Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 385 Revenge?

Chapter 385 Revenge?

Jin Youheng really believed Feng Qianyun's words, so he scratched his throat even harder. After digging for a long time, nothing came out, but a lot of saliva flowed out. His whole chin and his own fingers were wet, which made him feel sick. Feng Qianyun was extremely disgusted.

"Don't pick, what grade is the poison I gave you? Even if you can pick it out, the toxin has penetrated into your internal organs just now!" Feng Qianyun continued to talk nonsense, lying innocent!

Hearing what Feng Qianyun said, Jin Youheng stopped his wretched throat picking in a daze, and then asked Feng Qianyun with a flattering face: "Then, will it affect me? Why don't you tell me what you want? , it doesn't matter how much money you have, as long as you promise to give me the antidote!"

"Usually, it doesn't have any effect on you, but if you don't take the antidote I gave you on schedule, your internal organs will be like countless ants crawling, as if they are all gnawing on your meat, drinking Your blood, use your tendons as rubber bands! You will die!" Feng Qianyun continued to babble, it seems to be what is said in martial arts novels, it is quite good to scare Jin Youheng! "I'm not short of money yet, so I don't want to exchange the antidote for something with you. I'll give you the antidote when I feel better. As for still come to me every once in a while to suppress toxicity. The onset medicine will be fine."

Jin Youheng didn't doubt Feng Qianyun's words, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, "Then, how often should I come to get medicine from you?"

"Half a month." If it's too long, she might forget it, but if it's too short, he comes to her every day, and he doesn't bother her, he does!

"Are you sure?" Hearing Feng Qianyun's tone that seemed to be like this, Jin Youheng sweated for himself. His little life was in her hands like this. How could such an important matter be so important? Can you do whatever you want?After a while, he's going to poison his internal organs!

"Why? Do you doubt me?" Feng Qianyun glared at Jin Youheng, that look seemed to say, you dare to doubt me!
"No, I dare not dare... I just want to confirm again!" Jin Youheng hated Feng Qianyun so much in his heart, but he had to be respectful to her on the face, who told him that he couldn't beat her? Let her feed him poison, and I don't know if the members of the poison family she fed him can find out for him. If they can't be found out, he will have to be controlled by Feng Qianyun!
"Don't dare, what are you still doing here?" Feng Qianyun was planning to leave with her schoolbag on her back. Since Jin Youheng is a member of the Jin family, he might still be useful in the future. The last time Jin Zhongye was let go, the provincial capital Although she is quite big, if it is not a coincidence, she will still meet Jin Zhongye.

Feng Qianyun wanted to leave, but there was another man who refused to let her go just like that.

"Miss Feng, do you want to think about my matter again?" Zhang Luyao held on to Feng Qianyun without giving up, but this time he didn't blame Feng Qianyun any more.When she saw her for the first time, she subdued a thief with this posture. This time, seeing her subduing Jin Youheng again, she couldn't help admiring her. Of course, Zhang Lu Of course, what Yao admired was not Feng Qianyun's skill or how to deal with the enemy, but her ability to appraise treasures.

"Mr. Zhang, Handsome Zhang, Lawyer Zhang, I am not the only treasure appraiser in this world, and I am not the only one who is a senior treasure appraiser. You go to the president, she is also a senior treasure appraiser!" Feng Qianyun thought of a way for Zhang Luyao.

"I've looked for her." Zhang Luyao said, with a helpless expression on his face, "I've looked for her before, and told her what I wanted to find, but she didn't agree."

She doesn't agree with you and you dominate Feng Qianyun?

"Even she didn't agree, which proves that the matter is really tricky, why should I pick it up?" It's funny, she Feng Qianyun looks like someone who is easy to deceive?So let her pick up the orders that no one else wants?

"Because you are beautiful, kind and cute!" Zhang Luyao praised Feng Qianyun.

"Stop, stop!" Feng Qianyun hurriedly shouted to stop, "Listen to me, I am beautiful, kind and cute, that is a fact recognized by everyone, I don't need you to remind me again! Alright, that's it, we won't see you anymore!"

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she hurried off and ran away. She hadn't noticed before that it turns out that men can be so difficult to pester.

"I will come to you again!"

Everyone in Feng Qianyun ran away, and he heard Zhang Luyao's high-spirited voice from behind, which made Feng Qianyun's back feel cold and shivered.

Feng Qianyun returned to Han Mojue's side. She came to see her mother today, and planned to go back to the dormitory at night. It's not good to always be crowded with Han Mojue.

After ringing the doorbell, it was Han Mojue who opened the door. Seeing Feng Qianyun, Han Mojue winked at her, "There are guests at home, beware of bombs."

With just one glance, Feng Qianyun guessed who the "guest" was at home, "Didn't you tell him not to come in?"

