Chapter 515
"I did what I could to save his life as much as possible." Feng Qianyun replied, she now has the capital to talk to Xue Yisen, "If Uncle Xue is willing, I can make him more Wake up quickly."

"Really?" Xue Yisen still didn't quite believe it.

"Of course, if Uncle Xue doesn't believe it, he can stay and watch from the sidelines." Feng Qianyun said generously, if he was allowed to watch from the sidelines, he would be much more at ease, right?

Xue Yisen hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, then stared at the electrocardiograph in the room for a long time, then nodded, "Okay, I allow you to treat him."

Xue Yisen stood aside, waiting for Feng Qianyun's next move.

Feng Qianyun smiled slightly, then walked to the bed, ready to start treating the patient on the bed.

Only a small part of what she was about to do next was true, and most of it was actually false.

The real part, of course, is that she will really cure the patients, the fake part... that is a series of fake actions, she has not forgotten the purpose of her visit today, she is here to sell medicine, the key point is of course the medicine Well, it doesn't really matter what abilities she has, the focus is on her medicine!

Feng Qianyun first took out a few porcelain bottles from her body. The shapes of the porcelain bottles were different, but they were all white porcelain bottles without any marks on them.

These porcelain bottles were ordered uniformly by Feng Qianyun, they only differed in shape, and there were no labels on them. Only Feng Qianyun knew what kind of medicine was contained in each bottle, and no one else knew.

Feng Qianyun took out one pill from one of the porcelain bottles, and two pills from the other porcelain bottle.There are three pills in total, they are not big, just the size of an ordinary capsule, but Feng Qianyun's pills are all in the shape of a ball.

Feng Qianyun fed the three pills into the mouth of the patient on the bed.

Xue Yisen stretched his neck, not missing any details. In fact, when Feng Qianyun took out the elixir, a big question arose in his heart, which he hadn't had the chance to ask yet. After Qian Yun finished her treatment, he would definitely ask.

After Feng Qianyun fed the elixir into the opponent's mouth, she took out the silver needles as an aid, and used acupuncture to help the elixir to exert its medicinal properties.

This series of actions made people mistakenly think that Feng Qianyun was using medicine to cure the disease, but in fact, the key to Feng Qianyun's treatment was neither pills nor acupuncture.

The elixir on Feng Qianyun's body is some of the commonly used medicines she carries with her. They are nothing more than to stop bleeding and tonic. It's obvious that she didn't just bring a elixir that can treat a specific condition.

If Feng Qianyun was given a little time, she could indeed refine targeted pills, but she didn't have the time right now.

So Feng Qianyun used her Tiangang vitality to repair the patient's physical trauma, and the pill was just a cover.

The so-called no profiteering, no business, Feng Qianyun is practicing this phrase very well.

After a while, Feng Qianyun took back all the silver needles.

There was no obvious change on the surface of the patient. Even Feng Qianyun couldn't wake up such a seriously injured patient immediately, but the damage has been repaired, and it's only a matter of time before he wakes up.

"I've already done what I should do. If there are no accidents, he should be able to wake up tomorrow." Feng Qianyun's words were quite reserved.

Feng Qianyun can't estimate the exact time. There are many factors that affect the other party's waking up. Even if the injury is healed, the human body will fall into a coma and deep sleep for a long time due to fatigue. It's hard to say.

Of course Xue Yisen also understands this matter, and he is not in a hurry, because at least Feng Qianyun has shown him one thing so far, she saved the patient's life from danger!
What an amazing thing!
There is another very important matter that Xue Yisen planned to ask Feng Qianyun.

"Feng Qianyun, let me ask you, is the pill you gave him just now?" That shape is indeed very similar!Xue Yisen was fortunate enough to have come into contact with some pills, but not many. After all, these things are very expensive. The reason for the high price is very simple, that is, this skill is being mastered by fewer and fewer people, and more and more people are able to refine pills. few.

What Feng Qianyun was waiting for was Xue Yisen's words! "Yes, Uncle Xue, I have learned medical skills from others since I was a child, and I have a certain degree of proficiency in ancient medical techniques. I have always felt that ancient medical techniques are such a good skill. It is a pity that fewer and fewer people have mastered it. Things, it could have been used to benefit more people, so I thought about opening a drug production plant to produce drugs on a large scale, and benefit patients with some ancient medical formulas I know."

After Feng Qianyun said this, her two weapon spirits couldn't take it anymore.

"Woman, you can be more shameless!" Guigui couldn't help but want to complain about Feng Qianyun, what she said... If it can produce goose bumps, it must fall off for her to see!

"Master, I won't help you this time..." Momo said weakly, mainly because the master's words are really too annoying...cough cough cough...

The two little ghosts are not useful, but Xue Yisen is very useful.

It really is a pill, it really is an ancient medical technique!

This fact made Xue Yisen overjoyed, it was really a surprise!

Think about it, if there is an alchemist who supplies "special medicine" to their hospital for a long time, then it will be difficult for their hospital to solve some difficult and miscellaneous diseases without extraordinary achievements!
"Feng Qianyun, I didn't expect you to be a master who has inherited ancient medical skills. I really missed it!" Xue Yisen said with emotion.

"I don't blame Uncle Xue, after all, I really don't look like me like this, hehe..." Feng Qianyun really doesn't blame Xue Yisen. From the time the two met and discussed until now, all the doubts he raised about her were all the same. Reasonably, he just questioned her, didn't show any disrespect to her, didn't despise her because of her age and appearance.

"Well, how about this, if the patient can wake up tomorrow, I will call you, and we will discuss about cooperation."

Xue Yisen is still relatively cautious in doing things. Although he now has [-]% confidence that Feng Qianyun has real materials, it is safer to wait until tomorrow when people wake up before making a decision.

"Well, okay, I will leave my mobile phone number to Uncle Xue. If you wake up, Uncle Xue can call me." Feng Qianyun is not in a hurry, and she needs to be patient if she wants to get things done. It is necessary, and there is no use in haste.

So Feng Qianyun left Xue Yisen her own number, exchanged a few words with Xue Yisen, and left Bo'ai Hospital.

That night, he woke up. At that time, Xue Yisen had already gone home, and he was excited for a long time when he received the call from the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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