Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 581 Happiness

Chapter 581 Happiness (2)
It seems that she has to hide first and wait and see what happens. What tricks are the military department and the Seventeenth Bureau planning to make?

"Meng Guocheng, you did it on purpose!" Tianrong's face was pale, the ambergris poison that he suppressed had completely spread to every corner of his body because of Meng Guocheng's deliberate actions, and now his body has completely lost the ability to resist. ability!

"Tianrong, you brat, you are so annoying. You know that Lie Que is the person we have been chasing for many years in Bureau No.17, but you still come to intervene! Is it because you are sincere and can't get through with Bureau No.17?"

"Meng Guocheng, the matter of Lie Que is originally a matter of our military department, Bureau No. 17 should not interfere!"

"Bah! Shut up!" Nonsense, what is called Lie Que is a matter of their military department, and the person who has tracked down Lie Que for so many years is their No.17 Bureau, and their military department ran out at this juncture It's embarrassing to say that this is their military affairs!
Meng Guocheng stepped on Tianrong's head, "Who are the five generals of the king's army, what are the youngest lieutenant generals in the army, the yellow-haired boy, I don't know how high the sky is!"

Meng Guocheng stepped on Tianrong's face, wantonly trampling on the dignity of Tianrong who had lost the strength to fight back.

Tianrong closed his eyes, even if he lost his life, he couldn't lose his backbone.Heh, his body can be trampled underfoot, but his heart, his soul won't.

He couldn't lose Lie Que's face.

Seeing that Tianrong closed his eyes and looked calm, Meng Guocheng felt an unknown fire in his heart, as if his majesty had been challenged like never before, so he increased the strength on his feet and used his internal strength.

The ground under Tianrong's body was trampled to the point of cracks and cracks, his face was covered with footprints, and the blood spit out of his mouth had covered his face at some point.

Really embarrassing Brother Lie Que... Heh...

"Oh, oh, Meng Guocheng, you really made my good subordinate miserable!"

Like a gust of cold wind blowing into the room at high speed, this sound was like a life-threatening talisman to Meng Guocheng!
The door of the lounge was opened, and the man coming in from the outside was absolutely unexpected!This man is the mysterious man who once appeared at the old man's place! did he appear here?

Not to mention that Meng Guocheng was already dumbfounded, even Feng Qianyun, who was crawling out of the window and peeping, was also surprised. She had never seen the man who came in now, but the clothes he wore showed his identity!
Army general!The appearance of two lieutenant generals, Tian Rong and Han Zhengtao, was already surprising, why did even the general appear?

According to what Lie Que said, some generals in the military department are abnormally powerful, and they are an important combat force of the army.Since this person is an admiral, it is not uncommon for him to have abnormal combat power.

Let's just wait and see.

Meng Guocheng in the room is not as calm as Feng Qianyun!He is now using all his self-control to calm himself down, looking for an excuse for the situation in front of him!

The scene of him beating Tianrong was completely seen!It was still seen by the general of the army, this terrifying man code-named "Seng Zheng"!
The breath of death rushed towards his face, and Meng Guocheng could no longer stand still.

"I, I..." He stammered for a long time, sweating profusely from anxiety.

"What is Mr. Meng so nervous about? Is it because of this traitor on the ground? I haven't had time to thank Mr. Meng for helping me catch this traitor."

Unexpectedly, Seng Zheng not only did not blame Meng Guocheng, but also praised him!

Tianrong opened his eyes, "Seng Zheng, what do you mean?" When did he become a traitor?
"You stole Shura Prison and acted without the order of your superiors. You have seriously violated military regulations. You will be punished by military law later." Seng Zheng announced Tianrong's crime.

"Steal Shura Prison? You handed over Shura Prison to me with your own hands! I also got your permission to come here!" Even though he couldn't use any more strength at this time, Tian Rong's roar resounded throughout the whole place. Room.

Shura Prison was given to Tianrong by Sengzheng, and Sengzheng knew about Tianrong's coming here in advance!But now, Sengzheng said that Tianrong acted privately, and put the charge of theft on Tianrong!
The Shura Prison is known as the most indestructible prison in the military, and it is owned by the general. Unless the general himself gives permission, other people are not allowed to use the Shura Prison, because the Shura Prison itself is also very harmful .

"Who can prove it?" Facing Tianrong's rebuttal, Seng Zheng just smiled gracefully.

Yes, no one can prove it, because no one else was present at the conversation between Sengzheng and Tianrong, and there would be no monitoring or recording.

The conversation between the two senior generals of the military department may be the top secret of the military department at any time. How could someone else be present on this occasion, and how could it be recorded and videotaped?

"Sengzheng, what do you mean? You know the facts very clearly. If you have anything to say, just say it!" Tianrong has worked with Sengzheng for so many years, and has always trusted Sengzheng. But now, what Sengzheng said will be All of these were destroyed.

Seng Zheng, how could he be such a person?

"Tianrong, for so many years, you have been thinking about Lie Que, right? In your heart, have you really recognized me as an officer?" Sengzheng asked Tianrong with a smile, "You have been looking forward to his return, right? ?”

"Although he betrayed us, I... I have always regarded him as my brother and idol. Is there any problem if I can't accept it for a while?"

"Problem? I don't need the kind of subordinates who think about others in their hearts. My subordinates only obey me and are loyal to me!"

Therefore, he does not need Tianrong.

"Then why do you still keep me in the military?" Four of Wang Bingwu generals left, leaving him alone.Seng Zhengda can transfer him away or simply dismiss him, and he has no objection.

"Because it's very useful for me to keep you. Firstly, it will save others from saying that I can't tolerate the old department. Secondly..." Seng Zheng glanced at Tianrong's pocket, then squatted down, looking from Tianrong He took out the magic weapon Shura Prison from his clothes pocket, "You can help me complete a task that no one else can do."

"Sengzheng, what are you going to do?" Lie Que is still locked up in Shura Prison!He can't hand over Lie Que to Seng Zheng!
"What are you doing? Of course I want to take back what belongs to me." Seng Zheng was holding the magic weapon Shura Prison in his hand, with a satisfied smile on his face. The Shura Prison was originally his magic weapon, and Tianrong, as he hoped , locked Lie Que inside.

Lie Que, Lie Que, do you still have feelings for your old department? Otherwise, with the strength of Tianrong and Shura Prison, you still have a chance to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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