Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 240 Picked a peach! {2 more}

Chapter 240 Picked a peach! {Second update}

Ling Feng's eyes were bright.

There are actually spiritual springs here, and there are quite a few. At the beginning, he only got a bucket of spiritual liquid from Li Shenglong, and let him evolve to a second-level dragon. Now there are more than one bucket of spiritual liquid, especially these spiritual liquids are thicker. , I just don't know how deep this spiritual spring is. If it is three or four meters deep, then he has absorbed it, and I'm afraid it can evolve into a mad dragon.

At this moment, the young man in the Heaven Realm was fighting fiercely with the wolf king, because the pool was at the back, so if you didn't pay special attention, you wouldn't be able to find it at all.

Ling Feng's breath was restrained, and he quietly lurked to the side of Lingquan.

In fact, he is not afraid of this person and a wolf, but if he is discovered now, the other party will not be able to do anything to him, and he will not be able to do anything to the other party. At that time, it will be impossible to absorb the spiritual spring.

Beside the Lingquan, Ling Feng immersed himself in the Lingquan without making any sound.

As soon as he entered the Lingquan, Ling Feng was wrapped up all over his body, and he couldn't see his whole body.

Lingquan is about 1.5 meters deep, but it is not as deep as the three or four meters that Lingfeng desires.

At this time, he didn't have time to worry about it, even if there were only these, it was enough for him to absorb and evolve into an eighth-level dragon, or even a ninth-level dragon.


As soon as he entered the Lingquan, Ling Feng began to devour it crazily.

Streams of spiritual liquid entered the body and transformed into dragon energy.

9305998 deniers!
9413004 deniers!
9608301 deniers!

10061017 denier.

"Drip! Remind the host that the dragon energy value has reached the evolution condition, do you want to evolve?"


"Evolving...evolved successfully! The host is already a level eight dragon!"

Level [-] dragon!

This time the evolution of Lingfeng did not transform into a dragon, but there were bursts of severe pain in his body, much more painful than the evolution of a dragon body, as if his whole body was split open.


"I can't do this next time, I still have to evolve into a dragon body!"

Ling Feng was dying of pain in the Lingquan, but he didn't dare to speak out:

"If I had known it earlier, I would have been absorbing the spiritual spring. I would not evolve it now. After being discovered by the wolf king, it would not be too late for those young people to find out and then evolve!"

Ling Feng evolved successfully, and shrank at the bottom of the Lingquan, enduring the pain that was tearing him apart.

After a while, I gradually calmed down.

The surging dragon energy in his body was more than twice as strong.

The eighth-level dragon, Ling Feng reckoned, even if he was not an opponent of a one-star heaven-level martial artist, the opponent would not be able to do anything to him for a while.

He already has the qualifications to fight against the One Star Heaven Realm. Of course, it is just the qualifications. If he really wants to crush the opponent, he must go one step further and evolve to a ninth-level dragon.

Feel the surging power in the body, and continue to absorb the spiritual fluid in the spiritual spring.

He does not swallow, refine, or operate kung fu to absorb from the pores like ordinary martial artists, but opens his mouth wide, and the system absorbs it by itself. His body is like a bottomless pit, absorbing so much spiritual liquid, ordinary people His body exploded a long time ago, but he was fine.

Especially now that it has evolved to an eighth-level dragon, the absorption speed is faster.

The Lingquan is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. It used to be about 1.5 meters deep, but now it has dropped to one meter.

However, it took no more than 2 minutes from Lingfeng entering Lingquan to now.

At this speed, he can absorb the entire pool in about 5 minutes!

15004007 deniers!
25005886 deniers!
33650435 deniers!

63004332 deniers!
At this moment, the depth of Lingquan is less than half a meter.

Ling Feng's half body was exposed outside.

Because he was leaning against the stone on the side of the pool, no one could find him at the moment.

No one will find out!
Ling Feng was like a pack of hungry wolves, with green lights shining in his eyes, he wanted to devour all the spiritual liquid in this spiritual spring.


But among the pack of wolves, there was a white wolf that was blown away by eight martial practitioners. It just fell to the side of the Lingquan, and the white wolf did not die. It just happened to see Ling Feng. With a strong look of horror, why is there still one person?A pool of spiritual springs was almost emptied by this person, and they didn't find it.

If the wolf king finds out, he must not tear the person in front of him into powder!

As soon as Ling Feng saw that white wolf staring at him, he knew something was wrong!


Ling Feng devoured it with all his strength.

When the white wolf roared, the White Wolf King seemed to have got the news, he roared again and again, regardless of Senior Shi's attack, the lightning came, and he saw that the spirit pool was almost bottoming out, and a young man was sitting inside and absorbing it madly!

The White Wolf King's lungs seemed to explode!

Senior Shi also seemed to feel something was wrong. When he came to see it, he was shocked and angry like a bolt from the blue sky. He had worked so hard to fight the White Wolf King over there, and he had long regarded this pool of spiritual spring as his own. But now someone took advantage of her loopholes and made a wedding dress for someone, it's absolutely hateful!

The White Wolf Dynasty rushed towards Ling Feng fiercely, with a gloomy gleam in his ferocious eyes.

This human being was still absorbing the spiritual spring when he discovered it. It was simply too bold to ignore them.

At this moment, not only the White Wolf King, but also Senior Shi roared and slashed towards Ling Feng with murderous intent in his eyes, but at the same time, he was terrified in his heart. This is a pool of spiritual springs. This young man has absorbed 80.00 % more, the body is not burst?

What is this situation?
But no matter what, this young man is doomed and will never live!

Senior Shi decided that the person in front of him must be beaten to ashes.

Even if he got the remaining Lingquan, it might not be enough for him to break through.

The way to get promoted is like killing your parents.

Shi Xuechang's teeth were almost crushed!

The White Wolf King and Senior Shi came towards Ling Feng almost at the same time.

But at this moment, Ling Feng suddenly opened his eyes, showed his white teeth towards the man and the wolf, and smiled.

next moment.


Before the White Wolf King and Senior Shi attacked, Ling Feng had already soared into the sky, transforming into a dragon!
"Thank you for your spiritual liquid, I won't play with you anymore!"

Ling Feng soared into the air, with a pair of long eyes looking down at the angry, but shocked one man and one wolf, showing a very humane smile, ignoring them, and flew away towards the outside.

From a distance, Ling Feng could hear waves of howling wolves and the sound of people's anger, earth-shattering.


"Damn it!"

Senior Shi raised his head to the sky and roared, boom boom boom!A boulder shattered.

The anger in my heart was burning.

The other eight martial artists also looked at the direction Ling Feng was leaving in a dazed manner, and swallowed: "Shenlong!"

This time they saw Shenlong with their own eyes.

But this divine dragon is a humanoid dragon.

At the same time, they recalled Xiaoquan's words before, saying that there was a dragon in the third spiritual realm, could it be the one in front of them?
Several people took a look at Xiao Quan.

"I didn't expect that either!"

Xiaoquan's face was also full of disbelief. This dragon is the same as what he heard outside before, but it is bigger. of.

(End of this chapter)

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