Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 378 Young Master, I Finally Found You

Chapter 378 Young Master, I Finally Found You

"You mean, this guy is your uncle?" Feng Qianyun thought, if Zhang Luyao is Zhang Ling's uncle, does that mean he is Zhang Chuan's younger brother?

Zhang Ling was still holding Guigui tightly with both hands, his little head was bouncing up and down vigorously, "Yeah."

I thought it was just an ordinary lawyer, but it turned out to be a lawyer with a family background.

"Is Zhang Chuan your brother?" Feng Qianyun asked.

"Same father and half mother." Zhang Luyao did not nod. He and Zhang Chuan were not born to the same mother. Human emotions are pretty good.

"So you're rich?"

"When Dad died, I had a share in the will." Zhang Luyao has never touched his part of the property, nor has he entered the family business to work. After graduation, he opened a small law firm. Therefore, the only thing he is interested in is probably Jianbao. In fact, what he wants is not Jianbao, but a treasure that he has been looking for for a long time. "So you don't have to worry that I can't afford it. As long as you can help me find what I want, I can pay you a lot."

"Sounds pretty good, but..." Feng Qianyun smiled brightly, "Sorry, I don't earn your money!"

Feng Qianyun really likes to make money, but it doesn't mean that she will earn all the money delivered to her door, she also wants to pick customers.Besides, she has her own work to do, so she doesn't have the international time to help Zhang Luyao find things.

Zhang Luyao wanted to find something, but it was hard to say whether it existed or not, the crowd was vast, and he didn't have any clues, so how could he find the Year of the Monkey?There is absolutely no reason for Qianyun to accept such an unreliable business style.

"Why?" Seeing that he was rejected, Zhang Luyao was a little bit unwilling. He finally found some hope, but he didn't want to be shattered just like that.

"I think you are not pleasing to the eye, and I don't want to make money from you. The lady sitting on the stage still has the right to choose the guests. Why can't I refuse your request?" Feng Qianyun replied, it was her own choice whether she agreed or not. Liberty, now he is asking her, instead of her sending him to the door and begging him to give her the opportunity, okay?

Feng Qianyun said that she didn't plan to entangle Zhang Luyao any more, it was useless to talk, then Feng Qianyun said to her ghost, "Ghost, stay here with Zhang Ling until twelve o'clock, and then You go home by yourself."

Feng Qianyun Feng Qianyun turned around chicly and walked out.

"Woman, don't take you like this, you stop for me, hello woman, I don't remember the way home..." Guigui yelled sadly at Feng Qianyun's retreating back.

"Miss Feng, think about it again. If there is something about me that makes you unhappy, I will apologize. If there is something that I did not do well, please bring it up and I will correct it immediately!" Zhang Luyao also said. Shouting like a ghost.

Feng Qianyun didn't know where she went.

This damned stinky girl has been running out all day without telling him a word!
Han Mojue was lying on the desk, staring at the phone resentfully.

Give you a chance, 10 minutes, if you don't call me within 10 minutes, I will be angry!
So, 10 minutes passed, and the phone still didn't move at all.

Well, for the sake of your cuteness, I forgive you. I will give you another half an hour. Please contact me and tell me where you went. I will be really angry if you don’t. !
So, half an hour passed, and there was still no movement on the phone.

Well, for the sake of being nice to me, I forgive you, and I will give you another hour, and it will be time for lunch in another hour, so please contact me quickly, preferably if there is something urgent Important reason, otherwise I would be just as angry!
As a result, another hour passed, and the phone still did not receive a text message from Feng Qianyun, nor a call from Feng Qianyun.

So, Han Mojue picked up the phone and checked it several times, did it break?No, he hasn't abused his mobile phone recently, so is it because the mobile phone is in arrears?impossible!Even if he keeps calling for a month without hanging up on his mobile phone bill, it is impossible for him to stop!

In the end, Han Mojue resignedly picked up the phone, and called Feng Qianyun himself. At this time, Feng Qianyun was coming out of Zhang's house.

"Han Meiren, what can you do with me?"

Someone who has been hated all morning doesn't know it yet.

He was so mad at him, he was worried about her all morning, but she was lucky enough to talk to him in such a cheerful tone, without any remorse at all!snort!Forget it, for the sake of her being healthy and pain-free, he forgave her! "Nothing, where did you go this morning?"

"Going to work." Feng Qianyun thought, this should be considered a part-time job, right?And it's a temporary worker!
"Huh?" She went to work? "Where dare to use child labor, I will dismantle it!"

