Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 492: It's a big trick to cheat your father

Chapter 492 Qian Yun's cheating tricks (1)
"You have gum in your eyes, don't squeeze it anymore, you won't be able to squeeze out [-] volts." Feng Qianyun doesn't like to take the initiative to slander others, but in this case, she has no reason to talk to Lin Shufen, right?

After the last time, Lin Shufen probably knew Feng Qianyun's temperament, and she didn't dare to be strong with her, so she could only persuade her in a pleading tone: "Feng Qianyun, can I trouble you to compare with them?"

Lin Shufen looked at Feng Qianyun eagerly, and even Zhao Xiaoli and the others behind her also came up to persuade Feng Qianyun.

"Okay, but it's not interesting for me to compare myself with them. Even if they win, I won't feel honored. Well, let my little brother compare with you!" Feng Qianyun decided generously, and then her delicate hands Pointing to Peng Tianyou beside him, "Little brother Peng, come on, let's compete with them for your elder sister and me."

Peng Tianyou, who was named by Feng Qianyun, only felt that Feng Qianyun was shameless. Since when did he become her little brother?

"Good boy, little brother Peng, based on our past 'friendship', you should have no problem with such a small matter, right?" Feng Qianyun smiled brightly, and hooked Peng Tianyou's chin with her fingers.

Peng Tianyou confessed.

Who told me that I couldn't handle the little girl in front of me?I really don't know what kind of structure this guy is. He is obviously younger than him, but he is better than him in every aspect, so I am not reconciled!When you look back, you must think about it carefully, there must be something that he is better than her.

"Okay, my little brother, go and compete with these fierce generals, I am optimistic about you, you big sister!" After explaining to Peng Tianyou, she still did not forget to provoke Ruan Tiange and the others, "I said, you guys, If you can't even do it with my younger brother, don't find fault with me in the future!"

Ruan Tiange stared at Feng Qianyun for a while, thinking about it, it was the first time he saw such an arrogant girl, he wanted to see what she was so proud of!
"Okay, let's go." Peng Tianyou glanced at Peng Tianyou.

In contrast, Ruan Tiange is half a head taller than Peng Tianyou, with his bare upper body, Ruan Tiange is strong and Peng Tianyou is slender, the contrast is very obvious, and Ruan Tiange is well-known for his athletic cells, at first glance, who is superior and who is inferior It is clear.

Feng Qianyun pushed Peng Tianyou out, while she was happy and leisurely.

When Peng Tianyou and Ruan Tiange started the match, Feng Qianyun suddenly sat up with an evil smile on her face.

She looked around and found that this beach was not a tourist attraction. There was a cabin by the sea that sold drinks and snacks and rented out some related props. There were also two small mobile booths that sold drinks.

After Feng Qianyun confirmed, she walked towards one of the mobile booths.

"Grandpa, hello, may I ask how much money you make a day by setting up a stall here?" After Feng Qianyun walked over, she was not in a hurry to buy drinks with the uncle, but asked him about his daily income.

The uncle stared at Feng Qianyun strangely for a while, and then a little girl who was half-grown came up and asked him how much he earns a day?It feels a little strange.

"Little girl, what do you want to know?" The uncle was suspicious.

"It's nothing, I'll just ask, sir, what do you think I can do as a little girl?" Feng Qianyun smiled harmlessly.

Indeed, it seemed that there was nothing to do, and there was no one else in front of the stall at the moment, so it didn't hurt to talk to her.

"This beach is not a tourist attraction. Usually there are not many people. Many of the people who come here are college students nearby, so the income cannot be compared with the tourist area, but it is still possible to make ends meet. The gross income per day is seven or eight hundred, minus In terms of cost, you can earn 500 yuan a day, which is hard to say when there are too many people."

"Grandpa, look, there are not many people on the beach today, why don't you close the stall and go home earlier?" Feng Qianyun said while taking out 1000 yuan and stuffing it into the uncle's hand.

The uncle was stunned for a moment, and then counted the banknotes that Feng Qianyun had stuffed for him. There were a total of 1000 yuan!
"Little girl, what do you mean?" The uncle has been in this business for so long and has never encountered such a strange thing, giving him money so that he can close the stall and go home early?

Feng Qianyun smiled all over her face, "Look, most of the people playing on the beach are my classmates and friends. Let's have some activities later."

engage in activities?Is it because he is afraid that he will occupy the venue?Grandpa thought.

But what they are going to do doesn't seem to have anything to do with the uncle, he took the money, what's wrong with closing the stall and going home early?You can also go back to accompany your grandson earlier, and you won't lose a dime!
"Okay, I'll close the stall and go home now, so I won't disturb your activities!" The uncle put the money Feng Qianyun gave him into his pocket, and then hurriedly prepared to close the stall and go home.

Feng Qianyun then walked to another mobile booth, which was an aunt. Feng Qianyun used the same method to let the aunt close the stall and go home. The aunt reacted more directly than the uncle, and she closed the stall and left without saying a word when she saw the money. Didn't even ask.

In the end, the cabin remained.

The owner of the cabin is a couple. After Feng Qianyun passed by, the couple looked at her strangely, probably because they saw Feng Qianyun driving away the two stalls just now.

"Boss, lady boss, is your small shop for rent?" Feng Qianyun asked the couple as soon as she came up.


They rented this storefront to open a small store, why would they rent it out to others?
"Don't get me wrong, I just want to rent from you for a day." Feng Qianyun added seeing the puzzled look of the two.

rent for a day?
"Rent for a day?"

"Yes, I will rent you for a day, and I will be your boss for a day. You can continue to stay here. I will give you three thousand for a day's rent, and the money for the goods sold will be paid to you according to the price you have set." Feng Qian Yun Dao made it clear what he came for.

"You mean, you want to give us 3000 yuan to rent our small shop for a day? And the money for the goods sold in the shop is still ours?" The boss asked in surprise. There are still people sending money to the door these days. ?
"Yes, you two don't need to leave. You can see how many things are sold and rented out in this way. You can continue to stay in the store, but today I am the boss here, and I have the final say on the price of things. , I have the final say on who comes to buy and we sell.”

Of course, the 3000 yuan was not given to the husband and wife in this small shop for nothing, Feng Qianyun had requirements.

Speaking of which, Feng Qianyun has already come up with 1000 yuan, "This is a deposit, and I will give you the remaining [-] yuan after the end."

Is there really such a good thing?The husband and wife looked at each other in surprise, no matter how they settled this account, neither of them would suffer!Even if nothing can be sold today, the income of 3000 yuan will be enough, which is much better than their usual income. This beach is not a popular beach, and the flow of tourists is not very large even in the peak tourist season. income is very limited.

(End of this chapter)

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