the beauty, just stay at home and wait for me to come back."

"Get out!" He also called him a beauty. It's not his fault that he is beautiful. His parents are good-looking, but as a boy, he looks like his mother, so he is sad.

After eating, everyone went back to their rooms, and Feng Yilin dragged Feng Qianyun into the room to talk about family matters.

"Yunyun, let mom see if she has grown taller." Feng Yilin held Feng Qianyun's small face and looked left and right.

"Mom, I've only been here for a few days, how can it be so obvious!" Feng Qianyun was really defeated by her mother.

Feng Yilin smiled gracefully, and refused to let go of Feng Qianyun's hand, "Mom knows that this incident made you worry, it's old man Lu who exaggerated, it's not that serious, mother will protect herself .”

"Mom, you can safely leave this matter to me to handle, you, just stay here to play chess with old man Lu, drink tea, and study food with brother Mo Jue. "Feng Qianyun told her mother that she didn't tell her mother about the conflict with the Du family, and she didn't want her mother to worry.

"Okay, okay, Yunyun has grown up now, and she has already made boyfriends!" Feng Yilin really thinks that Han Mojue is Feng Qianyun's boyfriend, otherwise any good male friend will let her friend's family members Live in your own home?

"Mom! Where did my boyfriend come from? Don't talk nonsense. Let's talk about Uncle Lu. He has blocked the knife for you. Tell me, how far have you two developed?" Feng Qianyun looked curious. Ask Feng Qianyun incessantly.

"I have nothing to do with your Uncle Lu." Feng Yilin blushed when she spoke.

"Mom, don't you blush too easily?" Sure enough, she is not like her mother, her skin is so thick that it can't be pierced with a needle, but her mother is as shy as a young girl, "Mom, to be honest, you You are still young. If you hadn’t had my daughter, everyone would have thought you were never married. In fact, you are not old. You are only in your early thirties. Many women are still unmarried at this age. As for me Dad, just forget about it."

"Yunyun, why do you seem to be more worldly than my mother and I?" Feng Yilin didn't know if this was good or bad. Although it was a good thing for her daughter to mature, she also felt sorry for her being forced to grow up at such a young age. I blame her for being useless, I don't know how to plan for a rainy day, and let Yunyun suffer with her.

"I have to be more sophisticated to protect my mother!" Feng Qianyun smiled and said as she nestled in Feng Yilin's arms, "Mom, go take a shower and go to sleep, take a beauty sleep, and become younger every day!"

"What about you, Yunyun, don't you sleep with your mother?" Why did she think her Yunyun was more like her mother than her?

"I still have homework to do in a while. I still have a lot of homework to do in college. I'll go to brother Mo Jue's study and come to you later. Go to bed first, good night." Feng Qianyun said in her mother's room. A kiss on the cheek.

"Good night baby." Feng Yilin kissed Feng Qianyun's forehead.

After Feng Qianyun withdrew from Feng Yilin's room, instead of going to Han Mojue's study, she went out.

Feng Qianyun came to the ancient alley, the provincial capital is an ancient city, although there are new buildings replacing the old buildings, but some are still preserved, such as the ancient alley where Feng Qianyun is now .

The alley is deep but not dark at all. There are stalls on both sides of the alley, selling some gadgets, some ethnic decorations, jade, agate, and some folk handicrafts.

Feng Qianyun walked along the alley to the depths, and there was a small stall in the depths of the alley. The owner of the stall was a little girl who looked a year or two younger than Feng Qianyun. Where the small chair is sitting, there is a square of red cloth in front of it, which is a small stall. There is nothing special on the red cloth, only a few pieces of jade that look old, but the texture is not very good it is good.

"Little friend, I think you have the best things here." Feng Qianyun said to the little girl.

The little girl looked up at Feng Qianyun, she was very disdainful, "I don't sell my things casually."

Mingming is younger than Feng Qianyun, but she is quite stylish.

"I'm not a casual person, although I often get up casually and I'm not a person." Feng Qianyun looked at the row of things in front of the little girl, a total of seven tripods, each of which looked similar, just for looking at There is no difference at all, even in terms of age and engraving.

The difference between them is that one of them is a magic weapon, and the others are just ordinary antiques.

Feng Qianyun scanned the row of antiques, and then put her finger on the penultimate one.

Feng Qianyun looked up at the little girl with a confident smile on her face.

The little girl pursed her mouth, showing some reluctance, and then said to Feng Qianyun, "Okay, come with me, you are qualified to take the exam."

After the little girl said to Feng Qianyun, she said to a man at the stall next to her, "I'll take her in first, and you can watch for me."

The man nodded respectfully.

The little girl led Feng Qianyun into the big house behind her. This house was also old, with a deep courtyard and a century-old tree standing in the center of the courtyard.

Passing through the courtyard, they entered the main hall. There were two rows of old people sitting in the main hall, both men and women, but without exception they were all elderly.

Among them, sitting on the upper seat facing the door was a white-haired old lady, she was quite short, with a round face, she looked very kind, but at the same time she had a majesty in her.

Seeing the little girl bringing someone in, she asked, "Abi, did you bring this person in?"

"Yes, grandma." The little girl replied, it turned out that the little girl was the granddaughter of the old woman.

The old lady nodded when she heard the words, and then her eyes fell on Feng Qianyun, and several other old men were also looking at Feng Qianyun.

"Are you sure you want to take the assessment?" the old lady asked Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun replied with certainty, "I'm sure."

"First of all, you have to be mentally prepared. Over the years, there have been an endless stream of people who have participated in the assessment, but very few of them can pass. After all, this is not only achieved through acquired efforts, but innate factors are also very important. Many people have continuously I have been here for 30 years and still haven’t passed, so don’t be too discouraged if you don’t pass.” Seeing that Feng Qianyun is a little girl, the old lady didn’t want her self-confidence to be hit by a single failure, so she moved ahead of time before the start of the assessment. Explain the wind and rhyme two sentences.

(End of this chapter)

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