Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 129 No more connections!

Chapter 129 No more connections!

Finished the monthly exam in the afternoon.

In fact, it was over for Ling Feng, and he finished the examination paper in more than ten minutes.

Other students were still scratching their faces in the examination room thinking about the topic.

It was a breeze for Ling Feng to do the questions on the test paper.

If he wants to, there is no problem with getting a perfect score in the exam.

With the Dragon God system, the cheating device of the treasure chest, and some test papers, it really can't trouble him.

"Student Ling Feng."

Ling Feng was about to go home when a voice suddenly came from behind.

He was all too familiar with that voice.

"Teacher, are you a parasite in my stomach? You caught me again."

Ling Feng felt strange.

Teacher, doesn't she know that she will look for him after the exam is over?

Or, from the moment he entered the examination room, the teacher was waiting for him outside?

Ling Feng said so, but he was quite happy in his heart.

Anyone will be very happy to have a beautiful woman looking for you.

"You are a parasite, your whole family is a parasite!"

Lan Qing was ashamed and annoyed.

This guy can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth.

"Teacher, what do you need from me?"

Ling Feng smiled and didn't care anymore.

"Can't I find you if it's okay?"

Lan Qing glared at Ling Feng.

"Yes, of course."

Ling Feng was cheerful, the teacher was very angry because he had menstruation.

Ok?A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Ling Feng's face:

"Hey, teacher, it's only been a few days, and you've also felt a sense of anger."

"Congratulations, teacher, you have officially become a martial artist."

Ling Feng was indeed a little surprised that Lan Qing sensed the aura so quickly, but it was within his expectation.

Just kidding, if it takes a long time to feel the breath, then it will be a waste of this heavenly body.

In fact, it wasn't just Lan Qing.

I'm afraid Qin Yiyun also sensed the anger at this time.

"Let's go, student Ling Feng, today the teacher treats you to a meal."

Lan Qing thought for a while, then said loudly.

"Haha, teacher, you can treat the guests as you please. If you pretend to be generous, you don't look like a man. After all, you are still a woman."

Seeing Lan Qing's pretended generosity, Ling Feng was a little funny.

But speaking of it, the teacher's current appearance is cute and naive.

"Ling Feng!"

Lan Qing raised her voice and glared at Ling Feng:

"Are you going?"

"Go, of course."

Ling Feng said quickly.

"Hmph, if you hadn't saved your classmates in Wuyin Mountain and taught me martial arts skills, I would not treat you to see that you are still useful."

Lan Qing hummed:

"This is my first treat."

"the first time?"

Ling Feng was surprised.

"Of course."

Lan Qing raised her head and rolled her eyes:
"Are you very happy, tell me, how should I thank your teacher."


Ling Feng sighed.

"What are you sighing for?"

Lan Qing frowned.

"Teacher, I only know now that you are so stingy. How old are you? No wonder you don't have a single friend until now."

Ling Feng shook his head:

"Teacher, you should thank me for being your friend."

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"


Lan Qing was very angry.

Too lazy to answer.

This guy is a topic stopper.

Ling Feng smiled embarrassingly, and didn't dare to say any more, for fear that if he said one more word, the teacher would lose his temper.

However, just as he and Lan Qing walked out of the school gate, they were stopped by someone!

Seeing the person coming, Ling Feng frowned.

Those who came were from the Fang family.

Fang Dingxiao, Fang Dingguo, Fang Dingwu, and Fang Dingwen are all here!

"Master Ling!"

Fang Dingxiao greeted him with a smile on his face.

Ling Feng looked at the four of them indifferently, but did not speak.

"Master Ling, my father set up a table of wine at the Lingfeng Hotel, thanking Master Ling for the support of the other family during this time."

Fang Dingguo smiled:

"Master Ling, look..."

"Which onions are you, do I know you?"

Ling Feng glanced at them disdainfully.

"Master Ling."

Fang Dingguo's face turned red.

Fang Dingwen and Fang Dingwu showed displeasure on their faces.

"Teacher, let's go."

Ling Feng sneered.

Lan Qing hesitated for a moment, and followed, but she was a little puzzled.

In fact, she could also see that Fang Dingxiao and the other four were extraordinary, and they were definitely not ordinary people, but they had an almost flattering attitude towards Ling Feng.

And she could also see that this family seemed to make Ling Feng unhappy.

Ling Feng didn't appreciate it.

Shaking her head, Lan Qing obediently followed by her side without speaking.

"Master Ling, please do me a favor, this time it was Fang Dingxiao who did something wrong."

Ling Feng hadn't taken two steps before he felt his feet tighten.

But Fang Dingxiao stepped forward, knelt on the ground, and hugged Ling Feng's thigh.

Ling Feng was taken aback.

The three Fang Dingguo brothers were a little surprised.


Fang Dingwu shouted.

The faces of the three brothers were all ugly.

Fang Dingxiao didn't care about his three sons.

It's not like he hasn't done this kind of thing before, that's what he did when Ling Feng saved his life before.

For Fang Dingxiao, he is a person who is about to go down to earth, do he want to lose face?What is the face?It doesn't exist, for the sake of the Fang family, don't talk about hugging thighs, even kneeling and kowtowing is fine.

Fang Dingxiao deeply understands a truth, if you are shameless and thick-skinned, you can accomplish many things.

Back then, his wife was defeated by his shamelessness and married him.

Ling Feng was also defeated by his shamelessness, so he helped him again and again.

Like him before, he stood at the gate of Ling Feng's villa, stood there for several days and nights, not touching a drop of water, not eating a single meal, almost starved to death there.

This is also an expression of shamelessness.

It's just that he has achieved the ultimate, and few people can do this.

"Master Ling!"

Fang Dingxiao raised his face expectantly.

"I will have nothing to do with your Fang family in the future."

Ling Feng waved his hand, and the dragon energy in his body burst forth, and there was a sudden shock, shaking Fang Dingxiao's hand away.

"Master Ling!"

Fang Dingxiao chased after him, feeling unwilling.

He really didn't want to lose such a backer.


"One more step forward, and I'll kill you!"

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold:
"I don't care about your Fang family's life or death now. As long as you don't provoke me in the future, that's fine. If you make me unhappy, you will all die!"

Ling Feng snorted.

To be honest, this time he faced the four major families, he was disappointed that the Fang family didn't come.

Fang's family, he really did them a lot.

If they didn't seize the opportunity, no wonder he.

He also doesn't need this kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

In fact, it may not be correct to say that Fang Dingxiao is greedy for life and afraid of death. This old man may also be for the family, and he still has a lot of ambition.

But that's not an excuse.

What Ling Feng needed was someone who centered on him, a family, who would revolve around him in everything.

"This is the worst decision our Fang family has made in decades."

Fang Dingxiao heaved a long sigh, deeply unwilling in his heart.

Too bad it's all too late.

"Father, is this kid so powerful? Isn't it just that he has some strength."

Fang Dingwen muttered:
"I don't think he's anything special. This kid tries his best to cause trouble and is extremely arrogant. Even if our Fang family follows him, if we don't fall this time, we may fall into his hands next time. Why don't we just break up with him now? Boundary, at least our Fang family has nothing to do, even if the development is slow, it doesn't matter, anyway, he has already modified our family's "deadly power", and the enemy was killed by him. It can be said that we have fully tapped this kid value, he is not much use."

Fang Dingguo, Fang Dingwu Moran.

They felt that what the third brother said really made sense.

Ling Feng is no longer of much value to their Fang family.

"Let's go back."

Fang Dingxiao shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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