Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 380 Well, listen to you

Chapter 380 Well, listen to you

After listening to the old man's words, Feng Qianyun was both surprised and puzzled, blood from a foreign race?Feng Qianyun didn't know what a foreign race was, let alone what the blood of a foreign race was, not to mention why Han Mojue, who was carrying the blood of a foreign race, needed a magic gu to seal him.

If according to what the old man said, Han Mojue's mother actually loved Han Mojue very much, then she chose to do this when she knew that Han Mojue would suffer great pain and even threaten his life .

In other words, the impact of alien blood on Han Mojue would be even worse than suffering from poison for more than ten years and then dying.

As for Han Mojue, he had no expression on his face, "Why should I believe what you said, who knows whether what you said is true or false?"

"Young master, I..." Seeing that Han Mojue didn't believe him, the old man became a little anxious, "Young master, if this old slave dares to tell half a lie, he will be struck by lightning and die!"

"I've never heard of such a mess of alien blood. Could it be that I'm still a half-demon?" Han Mojue said.

"Of course the young master will not be a half-demon, but... the so-called foreign race does not mean that he is not a human race. Although he is a human race, the master's bloodline has inherited the ancient bloodline, which is very different from the bloodline of ordinary people. The young master is the master's bloodline." Born to ordinary people, the two kinds of blood in the body are incompatible. The master tried to suppress the alien blood in the young master before the young master was born. The power of the alien blood is not to have ordinary human blood. The young master could bear it, but when the young master was seven years old, the master sensed that something was wrong, so he had to use magic to seal half of the blood in the young master's body. At that time, the master had no other way, otherwise he would not I will choose to use the magic gu, which will make the young master suffer a lot."

The old man was afraid that Han Mojue would not believe what he said, so he repeatedly emphasized some of the details.

Feng Qianyun looked at the old man like this, it didn't seem like a fake, what's more, the old man's cultivation base was higher than her and Han Mojue, there was no need to deceive them, "What's your name?" For a long time, none of them asked the old man's name.

"I don't have a surname, only a first name, Heying." The old man replied.

The people on their side have no surnames, only one name, including Han Mojue's mother, Ting Yu, who only has a first name.

"Then let me ask you, is there a way to get out the Gu poison in his body?" Feng Qianyun asked again.

"Yes," He Ying nodded hurriedly, "every saint can control the devil, and the master is the previous saint. But if the devil leaves the young master's body, with the young master's body in his 20s, it is inevitable It cannot bear the blood of a foreign race."


Feng Qianyun frowned slightly when she heard the words, it didn't sound like a good identity.

"Then is there a way to solve the problem of Laoshizi's alien blood?" Now that the demonic Gu has a way to get it out, the problem is only the alien blood. If there is a way to solve the alien blood problem, Han Mojue didn't need magic gu to seal his body anymore, so all the problems would be solved easily.

"This..." He Ying shook his head very distressed, "Master has been searching for more than ten years, but he has not found a solution. Young master, back then, master married your father without authorization, and even gave birth to you in spite of the oracle. , Master, she loves you and your father very much, but she has to come out and find a way to resolve the two incompatible bloods in your body." He Ying feared that Han Mojue would continue to misunderstand his mother, so he took the The reason for Ting Yu's departure is fully revealed.

There was no expression on Han Mojue's face, his silence was very unusual, the Han Mojue that Feng Qianyun was familiar with was a person who was not very serious, always laughing and joking, and it was rare for him to have such moments of silence.

Han Mojue's silence made Heying feel very nervous. He was afraid that Han Mojue would still not understand. He didn't want his master to be resented by her son for the rest of his life.

"Why are you two looking at me like this? I have never blamed her for anything. If you want to say that you are angry, there is still some. What is she doing? She knows that her blood is not right, so she doesn't want to have any sons, and I Wouldn't it be nice for the two of you to live peacefully for the rest of your life?" Han Mojue couldn't help shouting.

You fool, if you don't have a son, there will be no you in this world. Do you really not want to be born by yourself?
"Boom—" Feng Qianyun knocked Han Mojue on the head mercilessly, "Shut up, old lady, who would allow you to say such a messy assumption, they don't have sons, where can my old lady be so beautiful? Bullying all day?"

"Little daughter-in-law, you haven't finished being a child yet, so don't always yell at me, okay?" Han Mojue complained.

"Shut up!" Feng Qianyun gave Han Mojue a sideways look, "I'll ignore you if you talk nonsense."


Feng Qianyun continued to ask He Ying, "Where is Han Mojue's mother now?"

"Master, she passed away a year ago." He Ying replied sadly.

