Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 405 I was confessed, shy 1

Chapter 405 I was confessed, I felt shy

"Heh, heh heh..." Ouyang Youde laughed dryly twice, wishing to slap himself twice in the heart, next time he encounters this kind of thing, he has to ask what's going on before agreeing, otherwise he's just looking for trouble , Find guilt for yourself!

"By the way, where is Ouyang Zhimin?" Feng Qianyun asked about Ouyang Zhimin. She knew that Ouyang Zhimin had been left at Ouyang's house by the old lady these days, and Ouyang Zhimin didn't feel disgusted. He started to learn Kung Fu from Ouyang's master. It was hard for his little girlfriend, every time Shang Xiaoye saw her, she complained to her, saying that she rarely saw Ouyang Zhimin, and rarely even made a phone call.

Men and women in love...

"He is studying with a martial arts teacher in the back, Yunyun, are you going to see him?" The old lady became more enthusiastic.

When Feng Qianyun and Ouyang Youde were talking about medicine, the old lady had already visited Ouyang Shiyin in the room, and found that Ouyang Shiyin's complexion showed signs of improvement, so she felt his pulse and found that his body There was a force inside to suppress the illness, and he was overjoyed at once, and the last bit of doubt about Feng Qianyun disappeared.

"Well, I'll go see him."

Feng Qianyun would not come to Ouyang's house if she had nothing to do, and this place has almost nothing to do with her.

Now that Ouyang Zhimin is at Ouyang's house, Feng Qianyun is quite supportive. Among other things, Ouyang Zhimin can get a good training here.

No matter in terms of body or knowledge, the Ouyang family, which has a long history of thousands of years and a huge family system, is hard to compare with.

"Then I'll let someone take you there." The old lady said to Feng Qianyun very caringly.

"It's the small western building on the west, right?" Feng Qianyun remembered that the small western building on the west was specially used for training people, but it was much more luxurious than the gymnasium.

"Yes." The old lady nodded.

"I can go there by myself." Feng Qianyun still remembered the way.

"That's right, you used to go there to deliver meals to Wufeng's child, you should be very familiar with that place." The old lady still remembered this, "Speaking of which, there is still a marriage contract between you and Wufeng. , although you are not in Ouyang's house for the time being, this marriage contract still counts."

The old lady deliberately emphasized "temporarily", which shows that she has made up her mind to get Feng Qianyun back and turn her back into Ouyang Qianyun.

As soon as the old lady finished speaking, Feng Qianyun felt a chill, a chill coming from the man beside her.

To be honest, Feng Qianyun herself doesn't really remember the engagement with Xia Wufeng. Ouyang's family and Xia's family have always been friends, so Xia Wufeng will be sent to Ouyang's family at that time. The engagement between the two was also finalized by the two parents. .

Although it is said that in this era, there is no such thing as parents' order and matchmaker's words, but in a big family like theirs, they still like to engage in this kind of thing.

The two families agreed on the marriage cheerfully, and did not ask Feng Qianyun and Xia Wufeng for their opinions. Later, Feng Qianyun left Ouyang's house. , The marriage contract has long been forgotten by her.

"Ahem, the person who has a marriage contract with Xia Wufeng is Ouyang Qianyun, not me, Feng Qianyun. I'm sorry, but I can only trouble the person in the room and Mrs. Ouyang in front of me to work harder and try to give Xia Wufeng another one." The fiancée is out."

My darling, the last person she wants to see is Xia Wufeng. She and Xia Wufeng had a fight like that in M ​​City. Although they acted together in the end, it was because of special circumstances and special treatment. God knows how much he is now. Want her dead, return the engagement, shit!
The old lady didn't argue with Feng Qianyun, she thought to herself, Feng Qianyun must have a resentment in her heart, she might not be able to listen to what she said to her now, so it's better to give her some time and wait for her When the anger subsides, it will come back naturally.

And... the old lady glanced sharply at Lie Que. They haven't figured out who this man is until now. When Feng Qianyun came here, she said that he was her fiancé. The boyfriend Yun found for herself, then she and Xia Wufeng are still engaged, and things will be messed up.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this for now, then you go to see that child Zhimin first." The old lady thoughtfully let Feng Qianyun go to visit Ouyang Zhimin first.

"Let's go." Feng Qianyun took Lie Que's hand and was about to leave, but found that Lie Que was standing still, he was a big man, he didn't move, it was too much effort for her to pull him.

"What's wrong?" Feng Qianyun turned around and asked Lie Que.

Lie Que glanced at Feng Qianyun, then reached out and carried Feng Qianyun onto his shoulders.

"Before we go to see Ouyang Zhimin, we still have a very important issue to discuss." While speaking, Lie Que had already carried Feng Qianyun out of everyone's sight.

