Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 201 Martial Arts Most Wanted List

Chapter 201 Martial Arts Most Wanted List

What is Rainbow Building?That is one of the four major forces in Yuncheng.

That's not to mention, Zheng Feihong is very talented, at a young age, he stepped into the Heaven Realm around the age of 20, his strength is terrifying, and this person is also a student of East China Martial Arts University, one of the four major Martial Arts Universities.

This person is also very famous in East China University.

"When did Master Yang Wan become Zheng Feihong's fiancée?"

"We don't know about this, but only Zheng Feihong is worthy of Yang Wanzhu. This is a good match."

"Indeed, Zheng Feihong has a bright future. I heard that some time ago, he single-handedly chased and killed thousands of kilometers from the Dameng grassland, from north to south, and killed him in Southeast Asia. Blood Fiend Hand' Chen Qiao killed him six times, this incident caused a huge shock in our Yundu Province!"

"That's right, I know that this is the 108th most wanted list in martial arts, and everyone is covered in blood. They are extremely vicious and heinous people, especially these people are incredibly powerful, and the weakest one is 'Evil Shadow' Miao Kun, who is ranked 108th. , his strength is also an eight-star realm, extremely powerful, and when an idler is targeted by him, he will basically die. When he reaches the 82nd on the most wanted list, "Poisonous Hands" Yun Zongyao, this person is already a one-star realm, as for the front One is stronger than the other, Zheng Feihong was able to kill the 'Blood Fiend' Chen Qiaoliu at a young age, such strength is simply terrifying!"

"The news you have received is outdated. Just two days ago, Zheng Feihong went to the Chicken Food Country and beheaded Zhu Wusha, the 76th most-wanted list in the martial art list, 'Blood Man' Zhu Wusha. And Zheng Feihong has only been in Tianjing for more than four months! This is still the Tianjing on the most wanted list, and he killed 13 people in the Tianjing, otherwise, the last "evil shadow" Miao Kun It's not his turn to be on the list!"

"Yes, among the people on the most wanted list, Zheng Feihong has killed the most. When the people at the bottom of the list hear that this person is coming, they are like a bereaved dog, running as far as they can. Many people say that Zheng Feihong is an 'enemy of the devil' ', have a great hatred with these wanted criminals."

"Yes, this time I heard that he killed the 'bloody man' Zhu Wusha, and gained a lot of benefits. Now he is retreating in the East China Martial Arts University. This time, when he comes out, his strength will be terrifyingly improved."

"So, I didn't think about it."

"Naturally, Master Yang Wan is Zheng Feihong's fiancée. If you dare to think, defeat Zheng Feihong."

"I don't want to die yet, but this Master Ling, if he makes a move, then..."


Because of Hua Rong's words, all the martial arts practitioners started talking.

They didn't believe it, but looking at Yang An'an's expression, there was nothing wrong with this matter.

Moreover, it is more authoritative to say this from the mouth of a director of Skynet.

At this moment, in their view, Yang An'an was safe, and Ling Feng would never dare to do anything, otherwise he would not know how to die when the time came.

Heaven Realm Martial Artists are no small matter!

Although these people's voices were small, they were heard by Ling Feng.

Of course he knew about the Rainbow Building, the four major forces in Yundu City, the [-]th Group, the Rainbow Building, the Chang Family, and the Sun Family.

Ling Feng felt that it would take some time before he could interact with these forces, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. The world of martial arts is really like a big net, densely layered, and every single hair can move the whole body. not simple.

Another point, he didn't even know about the Martial Arts Most Wanted List.

At this moment, he felt that he was ignorant and ignorant. Before that, he guarded the one-acre land in Jiangcheng, and he didn't know much about the outside world.

"Master Ling, Su Ning'er is from Hongyiwan and my sister. Now that she has become like this, I will tell Feihong about it."

Yang An'an took out a healing pill for Su Ning'er to take. Ling Feng could see that this pill was actually a middle-grade internal organ pill, but it was useless for Su Ning'er to take it. That's all, in the end, you still have to die.

At this time, Yang An'an's tone was cold, and as soon as her words came out, the surrounding air seemed to cool down.

This thing is clearly not going to stop.

Everyone knew that it might not be long before Zheng Feihong would go to Jiangcheng to make decisions for Yang An'an after he left the customs.

After all, once Su Ning'er died, if Yang An'an didn't avenge her, he would have chilled the hearts of Hong Yiwan's sisters.

After Yang An'an said something, he ignored Ling Feng and prepared to pick up Su Ning'er and leave.


"Did I tell you to go?"

Ling Feng said calmly.

Yang Anan looked up, staring at Ling Feng calmly: "Master Ling still wants to kill me?"

"I told you to go with them."

Ling Feng shook his head:

"I almost died just now. Although you are a woman and you are extremely beautiful, I have to do it."

At the moment Ling Feng was very calm.

Beautiful women always give people a good impression, but this is just an illusion, and it does not mean that others have a good impression of you. Although roses are beautiful, they still have thorns.

And he has people like Qian Ling'er and Long Yin's sister, each of them is no worse than Yang An'an, and most importantly, these people will care about themselves. Ling'er basically died when he fell into the river and flowed into the sea. In the past three years, I still go to the sea to find him every year. This is actually an obsession. The probability of him surviving is almost zero, but Linger still does it. Sister Longyin, being forced by the He family, would rather die by herself , and don't want him to get hurt.

With them around, Ling Feng still has some immunity to beauties.

If he doesn't solve Yang An'an at this time, the other party will definitely try to kill him. If he really dies, it doesn't matter to him, it will be over, but it will cause great harm to Linger and the others. When it came to Linger, he really felt so distressed that he couldn't breathe, and she never wanted Linger and the others to be like this again.

"Little brother, don't do anything to my sister."

Young girl Yang Sisi's face turned pale:

"You have already killed Brother Shenglong and injured Sister Ning'er, isn't that enough? I don't want you to do this again!"

"Little girl,

It's not my decision, it's your sister's choice, you saw it just now, it's a matter between Li Shenglong and me, she shouldn't interfere. "

Ling Feng looked at Sisi, feeling slightly unbearable, a pretty little girl could easily win sympathy, if it were a boy, maybe she wouldn't have it.

"Okay, I'll give you a ride."

Ling Feng flashed, and he was already in front of Yang An'an.

There was already an extra sword in his hand, it was Chen Juewu's spiritual weapon.

The blade of the sword shone with a cold light like ice crystals.

(End of this chapter)

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