Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 195 Dragon God System vs Shenlong System

Chapter 195 Dragon God System vs Shenlong System
Ling Feng followed behind Sisi.

Sisi lowered her head and pouted slightly, not knowing what she was humming.

Ling Feng could hear clearly.

This girl frequently scolded him for being a cheapskate and an iron cock.

Ling Feng was secretly amused, but he didn't care anymore, and got into the car with Sisi.

"Wow! Gold Rolls Royce!"

After seeing Ling Feng's car, Sisi exclaimed.

Originally, the little girl still looked unhappy, as if someone owed her money.

But seeing Ling Feng's car at this moment, a smile immediately appeared on his face, two dimples twinkled like pear blossoms, looking here and touching there, like a curious baby.

"Hey! Cheapskate! The car is so beautiful. Do you know where this car is still available? I want one too!"

Sisi looked at it for a while, then shouted at Ling Feng.

"I have a name."

Ling Feng smiled, but still said:

"This car is limited, it's gone!"


Sisi looked disappointed.

She rolled her eyes, and then said excitedly:
"How about selling your car to me, and I'll give you an extra 1000 million!"

"Okay, okay, if you don't want to, then you can borrow me to open it."

"You can't even borrow, cheapskate, cheapskate!"

Sisi was sullen and didn't speak anymore.

About seven or eight minutes later, Ling Feng arrived at Hongyiwan. At this moment, Sisi didn't say a word.

The girl is still angry.

Ling Feng shook his head with a smile, this Sisi is really a spoiled girl, what she says and does, her emotions are expressed on her face.

However, he didn't pay much attention to these.

Ling Feng glanced around and saw that the red clothes were like an ancient Chinese-style building with walls outside, all of which were Chinese-style. Follow Sisi into the gate, the scenery inside is even more beautiful, with rockery and flowing water, small bridges and towers, and artificial small buildings. The lake has a quiet environment. In front of each small building, there are plaques, Zixiangwan, Xiaoxiangwan, Zhumengwan, it seems to have entered an ancient Chinese garden, and it seems to have entered a Grand View Garden.

"Junior Sister Sisi, you are back!"

A few girls with slim figure turned out from the path, saw Sisi, and said with a smile.

These people also noticed Ling Feng and looked at him curiously.

Sisi didn't introduce her, so she greeted these people, turned around the Jiuqu corridor, and came to a small building.

This small building is exactly Hongyi Wan. If you look down from the sky, you can see that the entire Hongyi Wan seems to be the formation of Yue Nu, and Hong Yi Wan is the eye of the Yue Nu formation.

Before the two entered the small building, a woman came out from inside.

This woman is wearing a red dress with light makeup, picturesque eyebrows, and a demure temperament. She is also a big beauty.

"elder sister!"

Seeing this woman, Sisi yelled, ran over, and stood beside her.

The woman smiled, but ignored Sisi, looked at Ling Feng, and said with a smile: "Master Ling can visit my Hongyiwan, it is really my honor for Hongyiwan."

When Sisi heard her sister's words, she was about to speak, but immediately shut her mouth.

My sister actually knew this young man.

"Yang An'an, you actually know me."

Ling Feng laughed.

Of course he knew the woman in front of him, and he had investigated it clearly before coming again. It was Yang An'an, the owner of Wan in Hongyi.

But Yang Sisi Lingfeng didn't know.

"Master Ling's name, now in Yundu Province, there are not many people who don't know it."

Yang Anan smiled and said:
"Master Ling came this time because of Li Shenglong."


Ling Feng frowned.

Yang An'an smiled, but didn't speak.

At this time, two more people came out from the inside, a man and a woman.

Seeing these two people, Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly.

The man was Li Shenglong, and the woman was Su Ning'er who rescued him that day, and also Hong Yiwan's deputy master.

As soon as these two people appeared, their eyes fell on Ling Feng.

"Ling Feng, you bastard, you dare to come here. You think I don't know about it. Hmph, how would you understand that the news I'm here is deliberately leaked out to get you here."

As soon as Li Shenglong appeared, a ferocious smile appeared in his eyes:
"Last time I was accidentally injured by you, but this time it won't happen like that. You're going to die today."

At this moment, in Ling Feng's eyes, Li Shenglong's aura was several times stronger than when he fought in Jianghu City.

Obviously, his injury has long since healed.

According to the normal situation, it is impossible to recover so quickly. Obviously, he got some kind of treasure, recovered from his injuries, and improved his strength.

This is true.

Li Shenglong was injured by Lingfeng, and the two came to Hongyiwan at that time.

During Li Shenglong's healing period, Su Ning'er went to the magic cave alone, and finally killed an unknown number of underground demons, and found a magic dragon grass with three dragon fruits on it, and she brought them back. With the magic dragon fruit, Li Shenglong recovered quickly from his injuries. In less than three days, he recovered his peak strength, and went further, evolving to a higher level.

"Ning'er, you went to the devil's cave by yourself and didn't tell me. It's very dangerous there, and you will be killed by the underground demons if you are not careful."

Li Shenglong shook his head:
"Ning'er, promise me, don't do such stupid things again in the future."

"Understood, Brother Long."

Su Ninger nodded:

"What shall we do next?"

"Of course I killed that beast to avenge my revenge. I want to devour him. In this way, the Dragon Ball can be condensed. Who will be my opponent in the future, Li Shenglong!"

Li Shenglong's momentum changed, his eyebrows flew up, and the divine light shone everywhere.

Su Ning'er was fascinated by the sight: "Brother Long, I'll listen to you."

Ling Feng naturally didn't know these things.

Hearing what Li Shenglong said, he sneered: "Li Shenglong, you think I don't know about your schemes, but do you know why I still come here? Because you are my defeated general. You were defeated before, and you will also be defeated in the future." Won't win, and today, I'll swallow you!
All the conspiracies and tricks, in front of me, are all chickens and dogs! "

"You're still stubborn when you're about to die, it's like that, I'll fulfill you today!"

Li Shenglong sneered and said:

"Come on, Houshan, this is your graveyard today!"

Moan!The next moment, Li Shenglong transformed into a dragon, and the dragon soared to the sky.

"If you want to die, I will naturally fulfill you."

Ling Feng also transformed into a dragon at the same time, following behind.

"Let's follow!"

Yang Anan waved his hand and said.

"Sister, what's going on, why did you fight?"

Yang Sisi was a little confused, but she also understood when she saw Ling Fenghualong. Ling Feng was the Master Ling from Jiangcheng. He fought with Li Shenglong before. Luo Yixuan practiced alchemy, but went to Hongyiwan to look for Li Shenglong. As for Lingfeng asking her to return the middle-grade Yuandan, I am afraid it is not true.

My sister knows these things, and so does Ling Feng.

She, Yang Sisi, was kept in the dark by herself before, and now she knows.

(End of this chapter)

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