Chapter 282

I don't know how many years have passed, just like "there is no Jiazi in the mountains", in this environment, time seems to stop for a moment, there is no difference between day and night, and there is no change of seasons.

The phantom fire dance is just desperately absorbing the spiritual energy in the environment, which is continuous and endless. Hua Wuyue is watching her and pointing at her.

It's not always absorbing grams.

Every time she breaks through a level, Hua Wuyue will make her stop and compete with her to get acquainted with her new strength.

Hua Wuyue knew a lot. When she was the head of the young patriarch, the Feng clan was the most powerful clan in the summoning of gods, and the things she learned were all top-notch, and involved in all aspects.

In her spare time, Hua Wuyue often taught her new exercises, Xin Jue, from it. The teaching was very thorough, and she could learn it almost instantly. What she learned every second seemed to be new compared to the last second.

Hua Wuyue was equally astonished while teaching her. The talent of Phantom Fire Dance is really amazing. It is unheard of that she has lived for so many years.

How can anyone break through the phantom god one-star first-class realm in just half a month?

If it is at her speed, how can it take so many years?And after the spiritual energy in this territory is absorbed, Phantom Fire Dance's strength will also feel amazing, and when she goes out by then, maybe she will really be a rare opponent in the world.

Thinking of this, Hua Wuyue worked harder in teaching.

She almost tried everything she knew to teach her, and only hoped that the day when she left, her strength would no longer be easily hurt by Dongfang Mingxuan. Only in this way could she get a moment of peace.

And as a mother, there is only so much she can do.

While the mother and daughter in the territory were eagerly teaching and learning new spells, the vocation also changed.

It seemed that overnight, an organization named "Xuanhuo" appeared and quickly gained a foothold.

No one knows where they come from and where they are going. They only know that they are a group of mysterious people dressed in black gilt clothes. Close, no one can escape.

And their leader has never been seen before.

Some people say that he is tall and powerful, some people say that he wears a mask, he may be extremely ugly, and some people say that he is big and three thick, and his methods are ruthless...

On the contrary, someone had fought against him, but he fell to the ground without three moves, and never got up again, his strength was unfathomable.

It is also because of this that Xuanhuo appears to be more unusual and more dreadful.

This organization usually appears and disappears, but it never takes the initiative to be an enemy. However, there are provocateurs who never return. In just a few short years, it has become an existence that everyone in God's Call fears.

But in fact, where did the leader of this organization go?It's just guarding the Feng Clan's forbidden area day and night, guarding what's inside, he often waits and looks at it stupidly, standing there for several days and nights, but it hasn't changed for several years.

This retreat made him wait for seven years.

It wasn't that the phantom fire dance was not talented enough, nor was it that the aura was insufficient, but that at the last moment, the phantom fire dance seemed to have found a way to absorb all the aura in the territory in just a moment.

At that time, she was already the second-class strength of the six-star phantom god, and Hua Wuyue was at the side with peace of mind, who knew that something would happen if she didn't pay attention.

After a moment of anxiety, Hua Wuyue found that Phantom Fire Dance didn't seem to be uncomfortable, but was using the aura in her body freely, as if she was refining and purifying it.

Only then did she feel relieved, a smile accumulated in her eyes, and she guarded the Dharma with all her heart.

Now, two years have passed.

When the long-sealed door of the forbidden area opened, the man guarding the outside was still standing as before.

Then he saw a fiery red figure stepping out from inside.

She seemed to be a little more beautiful, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, her eyes fluttered, and the beautiful world lost its color in an instant.

That is his bride.

Time flies, but they still have infinite time and infinite possibilities.

This world can't hold them back, and the only thing that can hold them back is each other forever.


(End of this chapter)

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