Chapter 383

"Dong dong." Feng Qianyun knocked on the door politely, and several people in the laboratory turned to look at the door.

"Hello, seniors, I am Feng Qianyun." Feng Qianyun introduced herself. She thought she was very polite, and she still had a cute and invincible smile on her face, but unfortunately, she didn't seem to be very friendly. popular.

Several people in the laboratory turned their heads to look at Feng Qianyun, and then went on to do their own things.

Is she in love with a cold ass?Feng Qianyun couldn't be sure about her, but it was an established fact that she was not very popular, even she herself couldn't understand why she was treated coldly?She must have never seen these senior graduate students before. She is a shiny newcomer. She has just started school not long ago, and the number of times she, the king of skipping classes, comes to only a handful of classes, except for the dormitory. With those few, she hasn't had a chance to meet anyone else in the school.

For the seniors and sisters in the laboratory who will study with her in the future, Feng Qianyun didn't make any comments. No matter what reason they didn't want to see her, that was their business. They didn't want to see her. Feng Qianyun would just do her own thing.

So Feng Qianyun found an empty seat after entering the laboratory, put down her schoolbag, and just wanted to sit for a while.

"Excuse me, I want to use this position." A beautiful big sister came over, informed Feng Qianyun, and put Feng Qianyun's schoolbag on the table next to the visiting laboratory equipment, and put the The stool was moved by my companion.

Feng Qianyun looked at her schoolbag that was randomly thrown on top of the experimental apparatus, shouldn't she be thankful that the other party didn't just throw her schoolbag on the ground?
Feng Qianyun shook her head, and when she was about to change places, she saw a boy throw a rag at Feng Qianyun.

"Where there is still unclean in the laboratory, wipe it off, and wipe it clean."

The boy who threw the rag said.

Feng Qianyun looked at the rag in her hand, blinked her eyes, and then, did she become a handyman?

"What are you still doing? We came yesterday and have already cleaned it. Don't think that you don't have to work because you come a day late, everyone is the same! Don't you have any privileges in the future!" unfriendly.

The laboratory is not very dirty, but because it has been idle for a summer vacation, a lot of dust has accumulated in some corners, and there are many electronic circuits in the classroom, so the dusty places should be wiped with a dry cloth over and over again. Relatively time-consuming.

Feng Qianyun searched around with a rag, but didn't find anything particularly dirty, so she pretended to wipe it a few times.

After a while, Professor Guo Shuyong came in. As soon as he entered the door and saw Feng Qianyun, he felt very cordial.

"Student Xiaofeng, you're here. It's your first time here, how do you feel?" In fact, the senior graduate students who came here today only came a day earlier than Feng Qianyun, and they didn't see Guo Shuyong when they came yesterday. Asking them this way, he was very kind when Feng Qianyun came today.

For Guo Shuyong, the other students came here relying on their test scores. He met them once during the interview, and naturally he would not be very impressed with everyone, but Feng Qianyun is different. If you do yourself such a big favor, that kind of feeling is naturally a little more cordial. Isn't it like this on whom to put this on?Humans are inherently emotional animals.

Feng Qianyun had a feeling when she entered the door. Obviously, a lot of money was spent on the things in this laboratory. Many of them are the latest equipment from abroad. The bacteriological research conducted by Mr. Guo, the school actually made a special trip Such a large classroom came out to serve as a laboratory for Mr. Guo, and invested a lot of money to acquire so many high-tech equipment. This is not the treatment that any teacher can enjoy.

"I think I need some time to get familiar with these instruments. I haven't seen many of them before." Feng Qianyun told the truth, she had never had much contact with bacteriology before, how could she know such professional instruments?She is not an encyclopedia!

Her words fell into the ears of the seniors in the laboratory, and they received a sneer and some contemptuous looks.They seemed to be laughing at Feng Qianyun's ignorance.

I checked, isn't she just getting started?If she knew what she was doing as a student here now?What is she still doing here?
"Hahaha... If you don't understand anything, just ask your seniors, and if you don't come, just ask me, study hard, I like you!" Guo Shuyong patted Feng Qianyun on the shoulder encouragingly.

"Okay, since everyone is here today, let's divide into groups of two, and you need to complete two projects this semester. Do you think you are free to form or I will arrange for you?" Guo Shuyong this time is facing All said.

After hearing the words, everyone answered Guo Shuyong's question with actions without hesitation, and they chose to combine freely.

Feng Qianyun turned her head and looked at the big brothers and sisters behind her who started to form a group. The speed was quite fast. They had already formed a team in a short while, leaving only one boy with green eyes who looked at him at a loss. Looking at everyone, he obviously doesn't want to be in the same group as Feng Qianyun, but since the number of people is in pairs, one person is destined to be in the same group as Feng Qianyun.

