Chapter 173 The True Essence of Water Element
After shopping around for a whole day, Phantom Fire Dance entered Feng Jie's training space after washing up.

Walking into the herbal medicine room in the precept, Phantom Fire Dance dug out a cheat book from the corner.

That was the secret book of unknown elements that Beiling Xuanye and himself bought at the auction.

In the past few years, because she was afraid of seeing things and thinking about things, she never dared to take a look at them. Now, since the night is coming back, let her take a look at this mysterious secret book.

Pursing her lips, Phantom Fire Dance lightly touched the icy bamboo surface of the secret book, and with a swipe of her finger on the bamboo slip, a drop of bright red blood flowed out and moistened the secret book.

The secret book quickly absorbed this drop of fresh blood, and then automatically recognized the owner. With a flash of white light, the contents of the secret book appeared in front of Phantom Shadow Fire Dance one by one.

A strange light flashed in Phantom Huowu's eyes, this secret book is actually complete with ten elements!
Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, fire, lightning, and darkness are all complete, each element has its own color, its own characteristics, and each element produces a huge power. Watching the villain in front of him waving it on his own, it shows the uniqueness of this cheat book. It's like destroying the sky and destroying the earth with a raised hand.


Phantom Huowu's eyes lit up, watching the villain's movements intently, and then followed the villain's moves.

The movements of this secret book are firm yet soft, coupled with the temperament of Phantom Fire Dance, I feel like a beautiful ink painting, in this fairyland of Taoyuan, it is absolutely beautiful.

After making gestures, Phantom Fire Dance jumped into Fengjie's hot spring, closed her eyes and meditated, carefully feeling the breath of clear water around her.

Yes, breath.

She seems to have grasped the true meaning of elemental power, where its soul lies.

The water waves around me are gently rippling, with endless tenderness, just like the warm embrace of a mother, with endless love, as if it has a strong soothing power, calming the slightly turbulent heart.

At this moment, Phantom Fire Dance only felt a burst of relief. She used to be so leisurely and happy. When did she become so heavy?
Oh, by the way, it has been like this for the past few years, putting heavy shackles on my heart and guarding against everyone. In fact, even Hua Wuqing and Immortal Ziyun can't fully believe it.

I can't help but ask, why do I have to live so tired?Why not let your guard down and try to accept those who love you again?Because of the people in the God Realm, the most unfair thing is that these people who care about me have been alienated for no reason.

Why is it so tiring to live?
The woman's tight lips were loosened, she was thinking and asking herself.

At this moment, it seems that there is no revenge, no enemy, and no defense. I just hope that time will stay and feel the peace of this time.

The water element slowly revived, and surrounded the woman in red with a strong spiritual power. They seemed to have received some kind of induction, excitedly, scrambling to get into the phantom fire dance's skin, and entered the phantom with pure spiritual energy. Huowu's body.

They entered the tendons, leaving streaks of spiritual power on the way, and finally disappeared, while the tendons were faintly expanding during the purification of the spiritual power.

This is when it will be promoted.

Phantom Fire Dance immediately opened her eyes and jumped up. Now she doesn't have enough spiritual power to reserve energy for promotion. If she advances rashly, she is afraid that she will go crazy due to insufficient spiritual power.

Taking a deep breath, Phantom Fire Dance only felt a lot more relaxed in her heart. The gentleness and gentleness of the water element guided her, allowing her to untie the long-standing knot in her heart—revenge.

For a long time, I have been blinded by revenge because of what happened four years ago. The extreme training method and being on the verge of death time and time again made her stagnate after stepping into the Mysterious Spirit and Illusory King. There is only one reason, Because her heart was occupied by hatred, she forgot the qualities that a cultivator should have. This inner demon made her only able to stay at the level of the Mysterious Spirit and Illusory King.

And this time, she also understood some truths and understood some things.

Enmity must be avenged, but there is no rush.During this period, I should not be on guard all the time, sometimes I have to let go of my guard, take good care of those who care about me, carefully observe, everything they have given to me...

She understood the true meaning of the element of water: trust.

Trust those who care about you the most, instead of blindly questioning and alienating.


Thank you? The monthly pass for children's shoes in the heart cool*= ̄ω ̄=
This chapter was originally updated last night, but it was not possible to publish the article because of the backstage smoke, so it is only now.

(End of this chapter)

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