Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 463 Duplicity

Chapter 463 Duplicity
"Yes." Feng Qianyun said frankly.

The moment he saw Feng Qianyun nodding his head, Xia Wufeng felt mixed feelings, what is this?Is it fate?

After a while, Xia Wufeng sneered, "Yes, I am that kind of person, ruthless and unscrupulous, that time you found out, you were lucky."

"But Peng Tianyou just told me that you did that because you found out that the maid was bought by my father's mistress outside and wanted to harm me. In fact, at that time my father did hide it from me and Mom has a mistress outside, she is Du Qingyan."

"Really? I don't know, I just don't like that maid, anyone who disobeys my words deserves to die, that's all." Xia Wufeng turned around with a cold voice, facing Feng Qianyun with his back.

"Really? So what about Feng Yan?" Feng Qianyun continued to ask.

"Feng Yan? Peng Tianyou is right. I did borrow Feng Yan from his father, but that has nothing to do with you. I intend to use Feng Yan on myself, because people who have been burned by Feng Yan You can be reborn from the ashes and gain strength, the reason why I said that was just to trick Peng Yilun into lending me Fengyan, if I said it clearly, he would definitely not agree to lend me Fengyan."

"As for you... I only carried two types of fire with me that day. I used the wrong kind of fire when I killed you. I mistakenly used the phoenix flame as an open fire. Your luck is really good!"

Xia Wufeng turned his back to Feng Qianyun, his eyes were moist, he didn't deserve to have anything, he was abandoned by this world, even his own mother wished him to die.

"Xia Wufeng! You want you to tell me the truth!" Feng Qianyun yelled at Xia Wufeng.

"Oh, what day is it today? Aren't you afraid of me? How dare you take the initiative to come to me today and yell at me, or do you think that Lie Que is right outside the door, so you can have no scruples? You know Lie Que Who is it? As long as I yell loudly and tell others that he is Lie Que, he will never have a chance to step out of the arena gate. At that time, let alone protect you, he will be a mud bodhisattva crossing the river gone."

"I don't know what Lie Que's identity is. It doesn't matter to me who he is, as long as I know he treats me well." Feng Qianyun said with certainty, everyone has their own secrets, she What you want is trust, not suspicion, "If you plan to kill me, then do it."

Xia Wufeng's body was stiff, he didn't turn around, he didn't want to face Feng Qianyun.

"You want me to do it? Heh, you're not worthy!" Xia Wufeng sneered, "Why, invite me here and deliberately tell me something that sounds nostalgic. Is there any purpose?"

"Forget it, I have nothing to say to you." Feng Qianyun looked at Xia Wufeng who was completely unfamiliar to her, and her voice became cold. She pointed to the door, "You go, today is indeed I lost my temper, I shouldn't be nostalgic, my big brother is dead."

already dead.

My big brother is dead.

Xia Wufeng laughed at himself in his heart, or, he never lived!

Xia Wufeng didn't look at Feng Qianyun again, and quickly left the room.

Lie Que, Lu Guoxing, and Peng Tianyou came in, and seeing Xia Wufeng's face when he left the door just now, he knew that their conversation was not going well.

"Peng Tianyou, this is the antidote." Feng Qianyun handed the antidote to Peng Tianyou.

Peng Tianyou didn't pick it up right away, "Could it be another kind of poison?" After talking like this with Xia Wufeng, she must have thought that he was lying to her, and would be so kind to give her the antidote?
"Do you have a choice now? Do I need to waste another medicine if I want you to die now?" Feng Qianyun gave Peng Tianyou a blank look.

"True murderer, be careful that you won't be able to get married when you grow up." Peng Tianyou muttered sullenly, then took the medicine from Feng Qianyun's hand and ate it. Let the girl Feng Qianyun slaughter the fat on the table.

After Peng Tianyou took the medicine, he got lucky and found that his strength had really recovered.

Feng Qianyun didn't lie to him, she really gave him the antidote.

"Didn't you have a bad conversation? Then why did you give me the antidote?" Peng Tianyou was puzzled by Feng Qianyun's behavior.

"Because you didn't lie, what you said about the maid and about Feng Yan is not wrong."

"Huh? Then you just..."

"Just now he denied everything you said, but I know he's lying, he didn't look at me, although others have become more gloomy, but some habits still haven't changed." What, her feelings towards Xia Wufeng are a bit contradictory.

"It turned out to be like this. I thought you thought I was lying to you!" Peng Tianyou breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the matter is resolved, he can leave to do the serious things his father told him, "Okay , I don’t have anything to do now, then I’m leaving, I still have important things to deal with!”

