Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 553 The difference between Kunlun, four years have passed

Chapter 553 The difference between Kunlun, four years have passed (4)
Han Zhengtao's body was a little stiff, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

"You, what are you talking about?" Han Zhengtao let go of Han Mojue, because the news he heard was too long for him, so he doubted his own ears when he first heard it.

"Dad, my illness is cured. I won't be in pain anymore, and my life won't be in danger anymore." Han Mojue realized in a daze that his father was getting old.

He has been worrying about his illness for too long.

Han Zhengtao cried, tears streaming silently.

A stone that had been hanging in his heart for many years fell to the ground in an instant, that kind of excitement, that kind of feeling...

"Mo Jue...that's great..." Han Zhengtao had held back these tears for too long, his wife's disappearance, his son's sudden illness, as a man and a father, he never cried and was not obscene.

Han Zhengtao had a relatively long time to calm himself down, and then talked a lot about the photos of his wife who had been missing for many years. He never blamed her for leaving, and waited for her return for more than ten years. .

In the end, Han Mojue did not tell Han Zhengtao that his mother had passed away.

His father loves his mother very much. He knows that even after more than ten years, his feelings for her have not changed, and Han Mojue also knows that his mother also loves his father, so his father There is no waiting.

"Mo Jue, come back this time, let's not leave!" Han Zhengtao and Han Mojue were sitting at the dining table having dinner together, and they hadn't eaten together for a long, long time.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I just came back to stay for a few days, I will still leave, but I promise you, I will come back to see you in a few days, I will call you often, and we can also video chat." Han Mojue replied road.

Han Zhengtao was a little sad after hearing Han Mojue say that he didn't intend to stay, but after thinking about it carefully, his son has grown up after all, and it is impossible to live under his wings all the time, "Okay, you can do whatever you want." How about it, as long as you don't let me find you like before, I will go to see you when I am on vacation. "

Han Zhengtao has already seen through it, and Han Mojue's recovery from his illness is already the greatest favor from the heavens.

"By the way, where is that girl?" Han Zhengtao asked Han Mojue.

"Which girl?" Han Mojue lowered his head and ate the food, pretending not to know which girl Han Zhengtao mentioned.

"Who else, Feng Qianyun, don't try to hide it from me. When you came to Yanjing, the relationship was so good. Your second uncle also told me that you went to Teacher Z because of her. , let your second uncle laugh for a long time, saying that you have high vision and ordinary women don't like it, but after looking around, you fell in love with a little girl."

"Nothing." Han Mojue denied.

"Nothing?" Han Zhengtao didn't quite believe Han Mojue's words. Although he and his son hadn't gotten along well in the past few years, he was the one who brought him up with his own hands. The child said, who knows what you are thinking if you are hiding and pinching, if you have considered your physical problems before and dared not confess or let go of chasing after, now your health is good, there is nothing to worry about, right? "

That's right, he used to hide it because he didn't have the right to love someone. Now that he's in good health, he has the right to love someone, but...that person is no longer something he can love.

Hey, but he has already seen it, who said that if you like someone, you must grab him?
He likes Yunyun, a fact he is no longer going to escape from.

"Dad, I found that you are nagging more than before." Han Mojue said and put a big chicken leg into Han Zhengtao's bowl.

"What do you mean my nagging has increased? This is because I care about you!" Han Zhengtao shook his head, forget it, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and his son's relationship problems should be left to him to solve!

Four years later.

The ice-cold water of the spiritual realm should not have any living things growing in it. However, at this time, there seemed to be something swimming in it, and occasionally a churning caused a splash of water.

The white jade-like arm is exposed from the water, and the creamy skin is because of living in this place rich in spiritual energy all year round, eating the spiritual fruit here, the icy muscle and jade bone of a woman, and the exposed white wrist, like a white moonlight.

Followed by her exquisite body, full breasts, slender waist, the woman looks slim.

On the shore, there was a small silver-white dragon lying on its stomach, with two cute dragon horns on its head, curled up and basking in the sun.

Pretending to be asleep, but squinting at the woman in the water.


A stone flew over and landed on Xiaolong's head without fail.

"Aww—" Xiaolong wailed, and then yelled at the woman in the water, "Woman, why are you throwing stones at me!"

Guigui yelled very depressingly, the woman has grown up, her breasts are breasts, her ass is her butt, but her bad temper has not changed at all. He said that she should cultivate her mind while cultivating her body. When he looked at her, nothing had changed at all. , um... except for the figure!
"Little pervert, don't think I don't know you were peeking at me just now!" Feng Qianyun said as she went ashore and put on her clothes.

That's right, this little dragon lying on the shore is Guigui.

And this appearance is the real face of this guy. Feng Qianyun has stayed here for four years, even with Gui Gui. In the past four years, great changes have taken place, from only two small horns at the beginning, to now the whole body looks like a small dragon.

This time Feng Qianyun finally understood why his real name is Shuilongyin, because this guy is an out-and-out water dragon!

Fuck its weapon spirit, this product is not a weapon spirit!When the old man saw Feng Qianyun for the first time, he said that Feng Qianyun had two weapon spirits and one on her body... At that time, Feng Qianyun was still surprised, she obviously carried three weapon spirits. One is a real dragon that has been disguised as a weapon spirit!
Guigui is not a weapon spirit, but a real dragon that has been sealed. As for why it was sealed, even if Feng Qianyun knocked its head off, he couldn't remember it.

This time, Momo finally found a reason to scold Guigui for being an idiot!It is indeed stupid enough!

After Feng Qianyun put on his clothes, he picked up Guigui. Although his body shape had changed, he was still "small". Feng Qianyun threw Guigui onto her shoulders in a simple and rough way. .

Guigui felt a little hurt from being thrown, and depressedly changed his position, letting his beautiful head lie on Feng Qianyun's shoulder, and his tail hung around Feng Qianyun's back to her other shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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