Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 360 The test of treasure appraisal ability, I was stunned

Chapter 360 The test of treasure appraisal ability, I was stunned (2)
"En." Feng Qianyun nodded, then walked to the crystal ball on the right, and repeated the previous action. This time, the crystal ball responded immediately, and it was quite fast.

This is no longer shocking. Those who should be shocked have already been shocked just now, and their abilities have reached a high level. This potential will definitely be realized. This is common sense.

The crystal ball turned dark purple, almost the same as the previous one.

Just when Feng Qianyun was about to take back her hand, a crack appeared in the ball, and then it shattered into pieces.

Feng Qianyun looked at the crystal ball that had turned into countless small fragments.

No way?She swears to God that she never treated this crystal ball violently just now, and she doesn't know why the crystal ball used for testing was suddenly scrapped. Knockoff?

Feng Qianyun looked innocently at the chairman's old lady.

I saw that the two eyes of the chairman's old woman were wide open, and they could be used as lanterns.

She is really innocent... At worst, she should pay one, it shouldn't be too expensive, right?It was too expensive for her to afford.

"Grandma, why did the test ball break?" The little girl didn't know why the test ball broke. She looked around, and everyone seemed to be surprised, even more surprised than before, so she Can't help but ask curiously.

The old lady of the president stared enough, and said to her granddaughter: "Little slave, you stay here with this young lady first, and I and several other elders will go into the inner hall to discuss something."

After finishing speaking, the old lady of the president hurried into the inner hall with other elders, leaving Feng Qianyun and the little girl in the main hall.

The little girl looked at Feng Qianyun with big shining eyes, and after watching for a long time, she introduced herself: "My name is Xiao Nu, I am ten years old, I am a junior treasure appraiser, and I have the potential to become a senior treasure appraiser. "When the little girl grinned, there were two cute little dimples.

"I'm 13 years old this year, um... You already know the rest just now."

"You are three years older than me, but you are already a senior appraiser. My grandma told me that I am a rare gifted appraiser, and that I have the potential to become a senior appraiser before the age of 50." , but..." Xiao Nu flattened her mouth depressedly, she was quite proud of this matter at first, at least her senior brothers and sisters were not as good as her, "Tell me quickly, how did you do it?"

Xiao Nu looked very angry, quite cute.

"What if I don't tell you?" Feng Qianyun deliberately teased this little kid.

Although she herself is only three years older than Xiaonu, there is a huge difference in their mental ages.

"Then...then..." Xiaonu thought for a long time, trying to find a convincing reason that could play a decisive role, her brows were tightly frowned, and her cute little face was about to wrinkle into a ball. ... In the end, I still couldn't find a good reason, so I snorted, "Hmph, don't tell me if you don't tell me, I'll ignore you!"

After speaking angrily, Xiao Nu turned around and sat down on the seat where the elders were originally sitting, folded his hands on his chest, turned away from looking at Feng Qianyun, and silently made a fuss at Feng Qianyun.

The little girl is so cute.

While Feng Qianyun was teasing Xiao Nu, those who entered the inner hall had already finished a brief meeting and came out.

They looked at Feng Qianyun with strange eyes, which made Feng Qianyun want to find a mirror to see if there was anything inappropriate about her body.

After returning to everyone, the chairman's old lady started her conversation with Feng Qianyun.

"Miss Feng Qianyunfeng, the test ball just now broke."

"You want me to pay?" Feng Qianyun asked.

"No, no, no, we won't let you pay."

"Oh, then remember to change to a better quality one next time."

The old woman had black lines all over her head, "Ahem, that's not because of the quality problem." In fact, this product is not of good quality at all. There is another reason for the explosion, "Your test has passed, and you will soon I can get your qualification certificate, is it convenient to leave your detailed contact information now?"

"Will you make harassing calls, send me spam text messages and spam emails? Will you sell my information to some boring merchants?" Feng Qianyun asked. Before telling others about your information, this question must be asked. Just ask.


"Don't worry, of course we won't." They are a formal organization, how could they do such a boring thing, you have to know how much money they have for a single business order, so there is no need to do this kind of thing.

"Then will you come to harass me?" Feng Qianyun still had to ensure her safety.

"No, of course not, you won't do any of the things you think about!" The old lady of the chairman assured with certainty, she was really afraid that Feng Qianyun would ask a bunch of questions like this again.

"Oh, then there should be no problem." Feng Qianyun nodded in agreement.

Who knew that in the next second, the old lady of the president asked someone to hand over a stack of papers. Feng Qianyun looked at the question on it, and she really wanted to ask, are they sure it's just a certificate?Instead of investigating the eighteen generations of her ancestors?

The first few questions are quite normal, name, gender, age, home address, mobile phone number...

But what about the row in the back?Such as grandfather, maternal grandfather's name, occupation, specialty, hobbies...

For another example, please list the occupations that your ancestors have engaged in, and let her fill in one, two, three, four, five below.

The most deceitful thing is the one below, what is your sexual orientation?What type of spouse do you like?What does this have to do with her becoming a treasure appraiser?
Seeing that Feng Qianyun had doubts in her heart, the old lady coughed lightly again, "Ahem, actually some questions are still very important, which will help us understand you better. This is our rule here, you Be sure to fill in carefully, not sloppy!"

Xiao Nu blinked her eyes in doubt when she heard the words, and then looked at the form that Feng Qianyun was filling out, no, why did she remember that the form should only have one page, why is Feng Qianyun's form so thick and thick? a stack of it?

(End of this chapter)

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