Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 249: Fight! {1 more}

Chapter 249: Fight! {one more}
"Dad, he's fine."

Ji Yingying shook her head desperately, with tears streaming down her face.

"Evil Shadow" Miao Kun, a nine-star realm, was previously one of the 108 wanted criminals on the Martial Arts Most Wanted list.

At this time, the realm has improved, and the rankings may have to be changed.

But what about the Nine Stars Realm.

Ji Yingying knew in her heart that with Ling Feng's identity, what was a nine-star realm?
In the battle of Xihong City, she knew when she came out of the devil's lair that even the master of the Wushen Pavilion with nine stars at the peak of the realm was no match for Ling Feng.

A mere "evil shadow" Miao Kun, who has just stepped into the nine-star realm, is even more impossible.

Ji Yingying wasn't worried at all.

Now she only hated herself for coming back too slowly.

Ji Qiubai was clearly dying.

Ji Qiubai shook his head at his daughter's words.

Although "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun has just stepped into the Nine-Star Realm, this person is not comparable to ordinary Nine-Stars. There is not a weak person who can be named on the Martial Arts Most Wanted List.

As for Ling Feng, no matter what, he couldn't see how strong the opponent was, he was too young!

"Jie Jie!"

"Ji Qiubai, you're right, all of you are going to die today."

"Evil shadow:" Miao Kunyin smiled deeply:

"However, let's wait until I get rid of this annoying boy first."

"Evil Shadow" Miao Kun's eyes fell on Ling Feng:
"You brat who doesn't know how to live or die, I have to let you try my tricks!"

While speaking, "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun moved.

An afterimage was left in place.

Once "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun made a move, he didn't hold back at all and went all out.

As a person on the most wanted list in martial arts, everyone hates him. If he didn't have a bit of agility and wisdom, he would have died long ago.

In fact, "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun had already seen that Ling Feng had no aura at all.

But he didn't dare to be careless.

Knowing that there is danger here, Ling Feng dared to follow Ji Yingying here, obviously he had some strength.

There aren't many really stupid people in the world.

Evil Light Phantom!

No trace!

This is "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun's unique skill "Evil Shadow Step".

It is also by virtue of this footwork that "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun has this title.

As soon as the "Evil Shadow Step" came out, few people caught his trace.

Also relying on this footwork, martial arts practitioners who are stronger than him are not his opponents, and even if they lose, they can still retreat completely.


What he met was Ling Feng.

"Evil Shadow Step" is nothing, how can it be compared with "Walking Dragon Step".

Moreover, Ling Feng's strength has greatly improved this time, and he is not far from the ninth-level dragon.

A mere martial artist who has just stepped into the Nine Star Realm, in front of him, is like a child playing house, easy to catch!

Before "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun's claw reached Ling Feng, he felt dark and painful.

The whole person fell seven or eight meters away.

show his body.

"Evil Shadow" Miao Kun's face was swollen and oozing blood.

But he was slapped away by Ling Feng.

However, "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun is also special. His nose has been completely cut off, two nostrils are turned upside down, and he has shoulder-length hair with a small braid in the middle.

At this moment, "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun's eyes were full of disbelief.

He wiped his face, and there was blood on his hands.


"Evil Shadow" Miao Kun laughed, and the smile seemed to burst out from between the teeth:

"Eight-star realm! I, 'Evil Shadow' Miao Kun, was slapped in the face by an eight-star realm martial artist. This has never happened before. It seems that making your life worse than death is easy. , I must show you my cruelest methods."

"Evil Shadow" Miao Kun moved again.

The previous blow was just a tentative blow, "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun didn't expect Ling Feng's sudden heavy hand, and slapped him.

Such a great shame and humiliation, how could he give up so easily at this moment.

call out!
"Evil Shadow Sword Qi!"

"Evil Shadow Miao Kun" was ethereal and ethereal, and the sword shadow was like a ghost, sometimes floating here and sometimes there.

The whole person seems to have turned into a ghost.

No one knew in which direction he was.

And his sword energy had already reached Ling Feng.

"Hmph, what about 'Evil Shadow' Miao Kun and 'Dog Shadow' Miao Kun are pretty much the same!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly.

The next moment, whoosh!
Ling Feng disappeared!

Walking around!Mad Dragon Sword Qi!


With a groan, a fountain of blood gushed out.

"Evil Shadow" Miao Kun, the right hand holding the sword was broken at the wrist!

A sword!
Ling Feng broke "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun's hand with just one strike.

Ding Ding Deng!
"Xieying" Miao Kun retreated again and again, with a look of horror on his face: "How is it possible?! I, 'Xieying' Miao Kun, stepped into the nine-star realm and possessed a spirit sword, 'Xieying' sword art, ''Xieying' step '! Even a strong man in the mid-nine-star realm would be killed by me, but he was defeated by a brat. Kid! Who are you, tell me, and I will kill you next time!"

"Heh, you still want to have a next time, do you think it's possible?"

Ling Feng walked towards "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun step by step.

"Evil Shadow" Miao Kun's eyes flickered, he stepped back step by step, and suddenly jumped up, like a ghost, like a ghost, sprinting towards the outside of the manor.

"If you want to escape, can you escape?"

Ling Feng sneered.

Whoosh!Ling Feng exploded like a swimming dragon, and the next moment he appeared in front of "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun.

"Evil Shadow" Miao Kun's complexion changed, and a claw of his left hand protruded out, like a ghost's claw, which was specially designed to take people's internal organs.

It's a pity that Ling Feng grabbed his left paw with a slap.

Ling Feng is now an eighth-level dragon, and his body is unbelievably hard. He grabbed the hand of "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun and used a little force!what! All the bones in the palm of "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun were crushed, screaming again and again: "Forgive me, Your Excellency! I have no grudges against you, so let this matter go? I will never seek revenge from you in the future!"

"Evil Shadow" Miao Kun's eyes flickered with horror.

"Is it possible? I thought you had some backbone, but it seems that you are just a coward who bullies the weak and fears the tough."

Ling Feng smiled disdainfully, raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows:
"Huh? You still have fangs in your mouth, yes, yes, but unfortunately, it's useless!"

But just when he was speaking, "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun spewed out a black lacquer tooth from his mouth, shining with a faint light. It was obviously a poisonous fang, but was flashed by Ling Feng, trying to plot against him Ling Feng was still a little stunned, Ling Feng did not lack actual combat experience.

"You don't need any teeth, so I'll pull them out for you!"

Ling Feng grabbed "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun's braid and lifted it up.

Clap clap clap!

Teeth spurted out of the mouth with clusters of bright red.

Even the face around the mouth, the chin, and the lips were covered with flesh and blood, with bones visible.


"Forgive me!"

"Excuse me? Aren't you 'Xie Ying' Miao Kun, the 'Xie Ying' Miao Kun who is frightening, why don't you act violently now, huh? You're a waste!"


Ling Feng shattered the meridians of "Evil Shadow" Miao Kun, broke his legs, and threw it in front of Ji Qiubai's father and daughter like garbage: "I'll leave it to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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