Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 540 I am not an acquaintance, I will not cheat

Chapter 540 I am not an acquaintance, I will not cheat (1)
After waiting for a few days, Feng Qianyun received a warning from M City that the first batch of medicines had been produced, and Tang Ze personally brought samples to the provincial capital.

Since it was mass-produced, of course Feng Qianyun would not sell pills, not to mention that it would be too bad to put pills in ordinary medicine boxes and sell them in pharmacies.

It is true that Feng Qianyun used the ancient medical prescriptions she knew, but ancient medicine not only has alchemy prescriptions, but also ordinary prescriptions. Using modern equipment and the medicinal materials cultivated in the planting base, Feng Qianyun can A pure Chinese medicine formula with good efficacy is configured.

If the finished product is packaged, it will be packed in capsules, with eight capsules per board, and the standard ratio of two boards per box. For a course of treatment, there will be four boxes of such capsules plus a bottle of oral solution.

Looking at the samples on the table, Feng Qianyun pinched her chin and thought about it. Now everything is ready, and the only thing I owe is Dongfeng. There is Grandpa Yuchi in M ​​City to help, and I have also negotiated with Xue Yisen. There will be problems, and the follow-up development depends on the market's response. In this respect, Feng Qianyun can't be in a hurry even if she is in a hurry.

As for the provincial capital, she must open up the market here, but in comparison, the superstructure of the provincial capital is more complicated, and the major groups that hold the lifeline of the economy are not vegetarians.

Jia Bing went back to the villa today and had something to report to Lie Que. Ever since Lie Que and Feng Qianyun got "engaged", Jia Bing, Ding Jie and others were kicked out of the villa by Lie Que. In other places, leave the villa to Lie Que and Feng Qianyun's "two-person world". In fact, there is no two-person world in this two-person world. Also study.

"Miss Qian Yun, where's the boss?"

"Jia Bing, you came just in time, come here, I'll reward you with something." Seeing Jia Bing, Feng Qianyun enthusiastically waved at him, signaling him to come over.

Jia Bing looked at Feng Qianyun's smiling, spring-like appearance, and felt a little embarrassed. She was a veritable hostess, and he was so embarrassed to be so warm to him!

"Miss Qianyun, what do you want?" Jia Bing walked to Feng Qianyun's side, not knowing what Feng Qianyun wanted him for.

"Well, one thing, how is your health recently?" Feng Qianyun asked.

When Feng Qianyun asked about his physical condition, Jia Bing thought that Feng Qianyun was concerned about him as a "part-time worker", and was suddenly moved. Boss would never ask about his physical condition so kindly!Sure enough, the boss still needs a wife who is gentle and considerate, preferably who knows how to manage the house and care for his subordinates. They need a mistress!
"It's okay... I'm in good health!" Jia Bing patted his chest and said, not to mention how tough his body is. He was used to being rough since he was a child, and his illness has almost nothing to do with him.

"So, is that okay?" Feng Qianyun asked again.

that aspect?What aspect is that?

"Well, what specific aspect is Miss Qian Yun asking about?"

Feng Qianyun's gaze moved down, from looking at Jia Bing's face to looking at...

Jia Bing realized that Feng Qianyun was looking at his lower body, and immediately blushed and became embarrassed, "Well, Miss Qianyun, why, why do you care about this issue?"

It's not impossible to discuss this question, but when asked from Miss Qian Yun's mouth, Jia Bing was embarrassed.

"I'm asking you, you can just answer me truthfully, why are you talking so much?" Feng Qianyun grabbed Jia Bing's hand while speaking, and directly felt Jia Bing's pulse.

"Um, Miss Qianyun, what are you doing?" Jia Bing, who was grabbed by Feng Qianyun, was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Feng Qianyun was trying to feel his pulse!I knew that Feng Qianyun was proficient in medical skills, but she really cared about her body.

Jia Bing was flattered.

"Hmm..." Feng Qianyun frowned, looking thoughtful.

Seeing Feng Qianyun frowned, Jia Bing had a bad premonition, and thought that something was wrong with his body. Although he thought he was healthy, some problems had an incubation period, and it was difficult to feel them all at once. When it arrives, it may be time to die, and it will be over by then.

So Jia Bing asked Feng Qianyun with some concern, "Miss Qianyun, my body should... be fine?" Don't really have any problems, Tathagata Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, God, Jesus, Allah, Equal to Heaven Holy, I want to live two more years!
"Jia Bing, your long-term high-intensity work has brought great trauma to your body! Although the trauma accumulated in your body will not have a great impact on your body at present, once If you have a disease, if you want to heal... it will be more difficult."

After thinking for a while, Feng Qianyun said to Jia Bing with regret.

Feng Qianyun's words were like a bolt from the blue to Jia Bing, the last thing he expected to happen just happened like this!

High pressure work?Jia Bing did a lot of very risky things, and those things really overloaded his body. Sometimes when he got busy, he didn't sleep for a whole week.

Thinking of this, Jia Bing's face turned pale.

"Then, Miss Qian Yun, here, is there any way to treat this situation?" Jia Bing's heart was gloomy, thinking that Jia Bing was capable of both literary and martial arts, and was the number one general under the BOSS. A young man!How could it fall to the root of the disease?

"Fortunately, the problem is not too big. You are still young now. If you start to recuperate in time, you should be able to avoid future attacks."

After giving Jia Bing a blow, Feng Qianyun brought hope to Jia Bing again. It turns out that there is a way, that's good, that's good!
"Miss Qianyun, can I trouble you, that, that..." After all, the other party is his mistress, Jia Bing is a little embarrassed to ask Feng Qianyun to treat her illness.

"It just so happens that my people just sent me the latest medicine I developed to nourish the body, why don't you try it first?" Feng Qianyun said and picked up the sample medicine on the table and gave it to Jia Bing.

Because it is a sample drug, there is no outer packaging, so I don’t know what the drug is for at first glance. Anyway, the capsules look the same, and the oral liquid also looks the same.

As a result, Jia Bing, who took the sample medicine, was very grateful, "Miss Qianyun, do you think these medicines can help me take care of my body?"

"Yes!" Feng Qianyun nodded with certainty.

Jia Bing was moved, "Thank you Miss Qian Yun, thank you Miss Qian Yun."

"You're welcome, you are Lie Que's right-hand man. Your health is very important. Don't work so hard in the future. Take your medicine, live a good life, pay attention to your regular work and rest, and your diet."

(End of this chapter)

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