Guo Shuyong saw that everyone was standing in line, and he nodded his head as he has always implemented a relatively democratic and open teaching mode for students, "That's how it is, the rest is Feng Qianyun and Chen Apologia, and the members of the same group are in the evaluation. The grades you get at the time are the same, so your current choices will also affect your future evaluation grades."

After Guo Shuyong finished speaking, the young boy named Chen Qianran lowered his head even lower.

It was lunch time, and everyone came out of the laboratory. When passing by Chen Apologetic, several other people teased Chen Apologetic in a teasing tone.

"Look, how lucky you are, follow her, and you will definitely get high scores in the future!"

"It's thick too. It's different for those who come in through relationships. Even if you don't know anything, it doesn't matter if you can't even recognize an instrument, tsk tsk tsk..."

Facing the ridicule of his classmates, Guo Shuyong lowered his head. He is a good student and has always relied on his own efforts to get to this point. Now, because of Feng Qianyun, others say that If he had to rely on others to get his grades, he would certainly not feel good about it.

Chen Qianran was very confused about his future, and worried whether Feng Qianyun would affect him.

Feng Qianyun finally understood how she provoked these seniors, how dare they think she came in through the back door through her connections?

In fact, they didn't seem to be wrong in saying that, she even sat down and had a meal with Guo Shuyong before!Hey, hey, it seems that he is also corrupt.

Feng Qianyun looked at her future partner again, seeing that he looked sluggish, presumably he disliked her partner who "goes through the back door".

After everyone else left one after another, Feng Qianyun also finished packing and was about to leave, when Chen Apologetic walked up to Feng Qianyun, with his head down, looking a little nervous.

"That, that... I..."

He was really nervous and stuttered, making Feng Qianyun anxious for him.

"If there is any experiment in the future, I will do it. You, you are by the side, watching... I will write the paper, anyway... Anyway, I will do what I need to do... You, you just need to cooperate!"

Chen Qianran thought for a long time before making this difficult decision. Although it would be a bit strenuous for him to do what should be done by two people, he would rather be tired than be dragged down by Feng Qianyun !
Feng Qianyun looked up at Chen Apologetic for a long time, and almost laughed out loud. If you dislike her, you should dislike her. If you don't want her to drag him back, then you don't want her to drag him back. He is really an awkward boy. He is quite old. Still so unfavorable, Feng Qianyun was deeply worried about his emotional intelligence.

"Then thank you!" Feng Qianyun picked up her schoolbag and gave Chen Apologetic a big smile. If someone is willing to take the job that belongs to her, why doesn't she say thank you and be generous? Leave things to him to do?This kind of labor that does not need to be paid and can do things with all its strength is hard to find now!
Chen Qian was so aggrieved, if he was not afraid that Feng Qianyun would not help him, why would he have to do the work of two people alone?Feng Qianyun was fine, she was happy and at ease, and she didn't feel embarrassed at all!
It's a pity that Feng Qianyun has never known what embarrassment is.

Feng Qianyun happily left the school with her schoolbag on her back. Feng Qianyun has no class on Monday afternoon, so she can go back to the dormitory now, but today her mother is going to cook, so she plans to go to Han Mojue's for lunch Yes, so I walked out of school with my schoolbag on my back.

When Jin Youheng saw Feng Qianyun coming out of the school, he cursed in his heart, little bitch, I've waited until you came out!

Because of his charm, Jin Youheng lost everyone in front of celebrities, and because he lost his credibility, he was excluded by people in the industry.The old man of the Jin family called him to scold him last night, dismissed him from his post, and froze his bank account!

The more Jin Youheng thought about it, the more unwilling he became. If it wasn't for Feng Qianyun, a little bitch, how could he have fallen to this point?To spoil his good deeds, to ruin his reputation, he has to settle everything with her carefully!
So Jin Youheng came to Feng Qianyun's school early in the morning to stay at Feng Qianyun's school, and now he is in a van with a license plate, waiting for Feng Qianyun to come out to deal with her!

"Hurry up, when you see that there are few people, pull that little bitch into the car for me. If you don't take revenge, I won't be able to swallow this!" Jin Youheng eagerly wanted to catch Feng Qianyun.

"Yes, boss." The person hired by Jin Youheng agreed.

Just when they were about to make a move, they saw a man beside Feng Qianyun, who looked quite familiar. When they drove the van closer, they saw clearly that the man who was talking with Feng Qianyun was Zhang Chuan's younger brother Zhang Luyao.

"Boss, Zhang Luyao is here, should we make a move?"

(End of this chapter)

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