Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 151 Rat Experiment

Chapter 151 Rat Experiment

Dean Li gave Ling Feng a hard look.

This kid is so hateful that he ruined his own good deeds.

Just about to reprimand Ling Feng a few more words, but seeing that Luo Yixuan's brows were already furrowed, he swallowed the words abruptly.

He had no choice but to follow Luo Yixuan's words.

Not half an hour.

Two doctors came in one after another, one doctor was carrying a small cage, in which two mice were jumping, and the other doctor was holding a box, which contained the medicinal materials Luo Yixuan wanted.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to it.

Luo Yixuan personally tested the effects of the six herbs.

In fact, in the eyes of everyone, if Luo Yixuan can be called a master, what he said is naturally correct.

And after Ling Feng's words, Luo Yixuan personally proved the medicinal properties of the six medicinal materials, which is worthy of Master Luo, and he is very generous. If it was someone else, the dean would have sent Ling Feng out long ago.

In fact, these patients respected Master Luo Yixuan's bearing, but they didn't belittle Ling Feng.

After all, Ling Feng was not bitten by the Crimson Mosquito, and what he said was actually beneficial to them.

If, as Ling Feng said, they drank the medicine Luo Yixuan gave them and died by then, then they would die for nothing.

Dean Li personally extracted five milliliters of blood from a patient and injected it into mice.

At the same time, Luo Yixuan also took out a certain amount of six kinds of medicinal materials, rubbed them back and forth between his palms, and was personally ground into powder by the true energy in his body.

This master Luo turned out to be a realm martial artist.

Not only is his medical skill superb, but his cultivation base is also very strong.

Luo Yixuan personally prepared six kinds of medicinal materials into liquid medicine and put them in the cage.

The six kinds of medicinal herbs, especially the herb "Lanshi", contained a lot of spiritual energy. When the mice saw the medicinal liquid, it was as if they had seen the most delicious food, and swallowed all the medicinal liquid inside like a chicken pecking at rice.

In the ward, everyone stared intently at the little white mouse in the cage.

The little white mouse jumped more happily than before.

Nothing happened.

"no problem."

"This liquid medicine is effective."

The people in the ward said.

Dean Li looked at Ling Feng, and said coldly: "See, Master Luo's liquid medicine is fine. You are a child who doesn't understand anything. You are talking nonsense and wasting Master's time. Don't hesitate to tell Master Luo Apologize?"

Luo Yixuan smiled and looked at Ling Feng: "Young man, you have the idea of ​​questioning authority. This quality is commendable, but you have to have real skills, otherwise you will leave it on the surface, and in the end it will hurt you..."

Such a delay, almost an hour, made Luo Yixuan feel a little dissatisfied.

He was about to teach Ling Feng a few words, but just after half of what he said, he was stunned.

Not only him, Dean Li, Tang Hongxue and others were all taken aback.

I saw the little white mouse, which had been jumping happily just now, suddenly straightened up, paralyzed in the cage, motionless, bleeding from its seven orifices.


Several people in the ward who had been bitten by the Crimson Mosquito were a little incredulous when they saw this scene.

But then there was a chill in my heart.

The prepared medicinal liquid was what they were going to take soon, and it was so poisonous.

"how is this possible?"

Dean Li, Ning Gao, and Tang Hongxue looked in disbelief.

And Luo Yixuan also frowned, his face was ugly and frightening.

He didn't speak, and re-injected the patient's blood into the remaining mouse. This time, he didn't give the mouse the liquid medicine immediately, but waited for almost an hour before letting the mouse swallow the liquid medicine. .

In his opinion, it is possible that the injected blood was not fully combined with the mice, and although the six medicinal materials are mild in nature, they contain a lot of spiritual energy, and they are three-point poisonous, without corresponding reaction receptors, so they may also be poisonous. The mouse died, but to his disappointment, the result was the same. After the mouse swallowed the liquid medicine, it was only half of the previous dose, and it still kicked its legs after 1 minute and died.

This meant that the medicine he had prepared was wrong, and patients bitten by the Crimson Mosquito would definitely die if they drank it.


Luo Yixuan stared blankly at the two dead mice, and it took a long time before he opened his mouth. Although he didn't want to admit it, it was the fact, and he felt a deep sense of doubt in his heart. The six kinds of medicinal materials were indeed as he said. Dispensing medicine has saved many poisoned people, and he is still a martial artist, but this time it doesn't work.

If at that time, these people took the medicine he prepared and all died, then Luo Yixuan's fame in the first life would be ruined.

Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he did the experiment today, otherwise he would be in great trouble.

"Little friend Lingfeng, do you know that the medicine liquid I prepared from these six medicinal materials is wrong, please tell me?"

Luo Yixuan's address had changed, and he was extremely polite, not to mention that the other party pointed out his mistakes, which allowed him to recover the loss of his reputation, and at the same time, Ling Feng also showed his proficiency in pharmacology.

"Could it be a disciple of some elixir family sect?"

Luo Yixuan thought to himself, thinking of what the other party and Tang Hongxue said just now, it made him even more suspicious.

At this moment, Dean Li and the others were also surprised. No one expected that what the young man in front of him said was true, which made people wonder.

Especially for Dean Li, he knows how difficult it is to become a TCM pharmacist. You must know that this is not an ordinary TCM pharmacist. For example, some medicinal materials have already reached the level of martial arts practitioners, such as the six-flavored medicinal material "Lan Shi" today. It is the herb used by authentic martial artists.

Moreover, these medicinal herbs were almost non-existent before, that is, they have gradually appeared in the past three years. Few people know the medicinal properties of these medicinal herbs.

But a young man, how did he know?
"You bastard, you didn't lie."

Tang Hongxue still stared at Ling Feng with her beautiful eyes.

Ning Gao glanced at Ling Feng, but felt even more fearful in his heart. This person is not only young, but also extremely powerful. Just now, he received news from Jianghu City Skynet that Ling Feng actually possesses the blood of a dragon, and he has made Jianghu City Tianlong Meng Qinglong, the owner of the Martial Arts Field, was killed. This Meng Qinglong was also a martial artist with the blood of a dragon.

Divine Dragon Bloodline!
He knows better than many people how powerful this kind of martial artist with blood is.

Inside Skynet, there are martial practitioners with bloodline power. Their achievements are simply terrifying. .

Extraordinary!That's the real powerhouse.


At this moment, Ning Gao's phone rang, and when he saw the number on the caller ID, his expression changed, and he went outside to answer a call.

The call was from the Provincial Skynet Department, and it was Ling Feng who was speaking on the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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