Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 396 The Bad Woman

Chapter 396 The Bad Woman (2)
There are still people waiting for her outside. She has already achieved the purpose of her trip, so there should be no further delay.

Feng Qianyun bid farewell to Zhang Chuan and walked outside, outside the door, Lie Que was waiting for her.

He stood alone at the door, as if he was a depraved fairy, untouched by the dust, just like Feng Qianyun when he saw him for the first time, independent from the world, as if there was no other existence besides him.

Feng Qianyun felt a little embarrassed, he was supposed to be a busy person, but recently he was always wandering around with her.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Feng Qianyun handed a bottle of drink to Lie Que.

Lie Que took the drink and took a sip, "Let's go, it's sunny outside."

"Lie Que, why are you being so nice to me?" Feng Qianyun suddenly wanted to ask Lie Que this question.

Lie Que smiled slightly, "If I say that I want to marry you when you grow up, do you think this reason is valid?"

What?marry her?Why?
"Although the reason is valid, but..."

"Let's go, wait until you've dealt with this matter, good boy." Lie Que took Feng Qianyun's little hand, and pulled her out of the hotel together.

"Can't you use this way of deceiving children to perfuse my questions?" Feng Qianyun pouted, expressing her little dissatisfaction.

"But, you are still young!" Lie Que patted Feng Qianyun's head. When the two stood side by side, Feng Qianyun's height was less than Lie Que's waist, so it was inevitable to be treated as a child. .

Feng Qianyun raised her head and looked up at Lie Que at 45 degrees, "It's okay to be so tall, what are you doing, I hate it!"

"Hehehe..." Lie Que smiled and bent down to kiss Feng Qianyun's cheek, "If you think I'm tall, you should grow taller, at least you can kiss me when you stand on tiptoe."

"Who said I want to kiss you?" Feng Qianyun muttered dissatisfiedly.

Lie Que smiled and said nothing.

Originally, Feng Qianyun thought that it was more difficult to deal with the moat in Zhang Chuan's hands than the ghost in Ouyang's house, but it was only when she practiced that she realized that the ghost was even more difficult to deal with than the moat.

"If it's really to save Shi Yin, what's the point of raising a mere ghost? I'm afraid that some people will take chicken feathers as arrows and lend them to Shi Yin for the purpose of making money?" Du Qingyan was the first to oppose Feng Qianyun's request and refused to hand over the ghost tripod to Feng Qianyun.

The old lady stared at Feng Qianyun for a long time before she slowly said: "Don't you have the Moon Slaughter Cauldron in your hand? Why do you want ghosts to rise? You just swear that you are sure that I will hand over Shi Yin to you , why do you want something else now?"

The old lady was not as disgusted as Du Qingyan, but she raised a lot of doubts about Feng Qianyun, as if Feng Qianyun was coveting the treasure in Ouyang's house.

"I've already said that the three tripods of Xuanyin can be fused into one medicine tripod——Xuanyin tripod. To refine Huangji Xisui Pill, a medicine tripod with a higher grade than Moonkiller tripod is needed." Feng Qianyun thought at the beginning After explaining this problem, the old lady and Du Qingyan were still debating whether to give her the ghost or not for a long time.

Feng Qianyun felt that this was a matter of course, so she directly asked what they wanted. The person who needs to be treated is Ouyang Shiyin, and you are still pushing and procrastinating. If it were someone else, wouldn't it be completely out of character? .

"Just one word, if you don't give it to me, I won't treat you." Feng Qianyun didn't bother to talk nonsense with these two women. She would not want the Ouyang family's property at all. She is not short of money yet. to that share.

Now they are expecting her to cure Ouyang Shiyin, not her praying to God and asking them to hand him over to her for treatment.Ouyang Shiyin has something that doesn't affect her at all. Without Ouyang Shiyin, she and her mother still live well this year.

"What do you mean, do you want to threaten us with your father's life?" Du Qingyan said angrily. In her eyes, Feng Qianyun is a woman who has returned to Ouyang's house to grab the family property. Let her She must be on guard against her at all times, every movement of Feng Qianyun gave her all the energy to deal with it.

"Your fantasies are fucking rich." Feng Qianyun gave Du Qingyan a very pertinent evaluation, please forgive her for accidentally swearing again, facing this woman with a brain problem, Feng Qianyun really has nothing to do Talk to her with a normal mind, or she will definitely have a nervous breakdown.

" bastard! You..." Du Qingyan became angry and began to scold Feng Qianyun again.

"Okay, okay." The old lady gave Du Qingyan a sideways glance, "What kind of wild species is not a wild species? Yunyun is the eldest lady of our Ouyang family. If anyone dares to say that Yunyun is a wild species in the future, my Ouyang family will accept it." Not him!"

The old lady said this to Du Qingyan, and asked her to calm down, and she also told it to other people. It was once again her recognition of Feng Qianyun's identity.

"As for this ghost tripod, it's not a rare thing. It doesn't matter if you want to give it to you. I just asked a few more questions, but I just had some doubts in my heart." After the old lady finished speaking, Ouyang Zhongshu went upstairs to get the ghost. .

"She is the eldest lady of the Ouyang family, so what is my son?" This problem is serious, Du Qingyan has to fight for the best interests of her son, "Did you forget that you said that my son is the young master of the Ouyang family? What is this sour now?"

"As the daughter-in-law of my Ouyang family, how can you be so narrow-minded?" The old lady blamed Du Qingyan, "This Yunyun is the eldest lady of the Ouyang family, which existed before you knew Shi Yin." In fact, if you don't want to, don't enter the gate of our Ouyang family in the first place!"

Although Du Qingyan has her own problems, the old lady is really shameless. She said some things herself at the beginning. Now it seems that she has done nothing, and she can still reprimand Du Qingyan so righteously.

Du Qingyan has been really useless recently, her brother can't be found, Feng Qianyun, the little bitch, has returned to Ouyang's house to compete with her and her son for the family property, and the dead old woman at the head of the family is still pissing herself off everywhere.

Du Qingyan turned her head to the side and said nothing more, this damn old woman, just wait for her, she will get back all the anger she received today!

The old lady looked at Du Qingyan who was "disappointed" and "disgraced the Ouyang family", and shook her head helplessly.

Just at this moment, Ouyang Zhongshu has already taken down the medicine cauldron.

"Leave it to Yunyun." The old lady said to Ouyang Zhong.

"Yes, old lady." Ouyang Zhongshu offered the medicine cauldron with both hands, holding it in front of Feng Qianyun.

It was very natural for Feng Qianyun to take over the medicine cauldron from Ouyang Zhongshu, she didn't think she needed to thank her, it was a matter of course!
(End of this chapter)

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