Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 180 Water Control Technique!

Chapter 180 Water Control Technique!
Ling Feng swallowed Chen Juetian without any hesitation, and devoured the old man in the four-star realm.

Ling Feng's action was actually very fast, and no one expected him to attack suddenly.

After Ling Feng swallowed Chen Juetian, his bloody mouth was already in front of the four-star old man.

The old man was shocked and backed away again and again, but he found that Ling Feng's big copper bell eyes showed a playful look.

Ok?The old man suddenly felt something was wrong.

However, it is false that Ling Feng devours, and it is true that Shenlong wags its tail.

How hard his current dragon body is, even Ling Feng himself finds it unbelievable. When the dragon's tail fell on the old man, the old man felt that his lumbar spine broke instantly, and it was too late to resist. He was stuck in the wall, his head was hanging outside, and he had lost his breath.

In an instant, not even a second, Ling Feng devoured Chen Juetian, who was in the one-star realm, and killed an elder in the four-star realm.

The elders of the Star Gate felt chills in their hearts.

"Zhuzi, you are going to die!"

Chen Juewu was the first to react, but his son was gone, and there was no bones left:

brush!Chen Juewu slaughtered Xiang Lingfeng, and he already had a long sword in his hand, which seemed to be shining with a dense light and seemed to have spirituality.

"Spiritual weapon!"

Ling Feng exclaimed, the master of the star gate actually has a spiritual weapon, this is a spiritual weapon, although it is a low-grade spiritual weapon, it is also a spiritual weapon.

When this spiritual weapon was just approaching, Ling Feng felt a cold aura. He had an intuition that if the opponent's sword slashed at him, no matter how strong the dragon body was, it would not be able to resist it.

Artifacts can hurt him.

Whoosh!Ling Feng's body danced and swayed, very agile, and easily passed Chen Juewu's attack, and a two-star martial arts practitioner was facing him, and he swallowed him in one gulp.


Chen Juewu was furious, but at the same time he was secretly shocked.

He found a problem, Ling Fenglong's body was more than double the size of the battle with Li Shenglong he saw in the video, stronger and more flexible, and the sword did not touch the opponent. He has to be killed by the other party, which is not allowed by him.

"You guys teamed up to kill that little girl."

Chen Juewu shouted.

When the other elders heard the words, they rushed towards Qian Ling'er.

"Hmph, you are courting death!"

Ling Feng drinks:

"Water Control Technique!"

Following Ling Feng's words, one after another of transparent ice arrows condensed into shape, there were four in total, and shot out instantly!

Puff puff puff!The sudden ice arrow directly pierced through a middle-aged three-star realm, two two-star realm elders, and a nine-star human realm elder.

The water control technique directly caught everyone in the Star Gate by surprise, and no one expected that Ling Feng would have such means.

In fact, if someone of the four had known in advance that Ling Feng could control water, they wouldn't have died so many at once.

Three realms died in an instant, leaving only Chen Juewu and Wang Yang.

Ling Feng was very satisfied with this blow, which was the benefit of hiding his hole cards.

When the three elders died, even Chen Juewu was stunned for a moment.

He was in a daze for some time, but Ling Feng would not give him a chance. The few remaining human realm elders were swallowed by him directly, and it was useless to resist.

In an instant, only Chen Juewu and Wang Yang were left in the star gate.


No matter what, Chen Juewu never imagined that in less than 3 minutes, the strong man of his star gate was almost dead, and his son was gone.

puff!Chen Juewu spurted out a mouthful of blood, so angry!
Stargate lost too much.

The six powerful men are all dead!

Even if Ling Feng is killed now, the star gate will suffer a heavy loss, and it will be difficult to recover for decades.


Chen Juewu felt a little regretful at the moment. If he had known that Ling Feng was so powerful, he wouldn't have forced him so much today.

It was also a calculation error. According to his analysis, watching the video of Ling Feng and Li Shenglong's battle, he felt that he could still deal with Ling Feng, especially when he was holding a spiritual weapon.

But who would have thought that Ling Feng's strength would more than double in such a short period of time.

Moreover, the opponent can actually control water and condense ice arrows!
Why didn't you see the battle with Li Shenglong?

"This kid shows that he can't watch him talk, he's so serious!"

Chen Juewu's face was gloomy, full of murderous intent.

This time it really is.

One misstep, one step behind.

Telling him to stop now is already impossible!

Ling Feng must be killed today, otherwise it will not be enough to make up for the loss.

"Wang Yang, go get the little girl!"

Chen Juewu shouted, this time Ling Feng won't have any other means, right? Wang Yang captured Qian Ling'er, he was prepared, plus he entangled Ling Feng, he shouldn't be hurt by the ice arrow, as long as Wang Yang Yang took down Qian Ling'er, and with Ling Feng's respect for this little girl, he would have a chance.

Chen Juewu had noticed a long time ago that Ling Feng's affection for this little girl was not so deep, it's not enough to describe it as doting, it's almost like doting.

Wang Yang frowned deeply.

Just for a while, he was basically watching from the sidelines, and he didn't do anything at all, just pretending.

But at this moment, Chen Juewu spoke up.

Do you want to do it?
If you do it, you will offend Ling Feng completely, and the previous busy work will be in vain.

If he didn't do anything, the sect master would definitely not let him go, and he had no parents since he was a child, and was adopted by the star gate. Although the sect master didn't treat him very well, he didn't specifically target him.

It was Chen Juetian, the son of the sect master. Thinking of this, a trace of hostility flashed in Wang Yang's eyes!
Yang Yu, Li Shen is dead!
He found it just when he went out to get the chair, he was poisoned to death!Without even thinking about it, Wang Yang knew that the two of them were poisoned to death by Chen Juetian. This man was simply insane, extremely narrow-minded, and he killed two of them in just one meal!
"Wang Yang!"

"Don't do it yet!"

Chen Juewu shouted.

"Sect Master, I think it's okay to forget about this matter. Master Ling has come from afar. We at the Star Gate can do a fair deal with him, and we can cooperate slowly. When Master Ling becomes stronger in the future, we will naturally have more benefits."

Wang Yang gritted his teeth and spoke out.


Chen Juewu couldn't believe his ears.

Adopting Wang Yang, who has been in the Star Gate for decades, even if he has no family relationship, but he often sees each other, so he still has feelings.

Now, now, he actually said such outrageous things.

The son is dead, and the six elders of the star gate are dead!
Wang Yang actually asked him to forget about it.

what is this? !

"Ha ha!"

Chen Juewu smiled, but the smile was a little serious.

It's just that distracting and laughing at such a time is a qualified martial artist?

Ling Feng's ice arrows had already arrived in front of him, still four.

Even though Chen Juewu's cultivation was extremely high and he discovered it in time, one of them still pierced his abdomen.

"Chen Juewu, fight me hard, if you get distracted again, you will be beaten to death by me."

Lingfenglong's shape changed cunningly, appearing here and there for a while, and he would strike at the right time. If Chen Juewu hadn't had a spiritual weapon in his hand, he would have been beaten to death long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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