Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 106 There is no reason to let go!

Chapter 106 There is no reason to let go!
Tang Hongxue's expression changed.

Han Fu was going to cripple Ling Feng's arm, but she didn't expect that Ling Feng had a grudge against Han Feng before.

But no matter what Ling Feng can't be injured here.

"Mr. Han was joking, Ling Feng is my friend, I think you have misunderstood, let's forget about it."

"Misunderstanding, last time I was hurt by him and lost face, I can't bear such a big misunderstanding."

Han Feng looked weird, but looked at Ling Feng proudly:

"Destroy yourself, give me an apology, and forget about it."

"Ha ha……"

Ling Feng smiled:

"Han Feng, I'm bloated with you here today, but it's useless for me to tell you. I didn't care about the previous things with you, but you mentioned it again, so let's leave an arm and go."

Han Feng wanted to keep one arm.

Not only did Tang Hongxue and the others change their expressions, Han Fu and his son's expressions also changed.

"Ling Feng, you are courting death!"

Han Feng said coldly:
"Since you killed yourself, you can't blame me."

Han Fu snorted: "You brat doesn't want to make a move, so let me help you."

Han Fu moved.

I don't know how fast the movement was, and he was in front of him in an instant, and grabbed Ling Feng's shoulder.

The power of his claws is fierce and fierce, no one can hide from it.

Han Fu sneered, a boy who is not from Skynet, how could he be really afraid.

Tang Hongxue was shocked, and was about to speak when Ling Feng shook his head at him.

Judging by Ling Feng's expression, it seems that he doesn't care at all.

"Could he be able to continue?"

Tang Hongxue couldn't believe it, but under the circumstances, she didn't have time to stop it.

In fact, it was quick to say, originally, in her opinion, Ling Feng could not be Han Fu's opponent, but the next moment she knew that she was wrong.

Facing Han Fu's claw.

Without even thinking about it, Ling Feng kicked it out!
A quick, deadly kick.

This kick is too fast.

Ling Feng's foot landed firmly on Han Fu's lower abdomen, and with a muffled groan, Han Fu flew upside down seven or eight meters away and landed staggeringly.

Tang Hongxue and the others gasped, unable to believe it.

This is Han Fu, a master above the five-star human realm is not a cat or a dog, he can be manipulated at will, but now he is easily kicked into injury in front of Ling Feng, what kind of strength is this?
They didn't believe it, neither did Han Fu and his son.

"how is this possible?"

Han Feng knew that Ling Feng was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be that strong. This was his father, far beyond Xu Yang's comparison.

Han Fu was even more confused, unable to react for a while.

Although he was a little careless just now, he actually paid attention to it, but even so, he couldn't avoid Ling Feng's kick.

Ling Feng's kick was too fast and too powerful. He sensed that Ling Feng was also a martial artist above the five-star human realm, and the aura emanating from it shocked even him. , How this young man in front of him has such a strong strength is simply unreasonable.

"Hmph, with this little strength, it's too weak!"

Ling Feng smiled dismissively.

He was not surprised at all, a mere Han Fu was not as strong as Wang Mengqiang, in his eyes, he was really not good enough, if he wanted to, he could kick him to death with just one kick!
"Han Feng, you've cheated this time."

With a smile on his face, Ling Feng walked up to Han Fu. He wanted to snatch the ice crystal fruit from Han Fu's hand, which was a good thing.

Han Fu's expression changed, he finally got this ice crystal fruit, how could he give it up again?He wanted to resist, but then there was a pain, his hand was loosened, and three ice crystal fruits fell into Ling Feng's hands.

"Not bad!"

Ling Feng snatched the ice crystal fruit and put it away. His heart moved, and the voice of the system sounded: "Remind the host! You can extract 358 points of water gas, do you want to extract it?"


"Extraction successful!"

Qi of the Five Elements: 173 points of Metal Qi, 183 points of Wood Qi, 621 points of Water Qi, 176 points of Fire Qi, and 165 points of Earth Qi.

Ling Feng nodded secretly. The three ice crystal fruits indeed extracted a lot of water energy, but compared to the ten thousand points of five element energy, it was still far behind.

"You stole my ice crystal fruit!"

Han Fu's face was ugly:

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be so strong. This time I was the one who fell. However, for the sake of my Han family, please give me an ice crystal fruit. Let's forget about it."

He was really not reconciled, he worked so hard to kill the two ice bats, and got the ice crystal fruit, but in the end it was a failure.

"Hmph, can you replace the Han family?"

The ice crystal fruit has been absorbed by Lingfeng's system, and the Han family father and son couldn't get it out even if they wanted it, so they smiled:
"Didn't you just want me to cripple myself, now you should cripple yourself too, no, it's you father and son!"

Han Fu and his son's complexion changed drastically.

"Ling Feng, it's impossible for us to break our arms. My Han family will never let you go if you do this!"

"is it?"

Ling Feng glanced at the two of them, and said lightly:
"Since you don't want to, then I will kill you."

Han Fu and his son trembled when they felt the murderous aura released from Ling Feng.

The murderous aura on Ling Feng's body was too strong, and they had no doubt that if they didn't stop their arms, Ling Feng would definitely attack.

They don't want to die yet!

"I break!"

Han Fu's eyes showed ruthlessness, and he cut off his arm with a knife, blood gushed out like a fountain, and one arm fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Han Feng turned pale and trembled.

He didn't have the courage to cut off his arm.

But Ling Feng's eyes fell on him, and fear spread infinitely in his heart.

Han Feng roared and ran out of the cave.


As soon as Han Feng moved, a streak of true energy pierced through his head like a sword.

Han Feng fell to the ground straight, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

No one expected that Ling Feng would kill as soon as he said it, and killed his son in front of Han Fu.

Tang Hongxue and the others didn't believe it.

Han Fu couldn't believe it.

"My son!"

Han Fu roared angrily, and walked up to his son in a few steps, staring at Ling Feng with a pair of eyes, extremely resentful.

The son actually died!

This is a big revenge!

It's already immortal!

"In that case, I'll give you a ride and let you and your son reunite."

Ling Feng didn't hesitate too much, a small sword with condensed true energy pierced through Han Fu's head.

The cave was quiet, and the sound of the waterfall outside seemed to be inaudible.

Tang Hongxue and the others looked at the two corpses on the ground, and then at Ling Feng, feeling thirsty.

Tang Hongxue didn't feel anything, although it was unexpected, but Ling Feng was mysterious, and with this level of strength, he still figured it out.

But the three of Skynet were not so calm.

I don't know why, but at this moment, several people are dripping with cold sweat.

"Let's go."

Ling Feng clapped his hands, smiled, and said nothing.

He never had any reason to let go of these people who wanted to kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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