Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 101 Ice Spirit Body!

Chapter 101 Ice Spirit Body!
"You won't come just to kill me, are you willing?"

Ling Feng admired the stunning beauty in front of him and chuckled lightly.


Tang Hongxue was out of breath, and every time she saw Ling Feng's unbeatable smile, she couldn't help it. She didn't know where she took out a dagger, and stabbed it towards Ling Feng's chest.

Just like last time, the dagger stabbed into Ling Feng's chest without hindrance.

Blood flowed down the dagger.


Tang Hongxue glared at Ling Feng angrily:

"Why don't you resist?"

"I said, my woman, if she dies in your arms, she will be a ghost."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, and pulled out the dagger:

"Woman, don't be too cruel, kill people at every turn, that is me, the others will really die."

"I wish I could kill you."

Tang Hongxue felt like going crazy.

"You didn't kill me twice, you won't be able to kill me in this life, the two of us are destined to be entangled for life and life."

Ling Feng laughed.

"say no more!"

Tang Hongxue's voice was a bit sharp, her body trembled slightly, and she didn't know if it was from anger or what:
"I'm here this time because I need your help. In Jiangcheng, several people have died in the past few days. All of them died of cracked ice. I don't know what they did. We don't have enough manpower now. I need you to help me investigate."


Ling Feng frowned slightly, and when he got to the point, he didn't talk about the two of them again: "The ice cracked and died, is there anyone alive, and how many died?"

"No one, 35 died."

Tang Hongxue's face was serious:
"They died from the cracked ice. They had no other injuries, and they didn't lack anything. I don't know what the purpose of killing these people is?"

It was this point that Tang Hongxue couldn't understand, it was so strange, why didn't you plan to kill these ordinary people, there was something wrong!

She is in charge of this matter. So many ordinary people have died in the past few days, which puts her under a lot of pressure.

"Go and see the dead first."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and said.

For this kind of thing, he couldn't guess who the murderer was just based on what Tang Hongxue said.

"it is good."

Tang Hongxue nodded.

At this moment, her cell phone rang and she connected the call. Before she could speak, a hurried voice came from inside: "Captain, someone died again, three!"

"What, where?"

Tang Hongxue's expression changed and she gritted her teeth.

"Cuifeng Road in the east of the city, this side of Vientiane Community."

"Okay, I'll be right here."

Ling Feng also heard it from the side, and his heart moved. He knew that although there were two communities in the area of ​​Cuifeng Road, there were mainly a lot of private houses. It was close to Wuyin Mountain, and many low-income people lived there.

"I just heard that you fought with the He family. We don't care about the grievances and hatreds of you martial artists, but this time your fight is outside the hotel, and many ordinary people have seen it. Next time, it can't be like this again , more or less pay attention to the impact."

The two got into the car, Tang Hongxue said.

Ling Feng smiled, he can't decide on this matter, the people of the He family came to seek death by themselves, and it is impossible for him to tell these people that we should go to a safe place to fight.

A quarter of an hour later, the two arrived at the scene.

"team leader!"

Two men and a woman greeted them. All three were Skynet martial practitioners. They wore special light red uniforms. There was a circle on their chest, and inside the circle were nine pairs of marks similar to parentheses. Only then did Ling Feng notice that Tang Hongxue There is also such a logo on the chest of the clothes, which should be the logo of Skynet.

Ling Feng's heart moved, it seemed that he had to get such a uniform for the people of the Dragon Group and the Dragon Palace.

As soon as he thought of it, he made a phone call and asked Wang Meng to take charge of the matter.

Two men and one woman looked at Ling Feng curiously. They had long heard that the captain was looking for a helper who was very strong, but what they didn't expect was such a young man, fifteen or sixteen years old, who looked ordinary People are no different, what kind of strength can such a person have.

"The captain's eyesight is not good."

The three of them curled their lips, especially when they saw that Ling Feng came here, instead of helping, they were on the phone instead, and their impression was even worse.

Tang Hongxue was going to introduce Ling Feng to the three of them, but when she saw this scene, she heard some words like "uniform", and her face turned cold. She was not doing business, and she came here to make this kind of phone call. She didn't even bother to talk about it, and felt a little disappointed, and checked the three corpses by herself.

Ling Feng hung up the phone and smiled.

In other words, looking at the Skynet uniforms worn by the four people in front of them, they are really impressive.

But it won't be long before the people of his dragon group Dragon Palace can also have it.

Ling Feng didn't realize that when he made a phone call, the four people in front of him had a lot of opinions on him.

However, even if he knew about it, he wouldn't care anymore. It would be too boring to live by looking at other people's eyes, so why bother with it.


Ling Feng's eyes suddenly froze.

"what happened?"

A car came, and two Skynet members were about to transport the three bodies to the car. Hearing Ling Feng's words, one of them frowned and said, "These three people are all dead, and you can't see anything."

"Are you sure they're all dead?"

Ling Feng sneered.

But his eyes were fixed on one of them.

The three people, also two men and one woman, all cracked from the ice, like broken glass. In this situation, it is basically impossible to live, but one of the women did not die, and he sensed that the woman There seemed to be a powerful energy gestating in the body, and it was precisely because of this energy that the woman supported her last few breaths.

In fact, her heart had already stopped.

"Qin Yiyun!"

That's right, beautiful girls are always easy to remember, and it was the girl who was stopped by Wang Qiang before asking her to pay back the money, Qin Yiyun, who was also the school belle of one of their middle schools.

Ling Feng sighed, fortunately he had paid special attention just now, otherwise he would have just let them carry it to the car, and after returning to cremation, he would really be dead.

"The girl you mentioned, her heart stopped beating, her whole body was cold, and she really had no breath of life. Could it be that she is still alive?"

The man kept frowning, but he still spoke patiently.

"She did die."

Tang Hongxue walked over. She had read it just now, and it was impossible for her to read it wrong:
"You know her?"

"Yes, she is the beauty of our school."

Ling Feng nodded, then shook his head again, with a look of surprise on his face:
"She's not dead."

At the same time, the voice of the system sounded in his mind again: "Remind the host that the ice spirit body has been awakened. If the host combines with the ice spirit body, the death rate can be reduced by [-]%. I hope the host will consider it carefully."

Another one percent!

"System, I found that you are a heavenly demon. The reason why the previous hosts died may be because of your existence and temptation. If you can manifest, I really want to beat you up."

Ling Feng's face darkened.

But a pair of eyes were fixed on Qin Yiyun.

He unexpectedly met another person with a special physique, Lan Qing's Tianxiang body before, and now Qin Yiyun's ice spirit body, and obviously, the awakening of Qin Yiyun's ice spirit body may be because of this ice cracking incident, which stimulated the awakening of his own physique, It was also because of the awakened innate energy that she saved her life.

(End of this chapter)

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