"Your mother agreed." Han Mojue respected the client's decision.

"I see." Feng Qianyun said as she handed her schoolbag to Han Mojue, and then entered the door. Sure enough, the "guest" who came was her father, and Du Qingyan was also there.

Before Feng Qianyun came in, the two sat on the sofa in the living room quite peacefully. Du Qingyan actually wanted to make a noise, but she didn't dare to mess around with Ouyang Shiyin.

Seeing Feng Qianyun coming in, Du Qingyan immediately stood up and reacted very quickly.

"Feng Qianyun, I know you are dissatisfied with me, why can't you come after me? Why did you attack my brother? Do you want to destroy Du Shi? Your heart is too poisonous!"

Just as Feng Qianyun came in, Du Qingyan pointed at Feng Qianyun's nose and began to scold. What a vicious heart, taught your daughter to kidnap my brother, cut off his fingers, and gouged out his eyeballs!"

Thinking of her brother being detained by Feng Qianyun, Du Qingyan was filled with anger.

"Enough!" Ouyang Shiyin shouted to Du Qingyan, there was deep pain in his eyes, and his face looked a little haggard. Thinking about it, these days are not easy, what happened to Feng Yilin made him very uncomfortable, and Du Qingyan was noisy every day. stop……

When Du Qingyan was called out by Ouyang Shiyin, she had to hold back the rest of her words, and sat back angrily, making great movements.

"Yunyun, did you kidnap Du Qingfei? If so, can you release him first? Dad promises you that he will never pursue this matter." Facing this daughter, Ouyang Shiyin felt powerless. She looked at him as if she was looking at a stranger, a passerby.

"Husband, what do you mean? My brother's fingers were chopped off by her. How can it be assumed that nothing happened?" Hearing Ouyang Shiyin's words, Du Qingyan was dissatisfied.

"You'd better shut up." Ouyang Shi glanced at Du Qingyan who was squatting with a cold gaze.

It was the first time for Du Qingyan to see Ouyang Shiyin's eyes like this. She was startled, and quickly closed her mouth, not daring to say any more.

"Yunyun, Dad promised you won't pursue it. It won't do you any good if you keep Du Qingfei locked up like this." Ouyang Shiyin's voice sounded inexplicably pale.

"I don't know who you are, and don't claim to be my father there, my father is the one over there." Feng Qianyun pointed to Lu Guoxing and said.Her mother recognized Lu Guoxing, so from now on, Lu Guoxing is her father, Ouyang Shiyin is nothing, she only recognizes her mother, whoever loves her mother is her father!Everyone else, stand aside!

Ouyang Shiyin followed Feng Qianyun's gaze, and saw a tall, stern man at first glance, with a roughness in his sternness.The man was very big, and Feng Yilin looked extraordinarily petite standing beside him.

Just now Ouyang Shiyin noticed that this man had been standing beside Feng Yilin, looking at him vigilantly.

Because Lu Guoxing's appearance changed drastically, Ouyang Shiyin didn't recognize him either.

"What do you mean?" Ouyang Shiyin's tone was filled with obvious anger.

"Literally." Feng Qianyun took a step forward and stood in front of Ouyang Shiyin, "If you are dissatisfied, I will accompany you to the end. As for my mother, don't mess with her anymore, you have long since lost the qualification .”

As Feng Qianyun spoke, she turned her eyes to Du Qingyan who was at the side, "As for the matter between me and that woman, it's not up to you to take care of it. What you have to do is to protect her well!"

"Yunyun, she is your brother's mother. If you do this, what will your brother think of you when he grows up?" Ouyang Shiyin tried to comfort Feng Qianyun.

"I'm sorry, my younger brother should have come out of my mother's belly. Does your Ouyang Shiyin's seed have anything to do with me?" Feng Qianyun thought it was enough. Can he stop being so narcissistic? Can she recognize her younger brother?He was out in the wind and snow, who knows how many seeds he left?Could it be possible to call her sister in a blink of an eye?

"Yunyun, the previous thing is that Dad is sorry for you and your mother, okay? Dad is willing to make up for it. Can you stop your revenge?"

"Revenge?" Did this man think that she was kicked out of the house by him, and then began to revenge them madly?Although this is a good reason, but Feng Qianyun has always been too lazy to hate, let alone hate them?Are they worthy? "Before you come to question me again, why don't you go home and ask what your beautiful lady is going to do?"

Feng Qianyun looked at Du Qingyan with a smile.

Du Qingyan felt a little guilty when Feng Qianyun looked at her, "What do you watch me do, don't be a villain and sue first!" Du Qingyan first asked someone to trouble Feng Qianyun. Don't ask her what she wants to do to Feng Qianyun?

(End of this chapter)

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