Chapter 24 Sleeping by the River: All Elemental Body

Yue Bingxuan was so tired that she didn't want to argue with the rogue in front of her, she just raised her head and looked at the sky through the dense leaves, and said, "Hey, evildoer, it's getting dark, what should we do tonight?"

"Hehe!" Beiling Xuanye shook his head helplessly and looked at the puzzled girl in his arms, the original ambiguous atmosphere disappeared, but this is his girl, isn't it?So different. "Find a place to spend the night."

So the two found a place near the river, and Beiling Xuanye went to catch fish, while Yue Bingxuan added a support with a branch, and they decided to have grilled fish for dinner.

After Yue Bingxuan set up the bracket, Beiling Xuanye also came over with two fish. The reason why he said "carrying" instead of "catching" was because——Beiling Xuanye actually used Xuan Lingli controlled the two fish, floating lightly three steps away from him.

"It's really useless to have too much mysterious spiritual power." Yue Bingxuan rolled her eyes, the mysterious spiritual power is limited, and he actually used it in this kind of place. I really don't know whether it is better to say that he is strong or that he is brainless.

"How about if I smell fishy all over, my wife will have to dislike me?" Beiling Xuanye said shamelessly.

Yue Bingxuan thought she was not as thick-skinned as this guy, and with a move of her hand, one of the flying fish 'floated' into her hand, stuck it with a branch, added it to the bracket, and changed the subject: "Monster, what? Light a fire?"

Shaking his head helplessly, Beiling Xuanye waved his hand slightly, and a fire suddenly lit up.

Yue Bingxuan opened her eyes wide, looked at the fire, and asked: "Monster, how did you do it?!"

"Little idiot!" Beiling Xuanye patted her on the head and said, "Element! Anyone with the fire element can do it."

"Element? Then what is my element?" Yue Bingxuan asked annoyed, her master was really unreliable, and she didn't even say what elemental power she was.

"Don't you know?" Beiling Xuanye thought for a while and said, "Then you can feel it yourself.

Put your own consciousness into your own sea of ​​consciousness, and then tell me behind your back what you see.Be careful, abandon everything and don't think about anything else. "

Seeing that Beiling Xuanye started talking seriously, Yue Bingxuan didn't say anything else, and was about to seriously understand it.

According to what Beiling Xuanye said, she carefully observed her sea of ​​consciousness, and found that there were many small bright spots in the sea of ​​consciousness, which were colorful. When she was curious, she counted them carefully, and there were ten kinds of colors!
After carefully looking around, there was really nothing special, Yue Bingxuan then withdrew her consciousness from the sea of ​​consciousness: "Well~ I saw some bright spots of different colors, there seemed to be ten colors in total, these are Elemental power?"

"Ten types?!" Even Beiling Xuanye was a little surprised, "You are actually a full-element body?"

"What?" For Yue Bingxuan, who is still at the level of a country bumpkin, the whole elemental body is really too difficult to understand, so she can only use her spirit of curious about the baby, and break the casserole to ask the bottom line.

Beiling Xuanye also knew that she didn't understand anything, so she explained very patiently: "There are ten kinds of elemental forces in total, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, electricity, light and darkness. There is only one of them, and more than three are very rare.”

"Really? Then I'm really lucky." Yue Bingxuan didn't care much, said, and then remembered, and asked: "Monster, how many elemental powers do you have?"

"Want to know?" Beiling Xuanye deliberately didn't say, "I'll tell you when I call Xianggong."

This fellow made it clear that he wanted to take advantage of her, Yue Bingxuan squeezed him: "Sister? Go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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