Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 367 A blow to Du Xiaosan's pain

Chapter 367 A Painful Blow to Du Xiaosan (5)
Feng Qianyun used the facts to prove that she was innocent.

Feng Qianyun's words also fell into the ears of the police officers who were ambushing around. It turns out that Mrs. Ouyang was someone else's mistress before?
Tsk tsk, no wonder he's so tough, he used to be someone else's mistress, and it's fine to be a mistress, but in the end he justly pushed the main room off the stage!How arrogant!This woman!

Listening to Feng Qianyun's statement, Yan Sihang knew for the first time that such a thing had happened to Feng Qianyun.

I couldn't help but think, then what happened to her and her mother?
Du Qingyan snorted coldly, "Don't come here, you must have a grudge against me, so you kidnapped my brother to get revenge on me, right? Do you think you can take revenge like this? Let me tell you, in a dream, you and the wind Yilin, don't even think about going back to Ouyang's house in this life, as for my brother, I advise you to hand it over obediently, or you will be put in prison!"

Du Qingyan was very angry today, and she was already full of anger before she came here. Now that she saw the seal, didn't she get so angry that she threw it on Feng Qianyun's head?
"Du Xiaosan, you are sleepwalking. I really came to the mountain with my boyfriend to play car shocks. Don't tell me you don't know what car shocks are. Don't tell me that you didn't play with them when you cheated on my father. ?” Feng Qianyun said leisurely, with an indescribably lazy gesture.

"I've played it, why haven't I played it, I can give your father the excitement that your mother can't give, your mother is an old woman, she is so rigid, your father said that going to your mother is like having sex with a corpse, it's boring He's dead!" Du Qingyan sincerely wanted to provoke Feng Qianyun, so Feng Qianyun made a move, there are police officers present today, what is she afraid of?
Du Qingyan thought that she was the only one who knew that there was a police ambush at the scene, but she didn't know that Feng Qianyun knew that there was an ambush early in the morning.

But Du Qingyan was right. Her words really angered Feng Qianyun. If there were no police officers present today, Feng Qianyun would have taught Du Qingyan a lesson, because Du Qingyan said bad things about her mother. Qian Yun absolutely can not tolerate things!
"Hehe... I've made it so clear. I'm here to play today, but you still don't believe me. I think you're here to find fault, right?" Feng Qianyun smiled sweetly, as sweet as a girl with white hair. Angel with wings and a halo on his head.

"Honey, come out quickly, if you don't come out, they won't believe that I came to the mountain to play with you today!" Feng Qianyun shouted towards the people in the car.

Then the car door opened again, and Lie Que got out of the car. Every time Lie Que dressed up, he just covered his face as much as he could.

In addition, Lie Que was looking at a camera on his shoulder, the kind of camera specially used for location shooting of TV stations, absolutely high-definition!
"Wait, it's not over yet." Lie Que said as he approached, "I still have to give Ms. Du a close-up shot."

Lie Que is not taking pictures, he is broadcasting live. They have bought a time slot with a certain radio station to broadcast this content.

So what Du Qingyan said just now has already been broadcast on the TV station, and it is absolutely breaking news. After Du Qingfei's scandal in Du's company, his sister's mistress history will also be exposed.

So Feng Qianyun paid a lot of money this time, and it would cost a lot of money to buy a time slot with the TV station!
Feng Qianyun wants Du Qingyan to be ruined, this is what she owes her mother, originally Feng Qianyun didn't plan to find Du Qingyan anything, after all cheating is not the fault of one person, but Du Qingyan came to the door by herself and invited someone to kill her, then Feng Qianyun couldn't let her go any longer, if she came to find someone to kill her today, wouldn't she be going to find someone to kill her mother someday?Feng Qianyun does not allow such a thing to happen.

This is not over yet, Du Qingyan must be in a hurry not to be overwhelmed so soon, Feng Qianyun still has another trick...

Du Qingyan's face immediately turned pale, because Ouyang's family did a good job of keeping her secrets clear, and because Feng Yilin had always kept a low profile, few people knew that before Du Qingyan, the Ouyang Group had A president's wife.So everyone didn't know that Du Qingyan climbed up from the position of junior three.

But now, it won't be long before everyone who should know will know it, and those who shouldn't will know it too.

Not to mention that there are still N witnesses at the scene, they are Yan Sihang and others who are ambushing around.

In the end, Du Qingyan helped Feng Qianyun do all the preparatory work.

Feng Qianyun walked up with a smile, and whispered in Du Qingyan's ear: "You want to hold a press conference, don't you? I'm sorry, but the staff at the press conference that was being held let us switch, and now the venue is playing Yes, it seems to be your wonderful performance just now, what kind of drastic change will Du's stock price have this time? I'm looking forward to it!"

Feng Qianyun still smiled sweetly, but her smile was deadly and poisonous.

"You little slut, how dare you flirt with me?" Du Qingyan has grown up so much that she is the only one who flirts with others. This is the first time she has let someone flirt with her!She scolded Feng Qianyun angrily.

Feng Qianyun shrugged her shoulders with a smile, she pissed her off, but she said those words herself, she didn't force her to say them with a knife on her neck.

"Did that bitch Feng Yilin teach you to do this? That bitch wanted to go back to Ouyang Shiyin's side, but let her daughter come to rape me and do such despicable and shameless things!" Du Qingyan was furious .

She rushed towards Feng Qianyun, but Feng Qianyun did not fight back, "Uncle policemen, someone is being violent, hurry up and save them!"

(End of this chapter)

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