Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 125 There is a monster here!

Chapter 125 There is a monster here!
Xu Sheng waited for the Xu family to turn around abruptly.

"What else do you want?"

Xu Sheng said coldly.

"Stinky boy, you really think that we are afraid of you. It is our Patriarch who saved your life. Otherwise, if there is a real battle, you will not escape death!"

A disciple of the Xu family shouted.

It's just that his voice just fell.

It was dark before my eyes.

This disciple of the Xu family immediately burst into a head.

"Hmph, I'm talking, it's not your turn to intervene."

Ling Feng smiled coldly and looked at Xu Sheng:

"Our battle is not over yet. Why are you leaving in such a hurry? You actually came here. Then you have to fight to the death!"

Decisive life and death!

Xu Sheng's expression changed.

To be honest, the reason why I didn't want to fight Ling Feng was because I was not sure.

If he waits for his realm to consolidate, then he still has some confidence.

But not now.

"Why, I'm afraid! That's useless, you're going to die today!"

Ling Feng grinned grimly.

"Little bastard, you actually want to die, then I'll make it happen for you."

Xu Sheng was furious.

Although he suffered a serious injury just now, his overall strength is not weak.

Xu Sheng struck with his palm!
Break God's Palm!
This time Xu Sheng failed to perform the 81st Form, and was sent flying by Ling Feng's punch in the No. 70 Seventh Form.

"The situation is nothing more than that."

Ling Feng sneered and said without mercy.

Advance suddenly, punch out.

But this punch exploded with terrifying power.

It turned out that just now, Ling Feng's Xiaolong Piyi Fist also had a breakthrough, reaching the state of Xiaocheng, and the power of one punch can be increased by [-]%.

When Xu Sheng fell into a disadvantage with one move, Ling Feng no longer gave him a chance.


Xu Sheng roared again and again, if this continues, he might be beaten to death by Ling Feng.

How can this be done, he has just broken through the realm, he still has a bright future, and there are still many things to do, he can't just die here.

Xu Sheng was in a hurry.

"Boy, stop quickly. This matter is my Xu family's fault. Xu Wei and the others shouldn't want your elixir. You stop now. In the future, our Xu family's enmity will be canceled with you. How about this matter?"

Seeing that Ling Feng didn't speak, he said again: "My Xu family can still compensate you!"


Ling Feng smiled disdainfully: "Do you think you will believe what you said?"

Xu Sheng was silent.

Of course he didn't believe it himself.

Xu Sheng was punched, his sternum was shattered, and his internal organs were bleeding.

If he hadn't dodged in time, his internal organs would have been shattered.

But now he has also reached the end of his strength.

Ling Feng came closer, but was unable to shake it down with another punch.

"Little beast, I will never let you go."

Xu Sheng roared wildly. At this moment, he knew that he couldn't run away. Today was the end of death. It's a shame that he thought he broke through the boundary this time, and let him run rampant in the future.

However, even death would not make Ling Feng feel better.

Xu Sheng let Ling Feng punch him in the chest.

And his palm hit Ling Feng's chest hard.

Xu Sheng's life-threatening slap is a child's play.

But it's a pity that Ling Feng sneered, dodged to the right, and passed the opponent's palm.

And his palm also fell through.


Xu Sheng was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

That's abominable!

Xu Sheng just slapped him, which can be said to be a slap that was brewed to the peak of energy and energy, but it was a slap, and it was impossible to slap such a slap again.

And Ling Feng's punch came in front of him again.

"I'm not reconciled!"

Xu Sheng glared at Ling Feng fiercely, with such hatred, ordinary people might be scared to death if they saw it.

For Ling Feng, there was nothing.


Most of the bones in Xu Sheng's body were shattered, and his internal organs were turned into mud.

Xu Sheng fell to the ground, struggled a few times and then remained still.

The Martial Arts Field was dead silent.

Looking at Xu Sheng's corpse on the ground, he looked at Ling Feng again.


"There is a monster in Jiangcheng!"

"At a young age, his strength is comparable to that of a one-star realm martial artist!"


All the martial artists sighed.

The battle of the four major families in Jiangcheng can be said to be abolished, and they will not be able to recover within a few decades.

However, this has nothing to do with them. On the contrary, many martial arts cultivators in Jiangcheng secretly rejoice. Before, these martial cultivators lived under the pressure of the four major families. Now the four major families have suffered heavy losses, and they can't take care They are gone.


Many people from the four major families looked at Ling Feng with envy.

This time, their four major families really suffered a great loss, especially the Xu family, who was a martial artist in the realm. Once Xu Sheng died, their Xu family might not be able to produce another one in the next hundred years.

Why don't they hate it in their hearts.

At that time, two Xu family members lost their minds and culled Xiang Lingfeng.

Moths to the flame, death.

Ling Feng fulfilled them.

Seeing the heads of the two Xu family members split open, everyone felt cold.

Only then did they realize that none of the people who attacked Ling Feng from the moment he came in to the present were alive.

This person is young, but he is cruel and outrageous.

"This Master Ling, if we meet in the future, we will hide as far away as possible, and we must not provoke him."

Many people have such a thought in their hearts.

The members of the four major families did not dare to move anymore.

"Well, why are the bodies of Master Xu and the others gone?"

Suddenly there was an exclamation.

Only then did everyone notice that the bodies of the four Xu Sheng were gone in the martial field.

"What the hell, is this?"

"There is a monster here, don't stay here for long, get out of here quickly!"


This situation happened twice in a row, and everyone felt a little nervous.

Such a thing is too unbelievable.

Seeing this scene, Ling Feng was a little funny, but he wouldn't tell the truth.

On the contrary, the system extracted nearly 20000000 dragon energy points from the four of Xu Sheng. Obviously, most of them were extracted from Xu Sheng's body. As for the two people killed by Ling Feng, and the previous one, they didn't even have a five-star human realm. I'm afraid he doesn't even have 1000000 dragon energy points.

Dragon energy value 34290683!

Ling Feng lamented that one martial arts cultivator in the realm was worth about 12 or so eight-star martial cultivators in the human realm.

If the dragon body devours it, he can evolve by devouring at most two one-star realm martial practitioners.

Calculated in this way, it is more cost-effective than him to go all the way to the sea to devour marine life.

Of course, the premise is that someone devours him.

Forget it.

Without hatred, he would not do such a thing.

This time, if the four major families hadn't pressed too hard and joined forces and clamored to kill him, he wouldn't have killed them all like this.

"Brother Ling Feng."

Qian Ling'er came over, took Ling Feng's hand, and smiled.

This time Ling Feng fought with the patriarchs of the four major families, if anyone was to say who was the calmest, it would be Qian Ling'er.

This has nothing to do with Qian Ling'er knowing that Ling Feng is very powerful, but she doesn't know it. This may be due to a kind of trust, absolute trust.


Ling Feng smiled lightly, and pinched Qian Ling'er's Shui Lingling's face.

"Brother Lingfeng!"

Qian Linger pouted.

"This bastard!"

Tang Hongxue, who came out from behind, was going to step forward to ask questions, but seeing this scene, she stopped thinking, snorted coldly, and walked away by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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