Chapter 189 Promise!

Chang Weifeng didn't believe Fang Tai's words. How could it be so easy for high-grade pills to appear? His Chang family is not too weak. He knows a lot of information. Except for a few mysterious forces, no one can make it. Even if it is possible to make this kind of elixir, it can only be refined occasionally with good luck, and it is all for their own family and sect, and it is not up to them.

"It's not a top-grade human pill, but a top-grade health pill, but the effect of this kind of pill is even better than that of the human pill."

Seeing that Chang Weifeng kept smiling, Fang Tai still didn't seem to believe it, and said:

"Brother Chang, do you know someone like Master Ling?"

"Who?" Chang Weifeng shook his head, but his tone was somewhat unpleasant.

Fang Tailian said: "Brother Chang doesn't know about Master Ling, so he must have heard of the dragon's bloodline!"

"Dragon Bloodline!"

Chang Weifeng's eyes flashed:
"I've heard of this. It seems to be from Jianghu City over there. Some time ago, I heard that two people with the blood of the dragon fought together. One of them was almost killed, but he ran away in the end. What, you said that the person with the blood People with the blood of the dragon have top-grade health-preserving pills?"

"That's right! It's Master Ling who beat away Li Shenglong, the president of the Holy Dragon Association. This person not only has top-grade health-preserving pills, but also mid-grade earth-yuan pills, and there are quite a few of them."

Fang Tai said:
"With Brother Chang's energy, I think it's no problem for you to ask him for some top-grade health-preserving pills. Besides, it's possible to ask for some of his dragon blood."

"It sounds good."

Chang Weifeng nodded, and suddenly stared at Fang Tai with burning eyes:

"You said so much, you have a grudge against this person, and you want to use me."

"This one……"

Mrs. Fang was a little embarrassed, laughed and said:

"Brother Chang, I have a little grievance with him, but it is also good for Brother Chang. As long as you get a few health pills from him, Brother Chang can step into the realm, and his strength will increase greatly. There are many benefits !"

Chang Weifeng sneered, but did not speak again.

Seeing this, Mrs. Fang couldn't help showing disappointment on her face.

"What do you say?"

Fang Xiaoxiao came over and sat down.

"I heard that there is a genius in your East Three City, who has the blood of the dragon."

Chang Weifeng smiled:

"Xiaoxiao, do you know this person?"

Fang Xiaoxiao frowned and glanced at her younger brother.

Of course she knew who the genius of the Shenlong blood was, it was Ling Feng.

Although she has been in the school in the provincial capital and has not gone back, she is still clear about the things at home. To be honest, she was also surprised that Ling Feng had the blood of the dragon. She knew what it meant, but It's a pity that grandpa and the others made a wrong decision. Now her Fang family and Ling Feng have no contact with each other. She felt it was a pity at that time.

Because of the defeat, the matter of surrendering Wang Meng, and the subsequent series of methods, her sense of Ling Feng is no longer the same as the first time she met.

She also contacted Ling Feng several times during this period, but the other party didn't pay much attention to her, and then nothing happened.

Thinking of this, Fang Xiaoxiao was helpless.

"Let's meet once."

Fang Xiaoxiao said absently.

"Oh, it seems that Xiaoxiao also knows this person."

Chang Weifeng smiled and said:
"Exactly. Aren't you going back in a few days? This time, I'll accompany you there, Xiaoxiao, and introduce this person to me."

"I don't know him well."

Fang Xiaoxiao shook his head.

"Sister, haven't you contacted him before? It doesn't matter if you try again. Besides, Brother Chang is here this time. He is from the Chang family. I think Master Ling must give Brother Chang some face."

When Mrs. Fang heard Chang Weifeng's words, the disappointment in her heart was swept away. Obviously, this Chang Weifeng was still tempted. In fact, even he would be tempted. When Grandpa got Ling Feng's health pill, not only did he heal his injuries, but also It has also broken through the realm, now at the peak of the six-star human realm, it is possible to step into the seven-star human realm at any time, which shows the power of the health-preserving pill.

It's a pity that he is not a martial artist, so thinking about it is useless.

"He won't come out."

Fang Xiaoxiao shook his head.

"Is this person's arrogance really that big? I don't even give face to him."

Chang Weifeng sneered and said:

"That's it, Xiaoxiao, I'll go to Jiangcheng to take a look in two days. I think Master Ling will still give me face if he knows things well."

Fang Xiaoxiao wanted to say a few more words at first, but she seemed to think of something, but nodded again, agreeing.

Mrs. Fang couldn't help but be overjoyed.

This time, I thought it would take a lot of effort, but I didn't expect it to be done in less than half a day.

"This Chang Weifeng is not easy to mess with at first glance, but Master Ling, no, that beast is even more arrogant. When the time comes, hehe!"

Fang Tai smiled coldly in her heart:

"It would be great if this bastard gets involved with the Chang family, the Chang family has someone who is strong in the heavenly realm!"

After the three of them had dinner, Mrs. Fang sent her sister home. In the car, he said, "Sister, you and this Chang Weifeng..."

"There is no relationship between us. This person doesn't like me at all. He just has an attitude of playing with his feelings. Many women have been ruined by her. You should have less contact with him. Their families have great achievements. , our Fang family is incomparable, don't be careful to be eaten."

Fang Xiaoxiao frowned and said:

"Also, don't even try to seek revenge from Master Ling. This person has the blood of the dragon, and we can't mess with him. He was unhappy last time, but he didn't do anything to us. You'd better restrain yourself. Grandpa and the others were implicated by time. In short, we can't afford to offend both the Chang family and Master Ling."

"Got it, ma'am."

Mrs. Fang said in disbelief.


Ling Feng drove all the way towards Binghu City.

This road is also hundreds of kilometers, at least three hours or so.

On the way, Ling Feng was not idle either. He was distracted while driving, absorbing the knowledge in the treasure chest.

In fact, in Ling Feng's opinion, this treasure chest is more powerful than the skill of devouring all life. Even without that skill, he can still use the treasure chest to make himself a top powerhouse.

Moreover, there will be a steady stream of catalogs in the treasure chest, but it is a pity that there are many that he can't absorb even if he spends dragon energy, and it seems that there is a limit.

"With it, alchemy and tool refining will not be a problem in the future, and it is also an encyclopedia."

Ling Feng was very satisfied with the system's treasure chest, and said with a smile, "Sure enough, knowledge is wealth."

Ling Feng frowned, and found that there was a car following him. Who is it, the enemy?
Ling Feng remained calm and drove the car, paying attention to the car behind, which was a Mercedes-Benz, but at the moment he couldn't see the people in the car clearly.

In fact, he was not afraid, and sneered: "Is this someone who wants to die again?"

Soon, the car caught up.

At this time, Ling Feng saw clearly that it was not an enemy, but Luo Yixuan.

(End of this chapter)

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