"Wait, did I say you can leave?" Feng Qianyun called to Peng Tianyou who was about to leave.

"Ah? Hey, how can you be so contradictory!" Peng Tianyou was completely depressed.

"I didn't go back on my word, but I need your help with some things, and as the son of the leader of the alliance, this matter is closely related to you." Feng Qianyun thought for a while and decided to invite Peng Tianyou to join the group. It is definitely beneficial and harmless to have one more person to help, and it is also necessary to let Xia Wufeng know.

"What's the matter?" Peng Tianyou lacked interest, he didn't think what Feng Qianyun was going to tell him next would have much close connection with him.

He has never cared about the affairs of the alliance.

"Are there two senior executives in this venue, one with white hair and beard, the other with a bald head and a star-shaped scar on his head?"

"I know, it's old man Bai and old man Xing. I don't know their exact names. Everyone calls them that." In fact, everyone called these two people "Elder Bai" and "Elder Xing". The old man was Peng Tianyou's own name.

"For some reason, the two of them want to take Xia Wufeng's life, but they don't want to be found out, so they want to cause an accident. They want all the contestants, including all our other contestants, to die in one An accident." Feng Qianyun told Peng Tianyou what she knew.

"What?" Peng Tianyou was shocked, "The two of them..."

Peng Tianyou thought for a while, "No, the two of them have no reason to kill Xia Wufeng. Although Xia Wufeng is my father's favorite candidate for the next alliance leader, the two of them are not in the alliance and have little relationship with them." Yes, but..."

"What do you have to say, can you finish it all at once? Do you want me to feed you medicine again because you are so hesitant to talk? I have many different kinds of medicine here that can be used to torture people. You have to choose Which one?"

"Old man Bai and old man Xing have some connections with the Xia family. I wonder if this matter is related to the Xia family. You know that the Xia family actually rejects Xia Wufeng very much. Many people want Xia Wufeng's life. Well, especially the white old man, he seems to be the uncle of Xia Wufeng's biological mother!"

Xia Wufeng's mother died because of Xia Wufeng, and now the old man Bai wants to kill Xia Wufeng, it's not surprising at all.

"No matter what, they all have reasons to kill Xia Wufeng, but what's worse is that he intends to implicate all of us. Under the competition field, there is the prize for the winner of the competition. According to Information, that thing is actually very dangerous, it is unstable, and there are records showing that it will burst out with a terrifying force when it hits the water briskly."

Feng Qianyun continued to explain.

Peng Tianyou was shocked when he heard the words, "Could it be that what the old man asked me to investigate is what you said?"

"What did your father ask you to check?"

"Did you know that my father is one in a million people who have the ability of metal perception. He sensed an unusual force in the venue, so he asked me to investigate, but I was given by you before I did the investigation." Got it."

Now that Feng Qianyun has told him what she knows, he has nothing to hide.

"Your father asked you to investigate, but why did you ask me?" This man's behavior is a little too strange, right?

"Didn't I just want to take a look at you? I want to see you, the person who is missed by Xia Wufeng, who makes my father interested, and who can transform into a Bai Ze magic beast."

"And now you see it, how is it? Are you satisfied?"

"Hehe, satisfied, satisfied, quite satisfied!" Can you not be satisfied, I have suffered such a big loss!
"You just said that your father is interested in me?" Feng Qianyun couldn't help shivering when she thought of the way Peng Yilun looked at her at the meeting.

"Don't get me wrong. My father and the president of the Treasure Appreciation Association are good friends. The president told my father about you, so my father is very interested in you." Peng Tianyou hurriedly explained.

Oh, so that's the case, Peng Yilun is the leader of the alliance, and it's not surprising that he knows the president of the Appreciation Association!
"Leave your father alone, I hope you will tell Xia Wufeng about this matter." Originally, the person who was the victim of the other party was Xia Wufeng, but in the current situation, they are from the same camp, and some misunderstandings have been resolved, Feng Qian Yun felt that it was necessary to tell Xia Wufeng.

"This is no problem!" Peng Tianyou felt that even if Feng Qianyun didn't tell him deliberately, he would do it, "I will tell my father that many of the players in this competition are from the families of the alliance members , my father, as the leader of the alliance, has no reason to refuse to save him."

"Well, but remember not to startle the snake." It is indeed a very good choice to tell the leader of the alliance. She has seen Peng Yilun's strength before. With such a powerful support, their chances of winning will be greatly increased.

(End of this chapter)

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