"Hey, no, I'll explain it to you later, and now I'm on my way back, waiting for the bus at the station."

"Where are you? I'll come pick you up. I just happen to have nothing to do this afternoon."

"Lucky Road. There is only such a bus station in this area. You should be able to find it when you arrive." There is a special car from Han Dameier, so why not Feng Qianyun, it is much better than squeezing the bus by herself .

"Okay, wait for me, I'll go pick you up." Han Mojue answered the phone, went out, and entered an office next to him, "Old Xu, please help me with my third class in the afternoon. I have something urgent to go out."

After Han Mojue finished speaking, he hurriedly left the house.

"Hey, Xiao Han..." Old Xu didn't even have time to call Han Mojue, and he was gone.

Han Mojue went to the underground parking lot to pick up the car. Behind Han Mojue, there was a sneaky figure following him. When he drove away, the other party followed him.

The figure of the other party was like a ghost, and it was obvious that he had a high level of cultivation, otherwise Han Mojue would not have been able to spot the other party.It's just that the man didn't seem to have any hostility towards Han Mojue, but when he saw Han Mojue, his eyes were slightly moist.

Han Mojue drove out and found the location of Lucky Road with the navigator. He just came to the provincial capital and is not very familiar with the streets and alleys here.

Han Mojue looked at the navigation, afraid that there would be a traffic jam on the road, making his daughter-in-law wait for a long time.

So Han Mojue chose to avoid the traffic jams during peak hours, and took a long detour to the place where Feng Qianyun was.

After this detour, Han Mojue made a detour to the Outer Ring Road, which was not blocked at all. There were not many cars coming and going on the road, but it was far away.Suddenly the car's tire blew out, Han Mojue slammed on the brakes and had to stop to check the situation.

No way?It's not that bad, is it rare that a tire blows out after walking a remote road?

Han Mojue felt worried looking at his completely scrapped rear tire. At this moment, a car following him stopped beside him.

A stooped old man got out of the car, and he walked towards Han Mojue slowly, his eyes were tightly locked on Han Mojue, looking very excited.

When Han Mojue saw someone coming, he asked the old man, "Hi old man, I have something urgent, if it is convenient, could you please take me to a place, don't worry, I will give you a certain reward. "

Han Mojue looked at the punctured tire of his car, and it was impossible to drive it to pick up his little wife.

The old man didn't seem to hear Han Mojue's words, his body trembled slightly, which was caused by being too excited.

"Old man?" Han Mojue noticed the strangeness of the old man, he looked at the old man with some puzzlement, why did he look at him with such eyes?As if he was his long-lost relative, he had never seen this old man.

Just when Han Mojue was wondering, the old man in front of him suddenly knelt down with a "plop".

"Young master, I finally found you!" The old man said to Han Mojue with tears in his eyes.

Wait, he's an old uncle kneeling down to a young man, that's going to shorten his life!Also, what young master?What's the mess?Han Mojue quickly reached out to help the old man.

"Old man, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell? I'll help you up!"

Han Mojue quickly reached out to help the old man, but the old man refused to get up.

"Young master, I finally found you!" The old man repeated what he said just now.

Han Mojue was taken aback, and then looked at the old man carefully, "Old man, are you okay? Are you suffering from Alzheimer's disease, also known as Alzheimer's disease? Don't worry, I have A friend knows medical skills, why don't I ask her to show you?"

"Young master, I'm not sick. I'm just excited to see the young master." The old man hurriedly explained, he knew that his actions might scare his young master a little.

"Hey, don't talk about the young master, I don't know you!" Han Mojue was left speechless by the old man. As soon as the man came up, he called him the young master, making him think that he was the boss of some gangster. The son is gone!His father is not a gangster figure, he is at best an official's young master.

"Young master, you are my young master, I will never admit it wrong, your appearance is too similar to your mother's, you are definitely my young master!"

If Han Mojue had just met some old man of unknown origin before, then when he heard him mention that he and his mother looked similar, Han Mojue's expression changed from foolish to serious.

"You know my mother?" Han Mojue asked the old man.

The old man nodded hurriedly, "I know, of course I do! Your mother was my former master, how could I not know her!"

"Master?" Han Mojue frowned. Regarding his mother, his father never explained to him in detail. He had never met his mother's family, and he knew almost nothing about his mother's life experience. of.

(End of this chapter)

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