Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 550 The difference between Kunlun, four years have passed

Chapter 550 The difference between Kunlun, four years have passed (1)
Feng Qianyun adjusted her breath for a while, she needs some time to adapt to her current body, the changes in her body are not a little bit.

The old man didn't have anything else to do next, he watched Feng Qianyun flirting silently, took time to look at the water of the spiritual realm, the shocking spiritual power just now had dissipated, and the vision gathered in the sky also disappeared. It has melted away.

Feng Qianyun finished adjusting her breath, stood up, and got out of the tree hole. The scenery outside was still as beautiful as a picture scroll.

At this time, the Seven Star Longyuan that was taken by Lie Que flew back and flew in front of her. She stretched out her hand, and the Seven Star Longyuan fell into her hand, and then gradually disappeared into her body.

For some reason, Feng Qianyun felt a little uneasy, and faintly felt that something strange had happened, and Feng Qianyun didn't know what it was.

Walking to the edge of the water in the spiritual realm, Han Mojue was putting on his clothes. His face was still pale, but it was obvious that his body was fine.

He Ying was supporting Han Mojue, because Han Mojue, who had just undergone such a baptism, was still weak, if it wasn't for his dragon blood that was liberated to protect him, he might not have survived.

Yes, Lie Que succeeded, Han Mojue is fine, and the rest only needs to be recuperated.

But what about Lie Que?

There were only Han Mojue and He Ying around the water in the spiritual realm, and Lie Que was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Lie Que?" Feng Qianyun asked.

Facing Feng Qianyun's question, Han Mojue's body froze for a moment, "Lie Que, he said he had something to do, so he left first..."

"What do you mean? He went back first? Why?" Feng Qianyun's eyes became particularly sharp.

Han Mojue took out a necklace with a piece of transparent jade on it, "He asked me to give it to you."

Han Mojue concealed something from Feng Qianyun, because just now, he saw Lie Que's real body, and what he used was not the blood stripping technique at all.

At that time, he asked Lie Que why he took the risk to save him, because once he did so, the real body would not be able to hide.

The answer that Lie Que gave him shocked him. Lie Que said that because he was someone she valued, she would be sad when he died.

Han Mojue thought, he lost.

Feng Qianyun took the necklace from Han Mojue's hand, looking at the transparent stone in her hand, she refused to accept Han Mojue's words.

"What happened just now?" Feng Qianyun stared at Han Mojue, those bright eyes seemed to be able to see through everything.

Han Mojue paused, knowing in his heart that if he did not tell the truth, he would not be able to hide it from Feng Qianyun.

But he promised Lie Que not to tell Feng Qianyun.

Han Mojue lowered his head, not looking into Feng Qianyun's eyes, because he was afraid of looking directly into Feng Qianyun's eyes.

"Girl, don't embarrass him. Lie Que deliberately didn't let you know. It's for your own good. You should know the gap between you and Lie Que now. It's not good for you to know too much." What's the use." The old man came over and said for Han Mojue.

The gap between her and Lie Que?
Feng Qianyun knew that man was always helping her, and the gap between him and him... Heh, it was indeed very far away, so far away that she couldn't even want to know his whereabouts?

She wasn't complaining, it was just that some things were beyond her power.

Feng Qianyun laughed at herself.If this is Lie Que's decision, he must have his reasons, right?

"I just want to ask, is he okay?"

Even if she doesn't know where Lie Que has gone, at least she needs to know if he is safe. If he is injured and hides, she will find him even if he digs three feet.

"I swear, he is safe and there is no danger of his life. It's just that for some reason, he can't be with you for a while..." Han Mojue replied.

Feng Qianyun nodded, then didn't ask any more questions, turned around and stepped into the flowers, away from Han Mojue and the others, walking aimlessly alone.

Want to know something about me?Then grow up quickly.

Girl, I'll wait for you to grow up.

Lie Que always said that, let her grow up quickly, hurry up...

He obviously put an engagement ring on her in such a "despicable" way, but when he said it was gone, he disappeared.

Feng Qianyun stretched out her hand and pinched her cheek, he always treats her like that...about him...she really knows very little.

The scenery in front of her was beautiful, but Feng Qianyun was not in the mood to appreciate it. During this trip to Kunlun, she didn't know that such a thing would happen.

"Heying, go and take a look, is she okay?" Han Mojue felt that there was nothing wrong with her, so she urged Heying to check on Feng Qianyun's situation. She didn't know if there was anything wrong with her alone. matter.

"No need, here, there is no change that can be hidden from me." The old man told Han Mojue not to worry, he was formed by the gathering of spiritual energy gathered here, and he knew everything here .

Even though the old man said so, Han Mojue was still a little worried, "No, I'm still afraid that something will happen to her!"

Saying that, Han Mojue wanted to get up and look for Feng Qianyun.

"Okay, you'd better stay here obediently and don't move!" The old man scolded Han Mojue, "What's the use of you saying you've passed? How can you help? If she is really in a bad mood, That has nothing to do with you, what can you tell her?"

When Han Mojue heard the words, he had nothing to refute.

"So, you just stay here obediently, old man, I promise you nothing will happen to her." The old man thinks that Han Mojue is just worrying, and the little girl is alone and thinking about things, you Why join in the fun?
After hearing this, Han Mojue felt that his current reaction was a little ridiculous, "Old man, how long have you known Lie Que?"

"Not for a long time, we met when he woke up, and I was really scared by him at that time." It must have been about twenty years ago.

Han Mojue leaned against the rock behind him, feeling a little stuffy in his chest.

I'm not reconciled... It's not easy for my body to recover, and I have the right to pursue someone... It's hard for me to escape, but I was troubled by such a big problem in the first place.

Little daughter-in-law, little daughter-in-law, tell me, is God playing with me?
Han Mojue closed his eyes and simply let himself stop thinking about it. The more he thought about it, the more irritable he became, and the more he thought about it, the more... uncomfortable.

Feng Qianyun didn't know the answer to Han Mojue's question, but she had the answer to her own question.

Two hours later, when Feng Qianyun returned to the crowd, she made a decision.

"Han Mojue, you and Heying go back first, I think I will stay here for a while." Feng Qianyun told Han Mojue her decision.

(End of this chapter)

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