Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 115 Suffocation

Chapter 115 Suffocation
Xu Wei struck with a fist.

A deep smile appeared in Huang Ziming's eyes.

Ling Feng would definitely not be able to take this punch.

With one punch, he will definitely be seriously injured.

However, the next moment, their eyes froze.

The two fists collided together.

In a shock, Xu Wei was actually knocked back.

Instead, Ling Feng stood there without moving a step.

How can this be?

Huang Ziming and Xu Yang's eyes almost popped out.

This is Xu Wei, who is only one step away from the eight-star human realm. In front of Ling Feng, such a strong man actually fell into a disadvantage with one move.

"How strong is this person?"

Everyone was terrified.

Ling Feng's strength has repeatedly exceeded their expectations.

"Boy, I didn't expect, I didn't expect that your strength is so strong."

Xu Wei's eyes narrowed into a slit:

"However, I didn't try my best, let's see what happens."

Xu Wei shot again.

With that move just now, he already felt that Ling Feng's strength was not much weaker than him. He had underestimated him a little bit before, but now he has nothing.

Of course, he still has confidence in himself.

"Bo Yang Fist!"

Xu Wei didn't hold back any more at this moment, and displayed all his strength.

One punch is like rolling waves, the scorching sun is scorching, and thousands of troops are defeated.

A punch has arrived in front of Ling Feng.

"Boy, fall down for me!"

Xu Wei shook his fist, and no one could catch it.

"do not want!"

Huang Qianqian exclaimed, with a look of worry on her face.

After Xu Wei's punch, she felt a breath of death.

I'm afraid Ling Feng won't be able to take it.

However, she suddenly found that Qian Ling'er was standing aside, with no worried expression on her face.

This made her a little strange.

She knew the relationship between Qian Ling'er and Ling Feng was very close.

Shouldn't Qian Ling'er be worried about Ling Feng now, or maybe Ling Feng's strength is stronger than Xu Wei's.

This made her feel a little unbelievable.

But there is another intuition in my heart.

Perhaps, Xu Wei really can't help Ling Feng.

"Ling Feng has stepped into the eight-star realm?"

Huang Qianqian murmured in her heart.


Ling Feng and Xu Wei collided two punches one after another.

A groan came out.

Xu Wei was shocked to step back step by step. At this moment, Xu Wei felt as if his body was about to fall apart.

He had tried his best, but he was still invincible in front of Ling Feng.

From the beginning to the end, Ling Feng stood there without moving a step.

Huang Ziming, Xu Yang and the others stared in disbelief.

Xu Wei is no match for all his shots.

Obviously, Ling Feng has almost 100% stepped into the eight-star human realm. This kind of strength is simply terrifying.

"Is this your strength? It seems to be nothing more than that."

Ling Feng looked at Xu Wei and grinned grimly:
"You were the one who made the move just now, now it's my turn!"

Ling Feng disappeared in a flash, and in an instant he was in front of Xu Wei, and punched out!

The punch exploded.


Xu Wei's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly resisted.

It's a pity that in front of Ling Feng, he is no match at all.

Xu Wei was shocked and retreated step by step.

Every time Xu Wei punched, Xu Wei took a step back. At this moment, Xu Wei's mouth was overflowing with bright red blood.

Ling Feng was so strong that Xu Wei didn't even have the strength to fight back.

Xu Wei let out a miserable snort, and was sent flying by Ling Feng's punch like a shrimp, and fell hard to the ground.

In Ling Feng's hand, there were already three more pills, which were the health pills he exchanged with the other party just now, and now they returned to his hands.

The whole place was silent.

So brutal!

Ling Feng made a move, and people as strong as Xu Wei were powerless to fight back.

How powerful is this.

"Where did the boy come from, how can he be so strong?"

Huang Ziming was shocked.

And Xu Wei was also a little dazed.

It seems that I can't believe it.

In his opinion, a kid who can be manipulated as he likes is not a little white rabbit, but a fierce tiger that cannot be provoked.

And this fierce tiger not only defeated him, but also took away the health pill.

Health pills!
This is a high-grade elixir, you must keep it in your own hands!

"Huang Ziming, let's fight together. There is definitely a secret in this kid. If we capture him, there will definitely be a lot of benefits!"

Xu Wei shouted.

Huang Ziming and the others looked at each other and nodded.

Indeed, Ling Feng stepped into the eight-star realm at such a young age, and they wouldn't believe it if he said that there was a secret in him and killed them.

If they dig out the secrets of Ling Feng and get the treasure, they will be outraged.

"Boy, you actually want us to go up together, then you will be fulfilled."

Huang Ziming let out a loud drink.

The four major families and the four high-level officials all took action.

The four of them came towards Ling Feng in four directions, like jackals and savages, their murderous aura was awe-inspiring in a single pounce, which made people's hearts ache.

If the strength is a little weaker, facing this culling momentum, they will be paralyzed in fright.

"Fourth Uncle and the others team up, this kid is definitely no match."

Xu Yang stared at the field, nervous but excited.

Bang bang bang!
The four shot at the same time with almost a tacit understanding.

Fist and claw kick.

The top lane, the middle lane, and the bottom lane all use one move to hit Ling Feng's vital points.

I can't escape even if I want to.

Huang Qianqian looked worried again.

But she saw that Qian Ling'er was the same as before, and there was no worry on her face.

Huang Qianqian was a little conflicted.

Does this Qian Ling'er have so much confidence in Ling Feng?

This is a team of four people, not as big as a simple one plus one.


The four teamed up and collided with Ling Feng.

"Very good, the four of them teamed up, it's something to watch."

Ling Feng grinned grimly.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, Ling Feng punched three times and kicked one leg!
Too fast.

Even if the four of them teamed up, he took them all.

The sound of collision is like the clanging of gold and iron.

Lingfeng Longqi casts a body, and the physical body is stronger than these martial arts practitioners by more than one or two.

Moreover, the dragon energy in his body was surging, even if the four of them teamed up, he would not be at a disadvantage.

Huang Ziming let out a scream, and was hit in the head by his punch, which immediately exploded.

The two senior executives of the Han family and the Gu family took a cold breath, and they were frightened.

The fluctuations in their hearts made them suffocate.

In such an instant, Ling Feng's punch was already in front of him.

Xiaolong punches Yiyi!
The strength of the fist tears the air and shreds everything in its way.

At this moment, the two senior members of the Han family and the Gu family showed horror in their eyes.

That is such an instant thing.

Ling Feng's punch landed!
It was said to be one punch, but it was actually two punches that were extremely fast.


Two punches landed on their chests, the sternum was shattered on the spot, and the internal organs were also shattered at this moment.

The two fell limp to the ground.

The four of them teamed up, and in only two to three minutes, there was only one person left.

At this moment, the air was suffocatingly quiet.

The juniors in Xu Yang couldn't help but took two steps back, trembling in their hearts.

The three warriors in the six-star human realm died instantly.

They never expected that Ling Feng would be able to do it. This is the top of the three major families. Isn't he afraid of the revenge of the three major families?

(End of this chapter)

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