Chapter 92 Three Obediences and Four Virtues
A palace banquet was spent like this, I was surprised and happy, I really don't know how to describe it, after the palace banquet, Yue Bingxuan got into the carriage as if no one else was there, followed by people's eyes.In this situation, she thinks it is normal, the strong are respected in this world, people will respect you when you are strong, there is no need to question it, what is so strange about it?
Beiling Hanxia looked at the outstanding figure, and smiled with satisfaction. Her brother is the best among the people, and it is unusual for her to be right with this sister-in-law. Then, let her help her brother to complete the hug as soon as possible. Beauty's wish.The corner of her eyes glanced at the rogue who got into the carriage, Beiling Hanxia raised the corners of her lips happily, her brother is finally happy!

"You scoundrel, what are you doing!" Inside the carriage, Yue Bingxuan stared at the cheeky man in front of her, she was speechless.

"No reason, take my wife home." Beiling Xuanye said innocently, blinking his long eyelashes.

Yue Bingxuan went crazy: "I don't need you to send it!! Is there such a gift from you? As soon as I come, I will drive my mother and the others to another carriage!"

Beiling Xuanye was not happy: "Honey, you are my wife, why don't you need me to send it! And the mother-in-law and the others went to another carriage by themselves, they are just helping us!"

"Bei, Ling, Xuan, Ye!! I say yes, you have an opinion, believe it or not, I will kick you down?!" Yue Bingxuan didn't care, she didn't bother to follow the cheeky arguing, she just turned her head, proudly No way to say.

The cute little appearance made Beiling Xuanye's heart soften again, and he said helplessly: "I have no objection, my lady, please forgive me, the little one will never dare again!"

Slanted eyes of Shui Lingling, glanced at him, and after receiving the pitiful expression on his face, he said generously: "Well, well, I think you are a first offender, so I will forgive you once. If you do it again next time, I don't want you!"

"Oh? So how can it be counted as another crime?" Beiling Xuanye suddenly said with great interest.

Yue Bingxuan was stumped by this question, so she just said casually, who would have thought that Beiling Xuanye would continue to ask, and when she was thinking hard, she suddenly thought of a good idea, and said with a sinister smile: "Of course it is to obey Three obediences and four virtues!"

Beiling Xuanye almost sprayed, men still have three obediences and four virtues?This little princess of hers is always so eccentric, people can't put it down: "Honey, why do men still have three obediences and four virtues?"

Slightly raising her chin, Yue Bingxuan said in a shy voice: "Of course, why not, it's just because I'm well-informed and you are ignorant!"

Beiling Xuanye said curiously in cooperation: "Then dare to ask the great wife, what are the three obediences and four virtues?"

"Well, seeing that you are so eager to learn, I will teach you!" Yue Bingxuan stroked her non-existent mustache and said with a profound expression, then cleared her throat and said, "

Three from:

My wife wants to follow "follow" when she goes out

Wife ordered to obey "obedience"

If my wife makes a mistake, I must blindly "obey"

Four Virtues:

Wife has to wait for makeup

Wife wants to give up "get" when she spends money

Wife is angry and has to endure "get"

Wife's birthday should be remembered "get"

Remember?If you don't do it in the future, wait to be severely punished by me!uh-huh!After going back, absorb the essence of it well, understand? "

"Yes, yes, remember!" Beiling Xuanye smiled, but found that the carriage was almost at the gate of the General's Mansion, so he coughed strangely, and the people outside followed the wind and passed by the General's Mansion in silence. Surrounding the imperial city circle after circle, Yue Bingxuan saw that it was still early, and didn't bother to argue with him, anyway, there was still someone to bully her, she was happy and at ease.

As a result, everyone in the imperial city saw an incomparably extravagant Liwang Mansion exclusive carriage going around the imperial city. Occasionally, when the curtain on the carriage was lifted, two picturesque people would be seen Whispering and flirting, everyone knew that Yue Bingxuan, who was very famous now, was the queen concubine of His Highness Li Wang.

This is also Beiling Xuanye's ultimate goal, to let everyone know that she, Yue Bingxuan, is his Beiling Xuanye's woman, and no one will try to snatch her away!
In the evening, His Royal Highness Li Wang, who had achieved his goal and cultivated a relationship with his little wife, satisfactorily parked the carriage at the gate of the General's Mansion, gave her careful instructions, and then let her go, watching her enter the house , and then left with a happy smile, my wife, you will always be my exclusive, or it would be nice if I were your exclusive!hehe!

Thinking of the so-called three obediences and four virtues, Beiling Xuanye thought to himself, if he could embrace a beautiful woman like that, he could obey for a lifetime!
(End of this chapter)

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