Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 238 In this spiritual domain, there are dragons! {5 more}

Chapter 238 In this spiritual domain, there are dragons! {fifth update}
In addition to monsters, Ling Feng also thought that there were many demons in the Demon Realm outside.

Before running with Ji Yingying and others, he sensed a large area of ​​demons, like an army. If they swallowed them, they might evolve immediately.

However, there must be demon masters among them. If they do this, they will become the target of public criticism, and their lives will be in danger.

He tried to devour the small group of demons.

Of course, we have to check the situation in Lingyu first.

Both Ji Yingying and Ling Feng left, so Ling Feng had time to take a good look at the spiritual world in front of him.

In fact, it is similar to the ground, with mountains, rivers and basins, but the scenery is more beautiful, with towering ancient trees, singing birds, green grass, and the aura is several times stronger than outside. It is much better to practice here than outside, but it is dangerous. And more!

Ling Feng's eyes darkened, and a monster that looked like a leopard but not a leopard came out from the jungle in front of him.

"Wind Thunder Leopard!"

Ling Feng knows this kind of monster, and it is recorded in the treasure chest. The Fengleibao is as fast as lightning, and there seems to be a sound of wind and thunder between running. Obviously not, he reckoned, at most a six-star realm is remarkable.

This kind of monster, placed in the Wuyin Mountain, is the overlord of the mountain, but in front of Ling Feng, it is not enough to look at.

The next moment, Ling Feng directly transformed into a dragon, and appeared in front of Fenglei Leopard with a blood spurting mouth, with a ferocious grin in Tong Ling's big eyes.

Fengleibao seemed to have been frightened stupidly, and slammed into Lingfeng's mouth, his throat was bitten off, and he swallowed it into his stomach, extracting two hundred deniers of dragon energy.

After Ling Feng transformed into a dragon, he was no longer a human being. Anyway, no one knows who he is now, and in the spiritual domain of the third entrance, the heavenly realm powerhouses basically rarely come in. They usually go to the fourth. In the fifth entrance, in this way, there are basically no natural enemies in the third spiritual realm, and he can devour it as much as he likes.

Of course, the most important thing is that the dragon energy devoured will not be halved only after the dragon is transformed, and it is not used to transform dragons and people back and forth, which is so troublesome and a waste of time.

Ling Feng soared into the sky, not afraid of being seen.


Ling Feng's eyes were sharp, and he saw the two nine-star demon kings who followed him in at a glance:
"very good!"

With a grin, the next moment, Ling Feng swooped down towards the two nine-star demon kings!

The two nine-star demon kings also found the white dragon in the sky. They seemed to be taken aback. There was actually a dragon in the spiritual realm, and the aura emanating from it made them tremble.

The two demon kings looked at each other, and they could see the fear in their eyes.

Almost without thinking, escape!
But can they escape?

Ling Feng swung the tail of the divine dragon, and shot it fiercely like sweeping garbage. The two nine-star demon kings were directly shot into the ground by the dragon's tail, and then two ice arrows pierced their heads and were swallowed by him, adding 83 Dragon Qi value!Ling Feng's eyes lit up, a demon king with a dragon energy value of 40 would need to kill another six or seven nine-star demon kings to evolve to a level eight dragon!

Even if there is no Nine-Star Demon King, the Nine-Star Realm Monster Beast will do.

Swish!Ling Feng flew towards the top of the dense forest.

There will definitely be powerful monsters in these dense forests, and then he will just devour them!

"Seven Star Realm Rainbow Fox!"

"Seven Star Realm Spirit Otter!"

"Eight-star realm dark moon beast!"

"Seven Star Realm Phantom Spider!"

"Eight-Star Realm Scorpion!"


Ling Feng devoured all the way. He only devoured monsters with seven stars and above. He didn't like monsters with seven stars or less. It was a waste of time to devour them.

It's a pity that the nine-star monsters are not so easy to find.

Ling Feng was not in a hurry.

However, he swaggered all the way and devoured monsters everywhere, but some martial practitioners in the third entrance of the spiritual realm saw it.

"Damn, what did I see? Shenlong!"

"That's right, there is a dragon in the spiritual domain. I have been here several times before, why haven't I seen it?"

"Maybe in a deep sleep. There are many strange things in the spiritual realm. It is not surprising that there are dragons. And have you found out that this dragon seems to be devouring monsters. It may have been asleep for a long time. Now it comes out to look for something to eat. .”

"It makes sense, but why doesn't it eat us human martial artists?"

"Maybe he is a dragon. The dragon is our Chinese totem, which means that the dragon is relatively friendly to people."

"This is not necessarily the case. Our Chinese dragon totem does not represent the dragon itself, but a quality that the dragon represents, the quality of a gentleman, the gentleman of a dragon, a gentleman is like a dragon, benevolence, righteousness, and virtue!"

"Yes, a dragon is a dragon, and a dragon totem is a dragon totem. They must not be confused! Thousands of years ago, didn't Xuanyuan envoy Xuanyuan sword slay dragons? There are good and bad dragons. In other words, dragon blood is a great tonic. Using dragon blood to make dragon blood pills can temper the body and strengthen the quality of the body. Only when the body is strong can it be easier to break through and go further. In short, dragon blood is a treasure!"

"That's true, but slaying a dragon is something only the strong do, so you don't have to think about dragon blood!"

"That's a pity!"

"Well, the dragon is here, it seems to be coming towards us, damn it! It heard us, Yang Hu, just your stinky mouth, can you think of dragon blood?"


Several martial practitioners were discussing on the ground and saw the white dragon swooping down from the sky. Three of them were so frightened that their legs limp and knelt down on the ground: "Master Long, I didn't mean it, I was just joking, you But forgive me!"

The three martial artists kowtowed to the ground again and again, dripping with cold sweat!

In particular, this white divine dragon with its pair of big copper bell eyes was only ten centimeters away from them. The dragon's beard fell on the three people's heads, and the sound of snorting followed their hearts.

This divine dragon can devour the three of them with just one mouthful.

One of the three of them fainted from fright on the spot!The other two were also kneeling on the ground trembling.

There were also some martial practitioners who stood far away, not daring to speak out at all.

"It's unreasonable that there are still people who dare to hit Ben Shenlong's attention!"

Ling Feng was very angry.

When he gets angry, it's hard to live.

Ling Feng vacated.

The three of Yang Hu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Ling Feng would no longer care about them, and quickly thanked: "Thank you, Master Long, for not killing..."

There is no end to the sentence.

The eyes of the three of them went dark, but a divine dragon swung its tail and landed on them.


The three of them flew directly into the sky, and a martial artist who was scared to death before was also awakened. Seeing his situation, he howled fiercely!
Originally, Ling Feng's stroke of three people almost broke his tendons and bones, but if he fell from a height of tens of meters, he would not die from the fall, and even if he did not die, he would have to shed a layer of skin!

"This is Shenlong, don't mess with it!"

The other martial practitioners said in horror as they watched the white dragon disappear into the sky.

In less than half a day, the news spread in the spiritual domain of the third entrance.

This spiritual domain!There are dragons!
(End of this chapter)

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