Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 494: It's a big trick to cheat your father

Chapter 494 Qian Yun's cheating tricks (3)
"Tian Ge, don't tell me that you were scared by her because of what happened today?"

"No, I just don't think provoking her is a good choice." Ruan Tiange just thinks that Feng Qianyun is not easy to deal with, although in the first two contacts, Feng Qianyun was just playing tricks. .

"Forget it, if you don't want to, you don't want to, the few of us don't know how to say anything, just let it go!"

Ruan Tiange originally wanted to stop it, but judging by the expressions of the people, he probably couldn't persuade him.

He shook his head, "You guys do what you want, don't overdo it, enough is enough, the other party is just a little girl no matter what."

"Well, we have a sense of proportion." The boys agreed to Ruan Tiange on the lips, but they didn't think so in their hearts. They made Feng Qianyun so miserable. If they didn't "repay" her well, they would be hurt in their hearts. How to get rid of this bad breath?
That night, after a few boys discussed it, they decided to take action.

Outside the hotel, Tong Runrun looked around with some guilt, making sure no one saw her before walking out of the hotel door and turning into the corner, where a boy was waiting for her.

The boy is a member of the basketball team, and he was also pissed off by Feng Qianyun during the day.

"Runrun, no one noticed you when you came out, right?" Lu Hexiang asked cautiously.

"Don't worry, no!" The boy I had a crush on called me out alone, and the deer bumped against Tong Runrun's chest.

She likes Lu Hexiang and confessed it, but Lu Hexiang has no interest in her, and there is nothing to say between them.

Tong Runrun was very surprised and pleasantly surprised that Lu Hexiang suddenly called himself out.

"Runrun, what a coincidence today, our basketball team made an appointment to come here for vacation, and you also came together."

"Yes, yes..." Tong Runrun was very thankful that the lights here were dim, so that she would not be so embarrassed, otherwise Lu Hexiang would have seen her blushing at this time.

"The boys on our basketball team want to invite your class to play together tomorrow, what do you think?" Lu Hexiang sent an invitation to Tong Runrun.

"Together, play together?" Tong Runrun was a little excited.

"Yes, we plan to have a barbecue by the seaside tomorrow morning, it's a friendship, what do you think?"

"Okay, okay!" Tong Runrun said yes repeatedly, not to mention she was very happy with such a good opportunity, she believed that the girls in her class would also be very happy.

Tong Runrun was very excited at the thought of having a barbecue with his crush.

"Well, let's talk about it like this. We can leave the specific matters to us to arrange."

"Hmm!" Seeing the man he liked talking to him so gently, Tong Runrun was already out of sorts, so there was no reason not to nod and agree.

"Then I will trouble you to inform the students in your class."


"Well, go ahead, I will also tell the good news to the rest of our team."

"Okay!" Tong Runrun ran away after speaking, impatient to inform his classmates.

After Tong Runrun walked away, Lu Hexiang's expression immediately changed, showing disgust.

In the darkness, a boy came out, patted Lu Hexiang on the shoulder, and praised: "Okay, Lu Hexiang, you have a way of deceiving girls!"

"Stop making fun of me. If it wasn't for attracting Feng Qianyun to the bait, I wouldn't want to say a word to that old-fashioned woman." It turned out that Lu Hexiang's amiability towards Tong Runrun just now was all fake.

"All right, all right, I'll just let you pretend this once, and when you finish your revenge, you don't need to pay attention to that Tong Runrun."

The boy smirked, he was waiting to see Feng Qianyun's embarrassing expression tomorrow!

In the morning of the next day, Feng Qianyun and her class thirty came to the barbecue place.

When Feng Qianyun and the others arrived, the members of the basketball team were already there, and they were already baked.

The surrounding scenery is average, it should be a wasteland, and you can see the sea in the distance.After a little reorganization, some barbecue racks were built for tourists to barbecue by themselves, and the boss sold the processed ingredients.

Tong Runrun took a few boys with the boss to buy ingredients, while Feng Qianyun and the others sat down by themselves, with five or six people sitting around a table.

Feng Qianyun, Lie Que, Han Mojue, and Peng Tianyou sat at the table. There were other people who wanted to sit together, but Peng Tianyou waited to go back.

Everyone heated up the charcoal fire and waited for Tong Runrun and the others to bring back the ingredients and distribute them to everyone.

After a while, Tong Runrun and a few boys came back, but they came back empty-handed.

"What's wrong with the squad leader, why didn't you come back with the ingredients?"

Tong Runrun had an apologetic face, obviously in a bad mood...

"The boss said that all the ingredients for today were bought, by..." Tong Runrun turned and pointed to the boys on the basketball team, "They bought them all."

The boss will definitely prepare a lot of ingredients for a day, which is enough to handle the guests for a day. Only the basketball team is absolutely impossible to eat all the food. There is only one possibility, and that is that they did it on purpose.

Then I saw the boys from the basketball team walking over with a delicious barbecue in their hands.

"Feng Qianyun, what's the matter, do you want to eat barbecue? If you call me brother, brother may consider treating you to eat!"

"I said, I'm in a hurry to go out today, so I don't have time to have breakfast yet?"

"Look, I'm so sorry, we all eat a lot and bought everything, so we didn't leave it for you!"

"It will take a long time to rush back to the urban area now? Tsk tsk, it's really pitiful, let's call brother!"

The few people talked to each other, mocking Feng Qianyun for a while.

Feng Qianyun sat in her seat, as if she hadn't heard the boys' ridicule, and then calmly took something out of the storage ring in her hand.

A bunch of chicken wings, grill them; a bunch of chicken legs, grill them; enoki mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, eggplants...all of them are grilled!

Everyone saw that Feng Qianyun continuously took out ingredients from her ring as if by magic. After a while, the grill in front of her was full of ingredients.

"Students, come and share the ingredients." After setting up her own, Feng Qianyun distributed the ingredients to other students.

The students froze for a moment, then happily took away the incomparably fresh ingredients from Feng Qianyun, and grilled them individually.

Sitting next to Feng Qianyun, Lie Que unhurriedly took out a few bottles of high-quality red wine from his ring, and generously gave them to Feng Qianyun's classmates, so that Feng Qianyun's classmates could enjoy the barbecue while eating. Good wine is available.

After Feng Qianyun finished these, she raised her head and smiled at the boys who came to ridicule, "Sorry, we brought the ingredients. I went out to eat barbecue and bought ingredients from the boss. They were expensive and not fresh. Flammulina velutipes were soaked in water. Yes, the chicken legs are made overnight, the beef is water-filled, and the oil used may be waste oil, which is really worrying. In order to be safe and save money, last night the squad leader informed us that we were going to have a barbecue today, and we went to buy enough. Lots of ingredients!"

(End of this chapter)

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