Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 376 Even more unreasonable than you!

Chapter 376 Even more unreasonable than you!
"Nonsense!" the man snorted coldly, "You'd better release us all quickly, or you will be sued for illegal detention. It's great to be rich. If you have money, you can do things to poor people like us? If you have money, you Is it possible to disregard human life? I tell you, I am not afraid!"

The more the man talked, the more excited he became.

To deal with this kind of person, reason will not work. When facing unreasonable people, Feng Qianyun's favorite thing to do is to be more unreasonable than the other party!
Feng Qianyun smiled gracefully, then turned her head to Jin Youheng and said, "Boss Jin, what do you think should be done with such a rough thug?"

Feng Qianyun threw the question on Jin Youheng, not to mention what she wanted to do to this man and other accomplices, she let Jin Youheng speak for herself!
Jin Youheng really hated Feng Qianyun to the core, he had already greeted Feng Qianyun's eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart.

You said what else do you want?Now that he and Yang Yicheng are in the same group is already recognized by everyone, everyone doubts what should be doubted and what should not be doubted. At this moment, Jin Youheng has not thought of a way to clear himself up.

No, she also dragged in the person he arranged at the door, she clearly wanted to force him to death!

"This kind of scum, just send it to the police station." Jin Youheng can't make any more mistakes now, and he can explain clearly what he and Yang Yicheng knew beforehand. If he gets involved with this group of people, then He couldn't explain it at all!

"Send it to the police station? Isn't that good?" Feng Qianyun said a little reluctantly, "He is so uncooperative and his words are so harsh, if he is sent to the police station, if he is locked up with those criminals who have committed many crimes Tsk tsk, the consequences would be disastrous! The most important thing is that the crime of stealing is not small, not to mention the value of the theft is so high, there is no law that says the value of theft is more than the death penalty ?"

Feng Qianyun said, then turned her head and pointed at Zhang Luyao, "That one over there... don't look at it, it's just you, some barrister, please come here."

After Zhang Luyao confirmed that he was the person Feng Qianyun was talking about, he walked towards Feng Qianyun. He didn't know why Feng Qianyun told him to go there.

"Aren't you some kind of barrister? Let's popularize science and tell him the specific punishment regulations for stealing."

"Article 260 of the Criminal Law who steals public or private property in a relatively large amount or for multiple thefts shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, short-term detention or public surveillance, and shall also be sentenced to a fine; if the amount involved is particularly huge or there are other particularly serious circumstances, the sentence is to be fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years or life imprisonment, and a fine or confiscation of property; if the heat is severe, the sentence may be life imprisonment or even death.” Zhang Luyao informed Feng Qianyun of the relevant laws, why did she ask this?

"Then what if the one who stole is a treasure of the same level as colorful glazed beads?" Feng Qianyun asked again.

"Death penalty." Zhang Luyao replied.

Zhang Luyao's role at this moment is to be called up by Feng Qianyun to provide free legal advice.

"En!" Feng Qianyun nodded with a "sudden realization", then turned her head and looked sympathetically at the man who refused to admit it.

"Why are you looking at me? I'm just an innocent passer-by. At most, I just made a few harassing phone calls. What does it have to do with theft?" Good feeling.

"How could it have nothing to do with you? You wandered back and forth in front of Zhang's house, acting suspiciously. We have every reason to believe that you are coveting Zhang's treasure!" Feng Qianyun said with a smile and turned her head. With a glance at Jin Youheng, "Boss Jin, are you right?"

"Ah?" Jin Youheng was completely confused by Feng Qianyun, why did she ask him all kinds of questions, was she sincere?

"Well, that's right..." Can Jin Youheng say it's wrong?How dare he do things that make others suspicious again?It would be nice if he could find a way to clear up the relationship between himself and Yang Yicheng at this moment.

"Look, Boss Jin agrees with me!" Feng Qianyun said with a smile, "And your attitude is so uncooperative, and all the uncles and uncles present suspect that you have a tendency to steal things."

Jin Youheng murmured in his heart, who the hell agrees with you, if no one else is present now, who the hell will agree with you!

"That's just a suspicion, it's just that I have this tendency, and I didn't really steal!" The man argued angrily.

After the man finished speaking, Feng Qianyun walked up to Zhang Chuan, took the colorful glazed bead from Zhang Chuan's hand, and stuffed the bead into the man's pocket very neatly.

"Now that the beads are on you, it should be considered stolen. What's inside, does anyone have a camera? Let's take a few photos when we found the evidence." Feng Qianyun said to the group of people behind her, that person is here today It would be strange to visit the baby without a camera, but I was surprised by the series of things just now, and forgot to press the shutter for a while.

