Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 253 Voting certificate {5 more}

Chapter 253 Voting certificate {fifth update}
Be an ordinary person?

Rong Qi and the others stared.

This is to abolish Ji Yingying.

Not bad for being Dongfang's adopted son, but he is ruthless.

But this also made Rong Qi and Lu Lian's heart tremble.

Now treat Ji Yingying like this.

When Ji's family was really wiped out, it was his Lu's and Rong's turn.

"Dongfang Jun, you actually want to abolish my cultivation?"

Ji Yingying looked at him in disbelief:
"We are all students of East China Wuhan University. If you do this, my tutor will not spare you."

"I don't think your mentor will care anymore."

Dongfang Jun said unhurriedly:
"And your mentor is no better than my mentor. There is nothing terrible about it."

"Meaning, are you sure you really want to do this?"

Ji Yingying suddenly calmed down and smiled.


Dongfang Jun was a little strange, could Ji Yingying turn the world upside down?He smiled:

"Yingying, it's better to be an ordinary person!"

"Hehe, it's good to be an ordinary person, since that's the case..."

When Ji Yingying said this, she suddenly turned her head to look at her father, and said with a smile:
"Dad, you are right. There has never been any affection between families. I used to be too naive. No, I have always been too naive. I took it for granted. I thought I was a princess in a fairy tale. In fact, I am nothing. I'm just an ordinary person."

Ji Yingying talked to his father, but it seemed to be talking to herself.


She foolishly thought that Duan Ping loved her, and foolishly followed him to the magic cave, where she almost died. The original purpose was to let Duan Ping step into the nine-star realm, and she thought that the improvement of Duan Ping's strength was the improvement of her own strength. In Lingyu, the one you love abandons you.

She felt that the Ji family was also a big family in Beijiang City. In the past, although there was competition between the four major families, they were still harmonious, but now, it's too ridiculous.


Ji Qiubai had a bitter face.

He was also to blame for this matter, his wife died early, and he only had such a daughter, how could he not love her?
Have not experienced ups and downs, who knows these bloody storms.

Even if it was him, Ji Qiubai, the Ji family collapsed overnight.

If it wasn't for his daughter, he would have died by himself by now, and now he looks like a ghost, can't even take care of himself, what's the point of being alive.

"Ling Feng, please come out. The treasure house of my Ji family is yours. I just want everyone who comes today to become ordinary people. Didn't they say that it is good to be ordinary people? I will help them."

Ji Yingying said loudly, as if she wanted to express the unhappiness in her heart.

Ji Yingying's voice fell.

Dongfang Jun and the others frowned and looked towards the inner door.

According to Ji Yingying's words, there is a backer, and they are all going to be abolished?
With Ji Yingying as her backer, does she have such great ability?
Dongfang Jun didn't believe it.

Rong Qi and the others didn't believe it either.

However, Dongfang Jun was a little puzzled. He seemed to have heard of the name Ling Feng somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

at this time.

A young figure appeared at the door.

This young man is too young, but at the age of fifteen or sixteen, he exudes an ordinary aura, that is, he has no aura of a strong man, just an ordinary person. If there is any bright spot, it is that the young man is very handsome , bright eyes.

"Ha ha……"

"Young master, Miss Ji is asking this person to destroy us, isn't this a joke!"

A young man behind Dongfang Jun couldn't help laughing first.

The other martial artists couldn't help laughing too.

A young man wants to depose them, this is really like a joke.

"Have you decided?"

Ling Feng looked at Ji Yingying.

"Please also take action."

Ji Yingying bit her lip.

"Where's Patriarch Ji?"

Ling Feng said.

"My daughter means what I mean."

Ji Qiubai's eyes suddenly flashed fiercely:
"However, I ask you to not only abolish these people present, but also abolish Dongfang Sha, the master of the Seven Kills Gate, and all martial practitioners above the six-star realm of the Seven Kills Gate!"

After a pause: "Of course, my Ji family's treasury will definitely satisfy you, and this time the Rong family, Lu family, and Qishamen are unkind, so I have no choice but to be unrighteous and abolish them when the time comes, Rong family, Lu family Home, the treasure house of the Seven Killing Gate is also yours, I don’t think the world will say anything.”

hiss!People from the Rong family and other three major forces present looked at Ji Qiubai in disbelief.

This man is crazy.

Abolished the powerhouses of their three families.

Is this possible? Only a madman would say such a thing.

"Ji Qiubai, have your father and daughter's brains been burnt out? You can say that."

Dongfang Jun said:

"Originally, I wanted you to live a peaceful and stable life without worrying about food and clothing, but now I have changed my mind. 'Evil Shadow' Miao Kun did not wipe out your Ji family, so I will make up for it." .”

Rong Qi also said: "Ji Qiubai, regardless of whether your little backer can do this, as far as you are now, we will not spare you now."

Lu Lianshen's eyes kept flickering, but he didn't speak.

No matter what these people said, Ling Feng said at this moment: "In that case, as you wish!"

Ling Feng's eyes fell on the 11 members of the Rong family, the Lu family, and the Seven Killing Sect, ready to strike.

"Wait a minute!"

Lu Lianshen stood up quickly.


Ling Feng frowned.

"Mr. Lingfeng, I am willing to send it to the treasure house of the Lu family!"


Ling Feng looked at Lu Lianshen.

In the hall, Dongfang Jun, Rong Qi, and even the elders of Lu's family who followed Lu Lianshen all looked at Lu Lianshen in disbelief.

What did Lu Lianshen say? He wanted to send out the treasure house of the Lu family.

"Lu Lianshen, you are crazy!"

Rong Qi lost his voice.

Lu Lianshen shook his head and looked at Ling Feng: "Mr. Ling Feng, please spare our Lu family."

"It's useless, this is something agreed with Ji's family."

Ling Feng said calmly.

Lu Lianshen quickly looked at Ji Qiubai: "Brother Ji, don't be so cruel, we were wrong this time! How about my Lu family making it up to you?" Seeing that Ji Qiubai didn't pay attention to him, Lu Lianshen gritted his teeth: "Brother Ji, I'll send you a certificate of merit!"

While speaking, Lu Lian's eyes fell on Rong Qi: "Brother Rong, I have wronged you!"

Rong Qi didn't understand why, he frowned, and was about to speak when his face suddenly changed.

Lu Lianshen actually attacked Rong Qi brazenly.

The two of us are relatively close, and Rong Qi has no chance to react to this shot.

With a scream, Rong Qi was blown away, and blood was spurted out with his internal organs in his mouth!
This shot, Lu Lianshen didn't hold back at all, it was absolutely the strongest blow.

Rong Qi fell to the ground, his internal organs were torn apart, obviously he couldn't survive.

"Lu Lianshen!"

Rong Qi's eyes were filled with anger, disbelief, bewilderment, and confusion. He didn't understand why Lu Lianshen would kill him.

Could it be that this Ling Feng has a great background and great influence, they can't afford to provoke him.

I don't know what it is, or it was a flash of inspiration before death, Ling Feng, huh?So familiar, and so young, could it be Master Jiang Chengling?

"You, you are..."

Rong Qi stared at Ling Feng, and wanted to say Ling Feng's name, but unfortunately, he couldn't finish a sentence, tilted his head, and died of anger.

Was beaten to death by Lu Lianshen!

The whole place is silent!

(End of this chapter)

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