Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 503 Rhyme Design

Chapter 503 Qian Yun Design (2)
"Yeah, the scalpel can't be used after it's been cut. There are also bandages, hemostatic medicine, and disinfectant. They all cost money, and the bed sheet was soiled by him."

Feng Qianyun settled the bill with Ruan Tiange.

Ruan Tiange was taken aback by Feng Qianyun's half-smile expression, and suddenly felt very ashamed.

"I know, I know... I don't have any money with me, I'll give it to you when I go back to school." Ruan Tiange was going to play basketball in the gymnasium, and when Lu Hexiang was attacked, he didn't have any money with him.

"Okay, I owe you." Feng Qianyun took her hand back.

After Lu Hexiang woke up, he cried, threw things, and made a big fuss because his arm was cut off and he would become a cripple.

Feng Qianyun calmly stood beside the bed and recorded every thing that was broken by Lu Hexiang.This is all money, write it down, and I will ask Ruan Tiange for compensation later, it seems that it is definitely not enough for him to give her only 170 yuan later.

Lu Hexiang was given time to calm down, and no one bothered him. After he calmed down, Yan Sihang began to question him.

"Lu Hexiang, do you still remember what happened before the accident?"

Although Lu Hexiang calmed down, the pain of losing his arm did not heal so quickly. He looked sad and recalled: "I made an appointment with Tian Ge to meet at the basketball stadium. I arrived first. I will go when I am free and bored." I smoked a cigarette in the basement, and while I was smoking, I sent Tian Ge a text message. As soon as the text message was sent, a man broke in. It was very dark in the basement at the time, and I didn't turn on the light. The other party grabbed me and covered me. I couldn’t move my mouth, and then my right arm seemed to be stabbed by something, and I don’t know much about what happened after that.”

After Lu Hexiang calmed down, his thinking was fairly clear, and he described the incident to Yan Sihang in a more orderly manner.

"Then have you seen the face of the person who attacked you?" Yan Sihang asked.

"No, the basement was very dark at the time, and that person moved very fast, so I didn't meet him face to face." Lu Hexiang also wanted to remember who the bastard who caused him to become like this was, but he really didn't see it. No impression.

Feng Qianyun interjected: "It's impossible for him to see that the person who attacked him is not weak. I passed him by and didn't see his appearance clearly. Judging from his figure, he should be a man. "

Lu Hexiang couldn't see the other person's appearance, which Feng Qianyun expected, and passed by her at her speed without seeing clearly. The probability that Lu Hexiang could see clearly was too low.

"So, the other party is a master?" Yan Sihang felt that Feng Qianyun seemed to know something.

"I don't know, don't ask me. I only promised to help you save people, but I didn't say to help you investigate the case. Don't discuss with me about the case." Facing Yan Sihang, Feng Qianyun's attitude was very uncooperative.

"If you know anything, I hope you can help me." Yan Sihang said to Feng Qianyun very sincerely, sincerely hoping that Feng Qianyun could help.

"I'm a commoner, and I have nothing to help you, Officer Yan." Feng Qianyun shook her head, as if she was determined to stay out of the matter.

Several people were talking, when Peng Tianyou and Han Mojue rushed over.

"Little wife, what happened? Why are there so many policemen outside? Peng Tianyou told me that you were taken away by that bastard Yan Sihang." Han Mojue was so nervous that he forgot that he had already made a decision Don't call Feng Qianyun "little daughter-in-law" anymore.

"It's nothing, I just promised to help save one person." Feng Qianyun pointed to Lu Hexiang who was on the big bed in the middle of the room and replied.

It turned out that he was helping to save people, but he thought that Yan Sihang wanted Feng Qianyun to do something again.

Peng Tianyou walked over to the arm that was placed at the side, and there were still scales on it. He picked up the arm and touched the dark green scales with his fingers.

"This the same as those two people before." Peng Tianyou asserted.

"The scales are very hard, and they actually grew from Lu Hexiang's arms." Feng Qianyun said to Peng Tianyou.

"You cut off his arm, but saved his life?" Peng Tianyou felt very inconceivable when he saw that Lu Hexiang was still alive.

"As you can see, I did it." Maybe this solution to the problem is a bit crude, but it turns out to be a very effective method.

"Why do you think cutting off the scaled arm can save him?" Peng Tianyou asked curiously, feeling that Feng Qianyun seemed to know something.

Feng Qianyun smiled slightly, and had no choice but to praise Peng Tianyou, "Can't I have a flash of inspiration?"

"You really have a clue." Peng Tianyou said in a positive tone.

"So what if it is, so what if it's not." Feng Qianyun's face was clearly written in big characters like this: I just know something, you bit me?
"It's not that good, I just want you to reveal it!" Peng Tianyou leaned over in a very doggy manner. If he completed this task, he would no longer have to stay in the school to get moldy.

"Why should I tell you? Who are you to me?"

"I'm your little brother!" This time, Peng Tianyou took the initiative to admit that he was Feng Qianyun's little brother. For the sake of the truth and happiness, he really didn't want any morals.

"My little brother? The kind who works hard?"

"That's right, that's right!" Peng Tianyou thought, if you really plan to trick me, even if I'm not your little brother, you can still trick me, so I'll just admit it.

"Okay, but there are outsiders here now, and when it's just the two of us, I will tell you generously when your eldest sister is older!" Feng Qianyun smiled wickedly.

"Okay!" Just tell him that's all, just be late!

The conversation between the two happened right in front of Yan Sihang, which made Yan Sihang very uncomfortable. He and Peng Tianyou asked the same question, but they got two completely different treatment!

"Feng Qianyun, why can't you tell me what do you know?" Yan Sihang felt a tightness in his chest, as if he was completely excluded.

"Sir Yan, you are a cat and I am a mouse. There should be only a contest between the two of us, not a discussion, right?"

He is a cat, she is a mouse, Yan Sihang himself said this to Feng Qianyun, and now Feng Qianyun returns it to Yan Sihang intact.

Yan Sihang was deflated, and his chest became more and more stuffy, but he couldn't find words to refute Feng Qianyun, what to refute, that sentence itself came out of his own mouth!

"By the way, Sir Yan, please take this person away. I have completed the treatment, and your police force can also withdraw, or I will sue you for disturbing the people." Feng Qianyun started to chase people away, here is Her family... oh no, Lie Que's family, that's half of her family.

(End of this chapter)

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