Now that Feng Qianyun said this, a few people really followed suit and pressed the shutter.

Feng Qianyun interpreted what it means to treat a deer as a horse on the spot.What is shameless, Feng Qianyun will translate it for you on the spot.

Unreasonable?Feng Qianyun is even less talkative than you, you want evidence, right?I will give you evidence!

Originally, everyone had the same suspicion as Feng Qianyun, but now seeing Feng Qianyun teasing the man who was arrested, why would everyone not cooperate?
Besides, who is Feng Qianyun?A senior treasure appraiser who just came out of the oven!It's just taking pictures casually and coordinating with her performance. It doesn't take much effort to please her, so why not do it?As for the man who was caught, even if there was nothing wrong with it, if he provoked him, he would provoke him. If one of them randomly stood up and was a famous figure in the provincial capital, he was afraid that a small thief would not succeed?

Of course, Zhang Chuan was the most cooperative one, "The thief actually stole from me, I will never let him go."

Feng Qianyun continued to ask Jin Youheng, "Boss Jin, are you really going to send this man to the police station?"

ah?What does it mean that he wants to send Li Da to the police station?It was she who asked him what to do, and he said that he would send him to the police station, okay?
Li Da was the name of the man who was interrogated by Feng Qianyun, and he was also the contact person of the group hired by Jin Youheng this time.

"Hehe...that's of course, we are good citizens, we should hand over the suspects to the police if we find this kind of illegal and criminal phenomenon!" The small face, Ying Feng Qianyun said.

Li Da was very dissatisfied with Jin Youheng's answer, Li Da thought, I worked my life for you, it's good for you, and you are advocating that these people send us to the police station!
"That's right, then you should tell the police uncle this time, let the police uncle give you an award, Boss Jin, if Boss Jin didn't tell us, we didn't know that someone wanted to steal Mr. Zhang's colorful glazed beads What!" Feng Qianyun said as she shook the mobile phone belonging to Jin Youheng in her hand.

Jin Youheng suddenly realized that the emotional charm was setting him up for him to drill himself into it!

"Jin Youheng, what the hell are you talking about? Okay, I'm working hard for you, but you actually bite me back? I wondered just now, how did you get caught by the Zhang family? There is a little girl who called me with your mobile phone, and it's all your fault!"

Li Da is smart and smart, he knows how to play by ear, but it doesn't mean that he can deduce everything based on what he observed. When he saw Feng Qianyun calling his own mobile phone with Jin Youheng's mobile phone, he just The thing about Jin Youheng might have been exposed, so I insisted that I had nothing to do with Jin Youheng, but later on, everyone's attitude towards Jin Youheng didn't look like the attitude towards a caught thief. Instead, they asked Jin Youheng about everything. It seemed that the relationship was quite friendly, which made Li Da and the others doubtful.

In addition, Li Da was very frightened by Feng Qianyun's life imprisonment and death penalty, and now he heard Feng Qianyun said that Jin Youheng confessed him, so he couldn't help it immediately, and turned towards Jin Youheng Swear.

With Li Da's yell, Jin Youheng revealed all his secrets.

"You rascal, stop slandering me!" Jin Youheng was anxious, "I don't know you at all, if you slander me again, be careful and I will sue you for slander!"

"I'm going to get the death penalty for you. I'm afraid that you will accuse me of slander? I'm going to tell everyone today that I was hired by you to guard the door and catch anyone who wants to enter Zhang's house." You and Yang Yicheng can trick Zhang Chuan's colorful glazed beads away!"

Impulse is the devil.

People are usually irrational when they are angry, no, when they get angry, they say everything.

Zhang Luyao stared at Feng Qianyun. She is very smart. She knows how to use people's psychology to drive this man to a dead end step by step while being caught. First, he had some doubts and confusion about Jin Youheng. Then he used the death penalty to scare him, and finally provoked the relationship between the man and Jin Youheng, letting them bite dogs.

"Boss Jin, what else do you have to say now?" Zhang Chuan said coldly. He has always heard that Jin Youheng is a very treacherous businessman, but there are people who want to do business without treachery. Which one is clean?But I didn't expect Jin Youheng to be so despicable and shameless!
Except for Zhang Chuan, many people at the scene shook their heads in their hearts, and put Jin Youheng on the blacklist in their hearts.

Jin has perseverance!
Things were going well at first, but in the end, Feng Qianyun popped out, and the matter was completely ruined!Not to mention the baby didn't get it, his reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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