Today's young people are really OPEN!The old lady sighed in her heart.

Feng Qianyun was carried by Lie Que to the front garden, and Lie Que stopped beside a wall of roses.

"What are you doing?" Feng Qianyun looked at Lie Que suspiciously, thinking that he seemed to be a little awkward, could it be?When does this man get awkward?
"I want to discuss something with you." Lie Que took off his mask, revealing his disastrous face. His expression didn't look special, it was warm and serious.

"whats the matter?"

"Let's register!"

"What?" Feng Qianyun didn't understand what Lie Que meant by "registration". Forgive Feng Qianyun for not being able to understand Lie Que's words in the first place. She is 13 years old this year. You and a 13-year-old The little girl said let's go to register, how do you want her to understand?

"Marriage registration." Lie Que repeated what he said just now.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Feng Qianyun choked on her own saliva, "Cough, cough..."

He said they registered, they got married?

Lie Que stretched out his hand and caressed Feng Qianyun's back to give her comfort.

"Cough cough cough..." It took Feng Qianyun a long time to catch her breath, he really had the ability to scare her.

"I said Lie Que, did I hear you right? You said you want to register with me? If I remember correctly, I'm still a long way from the legal age of marriage, right?"

"Go abroad to get married." There are always countries where the legal age of marriage is very low. This is a fact.

"Cough, cough..." Lie Que managed to make Feng Qianyun choke on his saliva again.

Lie Que gave her the best of luck, but Lie Que just felt that there might be too many changes in the process of waiting for Feng Qianyun to grow up, why is it so worrying?
Another fiancé appeared today, Lie Que knew about Xia Wufeng, but he didn't know that the two had such a relationship.

"Master Que, can you tell me what stimulated you?" Feng Qianyun looked at Lie Que in front of her, not because she was hypocritical, but because Lie Que's words were too hard for her to accept.

This man who was so handsome and cool as hell, and with his frightening martial arts, actually told her that he wanted to register for marriage with her?Is this a pie in the sky, and she was accidentally hit by the pie?
Lie Que looked at Feng Qianyun's cute face with wide open eyes, and couldn't help stretching out his hand to bully her little face. He smiled and replied, "I've been waiting, didn't you notice?"

Lie Que repeatedly told Feng Qianyun that she wanted her to grow up quickly, the meaning was quite obvious, but Feng Qianyun seemed to be taking it too seriously...

Feng Qianyun was silent for a long time, "Are you serious?"

Lie Que nodded with a smile, his eyes stayed on Feng Qianyun's body, watching the expression changes on her little face.

He nodded!

"Uh... that... I suddenly want to go to the toilet, the situation is urgent!" After finishing speaking, Feng Qianyun ran away without a trace.

Feng Qianyun was a bit like running away, her face was flushed before she ran away, most likely because she was shy.

Feng Qianyun rushed to the toilet in one breath, panting with her back against the door, "Huh, huh... I was scared to death."

Feng Qianyun patted her chest to comfort herself.

Just now Lie Que actually proposed to her...?That should count as a marriage proposal, right?
My God, she is only 13 years old, even if she has a relationship, it is considered a puppy love, and married?Is this too early to be exaggerated?

Feng Qianyun looked at the mirror in the bathroom and took a good look at it. Hey, although she has grown a lot under her planned food supplements, she is still a little girl after all.

When she heard Lie Que say those words just now, her heart was beating a little unscrupulously...

This is the first time in her life that she has been confessed!
Her excitement is beyond her control!When she lived to be 27 or [-] years old, no one confessed to her.

"dong dong"

Lie Que knocked lightly on the door.

"This is the women's toilet, you can't come in." Feng Qianyun spoke to Lie Que through a toilet door.

"Hehe...Little girl, this is your family bathroom, regardless of gender." Lie Que kindly reminded.

Uh... got exposed.

Feng Qianyun was a little depressed and then argued: "After women come in, it's the women's toilet, so you can't come in."

How could Lie Que not be able to tell that Feng Qianyun was being shy?Knowing that she was shy, Lie Que smiled instead.

Hearing Lie Que giggling outside, Feng Qianyun was upset, she opened the door, and said angrily to Lie Que who was standing outside: "You bastard, don't you know girls can be shy? , What do you say if you are registered or not, you can propose marriage as soon as you propose, there is no sincerity at all!"

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, I'll wait for you to grow up." Lie Que smiled, but didn't mention the matter of registration again.

Fortunately, he didn't mention it, otherwise Feng Qianyun wouldn't know how to answer his strange proposal.


Lie Que leaned over and pressed a light kiss on Feng Qianyun's forehead, "This time it's not a farewell, but a seal first, to mark it."

Today's Lie Que... suddenly became a little... a little blunt, which made Feng Qianyun dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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