Chapter 170 Escape!

When this blood-red ball of light appeared, Ling Feng's heart trembled, feeling a sense of imminent disaster.

"what is this?"

Li Yi felt an extreme danger.

Almost without thinking, he fled towards the back, his speed soaring to the extreme.

Boom!The blood-red light ball exploded directly, and the violent energy swept everywhere. Wherever it passed, the grass, trees, sand and stones disappeared.

The martial practitioners who were closer to the center of the explosion disappeared before they could scream.

Li Shenglong's desperate blow was so terrifying that it was hard to resist.

The explosion, shock wave, and aftermath lasted for 3 minutes before gradually subsiding.

When Meng Longqian and the rest of the martial practitioners saw this, their eyes widened in astonishment.

I saw a big pit appeared 100 meters ahead. This big pit had a radius of more than 40 meters and a depth of more than three meters.

This is the power of Li Shenglong's strike just now.

But after one blow, they found that Li Shenglong was gone.

"What about people?"

A group of martial artists showed doubts on their faces.

However, Li Shenglong was not there, but Ling Feng was still there.

Looking at the big pit below, Ling Feng also had lingering fears.

Li Shenglong's blow was too strong just now, if he hadn't dodged in time, even if he survived, he would have lost most of his life. Even so, he was seriously injured, and many scales on his body were blown off Blood dripping.

"I don't have any means."

Ling Feng looked through the depths of Wuyin Mountain, and he saw it just now. After Li Shenglong delivered the strongest blow, he directly turned into a human being. At the same time, a woman leaped out with lightning, hugging Li Shenglong, and disappeared after a few flashes. No, originally Ling Feng wanted to chase after him, but he was also injured by Li Shenglong's blow. In addition, that woman was fast, and her strength was not much weaker than Li Shenglong's. People are also difficult.


Ling Feng shook his head.

Originally, this time Li Shenglong would be devoured by him. Who would have expected that the other party would have a trump card, and at the critical moment, this person would have a helper.

"Forget it, he will be mine sooner or later. If he can run away, the monk can't escape the temple, and I saw the woman's face. When the time comes, I will let Wang Meng check and find some clues."

When Ling Feng landed, he had already turned into a human being, and his chest was blood red.

"Team leader, you..."

Hei Lang hurried over.

Ling Feng waved his hands and was about to speak.

But at this moment, three streams of cold air approached, with a murderous aura.

Hei Lang was terrified, and saw three figures rushing towards him, no, to be precise, they should be rushing towards Ling Feng.

Ling Feng snorted coldly: "I was looking for you, but I didn't expect you to make the first move. You think I'm injured now, can you make a move?"


The next moment, the dragon appeared!
Although Ling Feng suffered serious injuries, his recovery ability is already strong, and even if he is injured, no one can bully him.

Ling Feng opened his bloody mouth wide, and Niu Jin, who was the closest, was bitten by Ling Feng's head before he could react, and the whole body was swallowed into his belly. The brutal scene shocked everyone, even Xin Zhong and Lu Nan were shocked. Suffocating, this is their elder brother, who has already stepped into the three-star realm, but was swallowed by Ling Feng in one gulp, and there is no chance to resist.

Xin Zhong and Lu Nan didn't even think about it, they just turned around and ran away.

It's a pity that Lu Nan, who was slower, didn't escape two steps, a black shadow struck, and then he fell into endless darkness.

"Do not kill me!"

Under the shadow of death, Xin Zhong was scared to pee.

Click!This was Xin Zhong's last voice, his body was directly bitten into two by Ling Feng, and swallowed into his stomach.

That's not all, Ling Feng's ferocious eyes swept across the group of martial practitioners present, and suddenly locked on to Meng Longgan's high-level meng family, he smirked, and rushed over!


Meng Longqian knew it was not good the moment he was targeted by Ling Feng.

escape!There is no escape, didn't you see Xin Zhong being swallowed alive?
However, no matter how hard they tried, it was useless. Under Ling Feng's bloody mouth, it was like hitting an egg against a stone.

Meng Longgan screamed and was swallowed by Ling Feng. The other three senior members of the Meng family cried out in fright: "Master Ling, please..."

Click!Three high-ranking members of the Meng family were swallowed by Ling Feng.

And he hasn't stopped yet, all the members of the Holy Dragon Society who shot at him just now were devoured by him.


Ling Feng raised his head to the sky and roared.

This time he devoured four land-level martial practitioners, and more than 40 human-level martial arts practitioners, large and small, but he looked at the dragon energy value, and there was no change, which made him speechless. None of the realm martial practitioners have the Dragon Qi, which is too terrifying. You must know that Niu Jin is a strong man with a three-star realm, Xin Zhong, Lu Nan is also a two-star realm, and Meng Longgan is a one-star realm.

But think about it, when he devoured Meng Qinglong before, he was also a one-star realm martial artist, but he didn't even have a dragon energy value of [-] million.

He reckoned that these four would add up to a maximum of 50 billion dragon energy points, which was about the same as Bandan's dragon energy value.

"In this way, I also get swallowed by the sea to quickly improve my strength."

Ling Feng sighed secretly, only in the sea are there many monsters, they are all in pieces, in groups, this is simply a huge treasure, he can devour these monsters at will, but humans can't, except of course enemies, people like Li Shenglong , he was not polite at all.

Ling Feng turned into a human again.

At this time, the place injured by Li Shenglong has healed a lot, this is his resilience.

Under the nourishment of high-quality dragon energy, the wound can visibly recover with the naked eye, and blood grows again.

Ling Feng clapped his hands and looked up at the group of martial artists.

As soon as these people met Ling Feng's gaze, they all lowered their heads, not daring to face Ling Feng's gaze.

Just now Ling Feng swallowed the four of Niu Jin without much action, this is simply the most terrifying method.

No one wants to be the target of public criticism.

Even the members of the five major families in Jiangcheng lowered their heads in humiliation when they met Ling Feng's gaze.

"Hateful! This kid is not dead, and he is getting stronger and stronger. This is unreasonable, unfair, and unfair!"

Fang Tai propped his head on his chest, roaring in his heart.

"Hei Lang, let's go and see what good things this Holy Dragon will have."

Ling Feng waved his hand and walked towards the backyard of the Dragon Society.

Li Shenglong has the Shenlong system, and several of his disciples are all martial arts practitioners, so he will definitely leave a lot of good things behind, so he can't just leave like this.

"Let's go too."

Regardless of whether it was in the Jianghu, the martial arts practitioners in Jiangcheng City left one by one.

This battle was really an eye-opener!
In the battle between the two divine dragons, Li Shenglong was defeated and finally disappeared. Those with high cultivation levels seemed to have seen Li Shenglong being taken away by a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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