"Then let me ask you, when and why did Han Mojue's mother pass away?" Anyway, it can't be a natural death. Han Mojue is only old now, and his mother was only 50 or [-] years old when she died.

When asked about the cause of Han Mojue's mother's death, He Ying remained silent again. He glanced at Han Mojue carefully, but decided not to say that something happened to the master, and he couldn't put the young master in any danger.

"Can't say?" Feng Qianyun saw the hesitation and worry in He Ying's eyes.

Crane Shadow nodded.

"Okay, let's put this matter aside for now, how did you find Han Mojue?" Feng Qianyun asked.

"I came out this time to find the young master. The master told me the address of the young master and his father's home before, but the young master was not there when I went. After some inquiries, I found out that the young master I ran away from home a few years ago, and my whereabouts are uncertain. Even the young master's father doesn't know the exact whereabouts of the young master. Fortunately, half a month ago, I went back to Yanjing after many inquiries to no avail. , I learned that the young master went back, followed this clue and found M City, and then I knew that a little girl who had a good relationship with the young master was going to University Z to study in university, so I thought about going to Z University to see Look, there may be some clues, God has eyes, I finally met the young master."

In this way, Feng Qianyun became a big clue for Heying to find Han Mojue. What happened at that meeting was a big scene in M ​​City, and it was difficult to keep others from knowing.

"Then let me ask you, how much time does he have before the poison attack." This is very important, Feng Qianyun can't let Han Mojue finish the game without paying attention, knowing how much time is left, so that he can make the best judge.

"Half a year, this is a conservative estimate, and it was also predicted by the master before he was alive." Originally, not long after Ting Yu died, He Ying came out to look for Han Mojue, but there was no news of Han Mojue. After so long, he finally found him. Han Mojue, however, is not far away from the time when Han Mojue's Gu poison expires.

Feng Qianyun frowned, half a year, this answer can't be considered too bad, at least I didn't tell her that there are still a few days left, but it is definitely not good news, only half a year is left, there are two major problems to be solved, if not difficult, it is definitely deceitful.

Han Mojue laughed when he heard that he had half a year left, "So it's still so long, I thought I could live for only a few days!"

Ever since he turned 20, Han Mojue lived every day as if it was his last.

"If you want to die, you have to ask my opinion first." Feng Qianyun cast a sideways glance at Han Mojue. If this man dares to be so indifferent to his own life and death, she will slap him to death!

"Yunyun, didn't the old man say just now, what kind of alien blood is it, and what kind of demon is it, it's so troublesome, let's not do such a troublesome thing, okay, just live a good life, half a year Half a year, I'll stay with you for another half a year, it feels pretty good!" Han Mojue said with a smile, He Ying was worried half to death for him, but he himself looked indifferent, as if he could live for half a year is already very good one thing.

Although Feng Qianyun really wanted to yell at Han Mojue, it was a good idea, where would I find such a capable and cheap coolie after you died?But she couldn't tell, damn it, why did he act like he was going to die?How can you give up without reaching the last moment?

"Brother Mo Jue."

This time, Feng Qianyun was calling Han Mojue very seriously, the teasing tone was gone, and the joking element was gone, Feng Qianyun was not in the mood to joke with Han Mojue when it was a matter of life and death.

"Yunyun, what are you doing? I'm not used to being so serious all of a sudden..." Han Mojue wanted to ease the atmosphere, pulling the corners of his mouth, only to get two dry laughs.

Seeing that Feng Qianyun was serious, Han Mojue's heart beat accordingly.

"I won't let you die." Feng Qianyun looked at Han Mojue seriously.

Han Mojue's heart skipped a beat, he looked at Feng Qianyun without speaking for a long time, his eyes reflected Feng Qianyun's figure.

"I have experienced the pain of my loved ones leaving me. I don't like that kind of pain to happen again, so I don't allow you to go." Feng Qianyun knew that her words were a little provocative this time, but she still had to Said that death is not a fun thing, she is unwilling and does not want to see the people around her leave her.

Han Mojue looked at Feng Qianyun's earnest little face and her firm and persistent eyes.

After a long time, he smiled knowingly.

"Well, listen to you, if you don't let me die, I will try my best to live and let you bully me."

This is Han Mojue's promise to Feng Qianyun, promising that he will work hard to fight for the chance to live, not to accept fate, not to wait for death.

Han Mojue didn't want to die deep in his heart. He had a longing for life, and if he lived happily, he would naturally fall in love with life. Han Mojue thought that he had recently become greedy for life and afraid of death, but this is quite OK

(End of this chapter)

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