Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 583 Happiness

Chapter 583 Happiness (4)
Huiwu went straight to think about something.Fate is doomed, if fate is there, it will be there.

Feng Qianyun stood up from the ground, the sun was too glaring, Feng Qianyun hadn't adjusted to it yet.

Zen Master Huiwu... this bastard monk!
After Feng Qianyun saw her surroundings clearly, she found that everything around her had changed!
Even though she was still in a tall building just now, she actually arrived in the countryside in the next second?

It is true that there is nothing wrong with the countryside. From where Feng Qianyun is now, she can overlook the small mountain village at the foot of the mountain, and the place where she is now is on the rocky cliff of a certain mountain.

The feet are stepping on solid ground, and the fingers can even touch the tenderness of the new shoots.

"Ghost, silently, Xiao Qi..."

Feng Qianyun called the three of them, but there was no response.

Looking at his hands, both the Shuilongyin and Yushen bracelets are still there...

Qixing Longyuan should still be in her body, she can feel its existence, but she can't get any response from it now...

It must be related to that smelly monk!

What did the smelly monk just do to himself?In the future, she will definitely chop him up!

"Hey, woman, who are you and why are you here?"

someone?Boy's voice.

Feng Qianyun suddenly turned her head...

And he's a pretty boy!I have to feel the greatness of the Creator, and this is the first time I have seen such a beautiful boy Feng Qianyun.

Fair skin, big watery eyes, and slightly pursed lips reveal hostility towards her.

The height of the other party was only about Feng Qianyun's waist. He was wearing a somewhat worn sweat vest on his upper body. The color of the sweat vest was a little yellowish.

This place is in the mountains, the ground is full of rocks, it doesn't matter if he is barefoot, right?
"I'm asking you something!" Without getting a response from the other party, the boy touched his waist, where a finely crafted wooden sword was pinned.

Oops... this brat!
Before Feng Qianyun could speak, the boy had already made a move.

So fast!

Feng Qianyun dodged in a hurry, almost hitting her with the wooden sword in his hand!
What a perverted kid!How old is he, and he already has such skills. When he grows up, won't he become a super invincible pervert?
Having said that... She seems to have seen this little brother somewhere.Feng Qianyun found a little familiarity from the boy.

"Stop! I didn't come to fight with you!" Feng Qianyun hurriedly shouted to stop, because she still had serious things to do.

The boy didn't take back the wooden sword in his hand because of this, and the eyes staring at Feng Qianyun were still full of vigilance, "This place is protected by an enchantment, why did you appear here?"

"I'm not too sure why I'm here, can you tell me where this is?" Feng Qianyun thought, what she needs to do now is to figure out her position, and find the right way to go back.

"You don't know where this is?" The boy looked at Feng Qianyun suspiciously, not believing Feng Qianyun's words.

"If I know, do I still need to ask you?" She didn't know what happened, it was all done by that bastard named Zen Master Huiwu, and she still lacked the last link.

"Not just anyone can come in here, didn't the villagers tell you before you came?"

"If you're talking about that little mountain village over there, I'm sorry to tell you that I didn't pass by there at all when I came, or I passed by there but I don't remember, anyway, I woke up here .So little brother, even if I come in where I shouldn't be, it's not out of my will."

Feng Qianyun pointed to a small village that could be vaguely seen in the distance and said to the boy.

"Don't yell at people." What little brother?Who is her brother now?
"You're younger than me, I'll call you little brother, what's wrong with that?" It's not cute at all to be so fierce at such a young age!
"Without further ado!"

As soon as the words fell, the boy had already made a move.

Feng Qianyun didn't want to fight him, but it was impossible not to face the situation in front of him, and he didn't look like he was joking.

The boy's skills are very good, but after all, limited by his age and size, he lost to Feng Qianyun in action. After a few rounds, the boy's hands were clasped behind Feng Qianyun's backhand.

The boy knew that he couldn't beat Feng Qianyun, so when Luo Feng Qianyun got it, he pursed his lips and said nothing.

This bear is quite stubborn.

"I said little brother, I'll let you go, don't fight me anymore, maybe I won't be your opponent in two years, but right now you can't beat me, and I don't want to hurt you."

According to the degree of this guy's abnormality, it is very possible to surpass him in two years.

The boy turned his face away, ignored Feng Qianyun, and looked as if he wanted to kill or cut him down.

"I'm lost, tell me, where is this place?" Feng Qianyun now has a thought, compared to the brat in front of him, Momo and Guigui are much cuter!

"I have nothing to say, you can do whatever you want." In the boy's heart, Feng Qianyun had already been defined as a bad guy who trespassed, and he had nothing to say to a bad guy.

"Do I look like a bad guy?" Feng Qianyun couldn't help asking.

She has no time or time to waste time with this brat now, since he refuses to talk, she will find another way, she still has important things to do!

The two were arguing, and an old man approached them with very slow steps.

The old man is skinny, with no flesh on his face. His skinny face is like that of a boy. He wears a simple sweater vest, his back is hunched, his bony legs are a little out of shape, and he leans on a cane, looking a little wobbly Akira...but that's just what it looks like.

"Haha... okay, okay, Ariel, she is not a bad person, she must be really lost!"

What a terrible old man!She couldn't feel his inner strength at all, she couldn't even feel his breath!If he hadn't been standing in front of her so alive, Feng Qianyun would have no way of detecting his existence.

The old man walked up to Feng Qianyun, "Girl, I don't feel any hostility from you, so I can trust you. Tell me, what's your name."

Don't feel hostile?This old man is not simple!Feng Qianyun made this conclusion in her mind, most people probably wouldn't be able to say such a thing!

"Feng Qianyun." Feng Qianyun thought, this old man should give her the feeling of "awe".

(End of this chapter)

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