Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 436 Goodbye Xia Wufeng

Chapter 436 Goodbye Xia Wufeng

The atmosphere of the three people in the room opposite Feng Qianyun and them was not very good.

"We have to get the things this time no matter what, so there can be no mistakes. How is your investigation for other people who came to participate in the competition?"

The one who spoke was a woman in her thirties who looked very mature and calm.

The woman has blond hair, she is very beautiful at first glance, but she will feel a little scary when you look closely, because the woman has a pair of very special eyes, the color of the eyes is green, such eyes will be a little creepy after a long time.

Many people think that a woman's eyes have such a special color because she wears colored contact lenses, and some even persuade her to change to a different color of colored contact lenses, but in fact, women's eyes are originally green, and the green and green ones seem to be Goblin eyes.With her golden hair, it looks extra weird.

"Anna, are you a little too nervous, we came a few days earlier, have you seen any particularly powerful people these days?"

In contrast, the expressions of the other two men were much calmer. One of them had gray hair, and he was already old at a glance, while the other one looked much younger, about the same age as the blonde woman.

The three of them were members of the Jin family, that is, members of the Jin Zhongye family. The purpose of their visit this time was also for that mysterious prize, and they came here at the order of the head of the Jin family.

In fact, there is one thing about the arena that Kane doesn’t know. This can be regarded as a contest between families. There is also a need to exist, and the arena is a stage.

After the alliance was established, family competition was not allowed on many occasions.

The arena fights were not included in those forbidden occasions, so the Jin family would invite family members to participate in this kind of competition every year. Of course, apart from the Jin family, there were also Jin family's deadly enemies.

Anna babbled until his ears were almost callused, and the gray-haired man couldn't help it, "Anna, sit down, you've been chanting for almost an hour, I know this matter is very important, I can't say anything A little mistake, but you don’t need to be so overly nervous! Look, half of the few who have come so far have appeared in previous years. We know their strengths clearly, and the other few newcomers are not good. , the most outrageous thing is the group that just came in today and lives opposite us, God, even children come to participate, are you really fucking out of money and crazy?"

Jin Hanzhang felt that this competition was getting more and more outrageous. Tell me, even children are allowed in. Is this still a level to speak of?If they match up, in front of the audience, even if he wins against that little girl, it wouldn't be an honor, would it?

The blond woman Anna took a look at Jin Hanzhang, "Mr. Hanzhang, I know you have gained experience, but be careful when sailing for ten thousand years. Don't be afraid of [-], just in case."

Jin Hanzhang is the teacher of Anna and Jin Jianming. This time, because he was afraid that the two juniors would be inexperienced, he asked Jin Hanzhang to follow him.

Jin Hanzhang was considered an old man in the arena. Everyone knew he was from the Jin family when they saw him, and they didn't care too much when they saw that he brought two juniors over.

Everyone in the arena of Jin Hanzhang's strength has seen it before, it's nothing special, it's more than enough to deal with ordinary people, but if you want to win the championship in the arena, I'm afraid you won't be able to do it.

In fact, they don't know that since the Jin family arranged for the three of them, they are naturally well prepared. It is true that Jin Hanzhang is the oldest of the three, but in terms of strength, Jin Hanzhang is not as good as these two juniors. The strength of the junior made Jin Hanzhang a little afraid.

That's all for Anna, Jin Jianming, who has a bad temper, even Jin Hanzhang feels a headache for him.

Jin Jianming has no blood relationship with the Jin family. He had a car accident when he was a child. After the car accident, his appearance was ruined, and then he was abandoned by his biological parents, and finally adopted by the big brother of the Jin family.

He was raised in the Jin family as an adopted son, and he said that he was the adopted son of the Jin family, but in fact, he just hoped that he could be the personal bodyguard of Jin Zhongye, the eldest son of the Jin family, when he grew up. Loyal dog too.

"Don't worry, we should be worried, but we shouldn't worry about those little shrimps who don't look good enough. What we should worry about is worrying about who our deadly enemy will send this year."

Jin Hanzhang's task this time is to lead the two juniors to win the arena match, get what the Jin family bosses want to get, and by the way, poke the spirit of their deadly enemy for the Jin family, so that the Jin family will be in the next stage. An alliance meeting raised his eyebrows.

"By the way, I'm still worried about Xia Wufeng." Anna felt flustered, because she saw Xia Wufeng yesterday, and this man gave people a terrible feeling, "He is not the abandoned son back then, and his status in Xia's family is a little bit lower now. There is no need for his younger brother Xia Jinruo to be inferior."

"Indeed, Xia Wufeng should be more careful. If he was taken home because he inherited a more pure family blood than his younger brother, then his current strength is extraordinary. And... I have heard some rumors recently .”

