Chapter 178
If Chen Juetian gets a copy himself.

When the time comes, the strength will definitely increase greatly, and then hate and humiliate Wang Yang again.

His hatred for Wang Yang is not much worse than Ling Feng.

Although he is about the same age, Wang Yang is three months behind him in sensing the sense of qi, but even so, Wang Yang's cultivation speed is faster than him, and the other party can be a human being, which can be said to be popular among the star gates. Very good, the people from Stargate are very convinced of each other.

As for him, Chen Juetian, in the star gate, he is the son of the sect master, but the disciples of the star gate, including some elders, do not like him.

This makes him not angry, why not hate?

"Dad, and Wang Yang, he obviously knew that the beast had arrived in Jiangming City before us, but why didn't he sue you, he went to the Junluo Hotel secretly by himself, and he went there last night, worse than a dog Loyal, this person is in the star gate but his heart is not there, he is ambitious and harbors evil intentions.

And I was slapped twice by that beast, but he didn't even say a word for me.

Dad, you have to call the shots for me! "

Chen Juetian roared.

"Okay, I already know about this matter, Dad will make the decision for you."

Chen Juewu waved his hand:

"Go down first and ask Elder Wu to take a few silt-removing pills and get rid of the bruise on your face. From now on, you should not act impulsively. You must endure everything and fight hard. Your talent is stronger than Wang Yang, why is he always inferior to you? One word is 'lazy', after going down, use a brush to practice the two characters of 'forbearance' and 'spelling', when I write it [-] times, let me check it before going out, otherwise I won't be able to go out, understand?"

There is no doubt in Chen Juewu's words.

"Got it, Dad!"

When Chen Juetian heard his father's words, he couldn't help crying, saying a hundred thousand times, it would take ten days and half a month, and he couldn't finish it.

But thinking of his father's promise to avenge himself, Chen Juetian still smiled.

Just write!

Chen Juewu watched his son leave, but shook his head secretly. Back then, he named his son "Juetian" which was the best in the world!The expectations for his son can be seen, but now it seems that humiliating the name is really far behind Wang Yang. His strength can be improved, but the means...

Chen Juewu shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

"Master Ling, with the blood of the dragon, people with blood are different, and they have the right to be arrogant."

Chen Juewu smiled, but no one knew what he was thinking at the moment.

Within a few minutes, Ling Feng came to the star gate.

"Please come in!"

Chen Juewu said:

"Let Wang Yang come along, by the way, the other elders should also be called together!"

Ling Feng stepped into the star gate.

There are quite a few disciples in the Star Gate. Ling Feng glanced at them. As far as he saw, he saw 23 strong men above the five-star human realm. The door is indeed the most powerful force in Jiangming City. Thinking about his dragon group, besides himself, there are only three people, Wang Meng, Wu Yuan, and Wu Fan, which are pitifully small.

Soon, we came to the Stargate discussion hall.

At this moment, a lot of people gathered in the hall, a total of 13 people. When Ling Feng came in, he noticed these people. Among the 13 people, there were a full six of them, stronger than the power of the Holy Dragon Society. , there were only four, and six people appeared in the star gate at once. If Wang Yang and Chen Juetian were added, there would be eight people in total.

The star gate of the eight realms is much stronger than the Holy Dragon Society.

And none of the other seven is lower than the eight-star human realm.

Stargate is really strong.

However, Ling Feng raised his brows slightly, the powerhouses of the Star Gate must be here this time.

There is also a middle-aged man sitting at the top, without thinking, he knows that it is Chen Juewu, the master of the star gate.

This situation is not very friendly.

Of course, Ling Feng was not afraid, he took Ling'er's hand and stepped into the hall.

brush!As soon as Ling Feng appeared, the eyes of the people in the hall all fell on Ling Feng, sizing him up.

These people naturally knew that the person who came was Master Ling, who was a real person, indeed young, and too young.

"This is Master Ling who has the blood of the dragon and destroyed the Dragon Society of Jianghu City?"

The elders of the star gate were a little curious, because they didn't sense any aura from Ling Feng.

"Master Ling, you are here, please sit down!"

Chen Juewu sat at the head and slightly raised his hand towards Ling Feng.

"Chen Juewu, let me come, all of you star gates are dispatched, come to see me together, it seems that I have a lot of face, but this is easy to scare people."

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said:
"Linger, let's sit down."

Ling Feng took Ling'er's hand and walked towards the left. There are just two seats left here. In fact, there are only these two seats in the conference hall now. If Ling Feng and Ling'er sat, then Wang Yang would not and one of them was originally prepared for Wang Yang. As for Qian Ling'er, no one expected Ling Feng to bring her in.

"Master Ling, sit down, I'll just get another one."

Wang Yang said quickly, turned around and left.

Everyone glanced at Wang Yang, and didn't say much, but Ling Feng's words just echoed in their hearts, and their expressions changed slightly.

Ling Feng actually called Chen Juewu by his name directly!

This opening was full of gunpowder.

However, they already knew that Ling Feng had slapped Chen Juetian twice before, and it was obvious that today's matter could not be passed so easily.

"Master Ling was joking. We saw the video of you showing off your skills in Jianghu City before. We have seen the video of you killing enemies. I have to say that people with the blood of the dragon are the darlings of the heavens, especially the more noble blood of the dragon like Master Ling. , Li Shenglong can't compare, and the future is limitless."

There was an imperceptible flash of light in Chen Juewu's eyes, and he smiled and said without seeming to care.

"It's natural. There are no weak people in the blood of the dragon, and there is a lot of room for growth in the future. Of course, except for the two wastes of Li Shenglong and Meng Qinglong."

Ling Feng leaned back on the chair, picked up an apple from the fruit basket on the table, and put it to Linger's mouth. Linger took a bite, and he took a bite himself, saying vaguely:
"If you come up with some benefits, if I am satisfied, you can invest in me, and I will guarantee that you will make a lot of money!"

Many star gate elders glanced at each other, a little speechless.

This young man is really confident, no, it should be arrogant, you won't be humble, and the apple is placed here as a courtesy, if you really eat it, how can you let them be so human?
However, the hearts of the two elders really moved.

Although what Ling Feng said was a bit crazy, it was actually the same reasoning. It was like venture capital companies investing in startups that they thought were promising. If they invested well, they could make a lot of money in the future. This kind of genius with the Dragon God system, as long as he doesn't die, he can become a master of the heavenly realm, or even a master of the transcendental realm.

(End of this chapter)

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