"What did Teacher Hanzhang hear?" Seeing Jin Hanzhang's appearance, Anna felt that it would not be good news.

"I heard that he opened the blood succession limit for some reason."

This is not good news. The Xia family is a special family among the many ancient martial arts families. If it is traced back, the Xia family also has a name that is almost forgotten by everyone, the Suzaku family.

It is impossible to verify whether it is true or not. There will be such rumors related to the special ability of the Xia family. Unlike most special abilities, the heirs of the Xia family's bloodline can control flames without any special conditions. A rather perverted ability.

If the blood succession limit is activated on top of this ability...

"How is this possible?" Anna felt unbelievable, "Aren't the bodies of the Xia family all of the fire attribute? Has the Blood Successor Boundary been activated? Then what attribute has he activated?" If the Xia family has such a special ability and then activates the Blood Successor Boundary... …Anna couldn't help but shuddered, "I don't want to run into Xia Wufeng!"

"What are we afraid of? Don't we still have insight?" Jin Hanzhang pinned all his hopes on Jin Jianming.

What is Xueji Boundary, but Jin Jianming...

"I'm not interested in Xia Wufeng." Jin Jianming raised his head and said coldly, he has a very bad temper, and he will mercilessly kill anyone who offends him, just like the person yesterday.

"You are not interested in Xia Wufeng? Why? But he is also here for this competition. If you want to win the competition, you will inevitably have to face him."

"If you match, kill it. I'm not interested." Jin Jianming's eyes were full of bloodthirsty light.

"You can't kill Xia Wufeng. The alliance has regulations. Families in the alliance cannot kill each other. Competitions are fine, but no lives can be caused!" Jin Hanzhang hastily reminded Jin Jianming, for fear that Jin Jianming's chaos would cause big troubles to the Jin family. .

Although Xia Wufeng's status in the Xia family is very embarrassing, it doesn't mean that they can be killed casually. If there is a discord between the Jin family and the Xia family, the entire provincial capital may face a bloody storm .

Jin Jianming raised his eyes and looked directly at Jin Hanzhang. A murderous air fluctuated between the two of them, making Jin Hanzhang's forehead densely packed with sweat. cold sweat.

"Understood." Jin Jianming withdrew his gaze.

Huh——Jin Hanzhang let out a long psychological sigh of relief, for fear that Jin Jianming would be angry. When this lunatic is angry, he doesn't distinguish between enemies and friends. Even if he fails, he will be killed by him.

In another place, Xia Wufeng looked out of the window calmly, this place is underground, if you look out from the window, you can't see the scenery, you can only see huge rooms, one room after another.

Xia Wufeng held a photo in his hand. The girl in the photo was beautiful and refined, like an angel who accidentally fell into the world. The corners of the photo were a little worn, presumably because he was always with him.

"Yo, I'm still looking at this picture!"

A ruffian man next to Xia Wufeng glanced at the photo in his hand, and said in a slightly mocking tone.

Xia Wufeng carefully put away the photos, "You'd better not meddle in my affairs."

"It's alright, alright, do you really think you're the young master of the Xia family? Tsk tsk, it's just a villain's success, the young master of the Xia family has always been just Xia Jinruo, don't put on airs of your young master in front of me! "The man's attitude towards Xia Wufeng was very arrogant, he didn't take Xia Wufeng seriously at all.

Another man hastily pulled him back, preventing the man who spoke without restraint from continuing, "Enough, stop talking!" Xia Hai glared at the man and warned him not to mess with Xia Wufeng again.

"Why? There's nothing I can't say. At first, I thought he was so powerful. In the end, I asked him to expand the territory of M City. After a long time, I only got back with the result of sharing the M City gangster market with the Black Dragon Gang. It's still big. Where's the young master, shit! I don't fucking..."

The man didn't have time to say the following words, he looked down at the hand that passed through his body in disbelief, it was Xia Wufeng's hand, directly passed through his body... the blood in his body was flowing out, his The breath of life is disappearing bit by bit.

Xia Hai watched the man who was scolding Xia Wufeng one moment before turned into a corpse lying on the ground in the next second, and sighed helplessly in his heart. He had warned him several times not to anger Xia Wufeng, but he didn't Willing to listen.

"Dispose of his corpse." Xia Wufeng said expressionlessly, then he took a few paper towels from the table and wiped off the blood on his hands.

"I know." Xia Hai knew that the reason why Xia Wufeng didn't use flames to kill people was to prevent the members of the Xia family from knowing that he killed them. Since he came to this arena, even if he didn't officially enter the competition, it might be possible for him to be killed by someone in private. It is a common occurrence and will not arouse suspicion from others.

(End of this chapter)

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